grandfather married

Chapter 213 is not favored

Chapter 213 is not favored
When Ji Sibo came to see Ji Fushou, the main reason was to ask Ji Fushou his opinion on this battle.

"The army is so powerful, Dingxiang City will definitely get news, but Xiliang hasn't moved in the past few days. What do you think is the reason why they don't move like a mountain?" Ji Fushou asked Ji Sibo as if reminding him.

Ji Sibo frowned and pondered, "30 troops plus 20 reinforcements, Xiliang only has [-] troops, is Xiliang afraid?"

Ji Fushou shook his head, "If Xiliang is afraid, he will retreat directly."

Ji Sibo pondered again, "Could it be that you are waiting for news from Daqi?"

Ji Fushou smiled slightly, "That's true. The Tengxiang Army left a lot of military pay in Dingxiang City, which is enough to consume Xiliang for a period of time. It is always difficult to attack the city. Xiliang is guarding Dingxiang City. As long as there is a move Just wait for Da Qi to make a move. From the beginning, only Da Qi was passive."

Ji Sibo sighed, "It's a pity that we have a small official position and can't attend the discussion between the commander and the other generals. I don't know what they plan to do. Even if we have a good plan, we can't tell the commander and them to go forward."

Ji Fushou took a sip of hot tea, "According to my guess, your coach will launch his first attack soon."

Ji Sibo looked puzzled, and Ji Fushou explained: "The sage is paying attention to the northern border, the imperial court is paying attention to the northern border, and all the people in Daqi are paying attention to the northern border. If there is any movement, Duke Lu, the coach, would be a joke."

Ji Fushou smiled slightly, and said slowly, "Now in Mayi City, in addition to the 15 Longwu Army, there are also 12 Tengxiang Army, [-] Huben Army, and [-] Yanshan Army.

Behind the Tengxiang army is the third prince, behind the Huben army is the fourth prince, and the Yanshan army is the British line.

For Duke Lu's first attack, he had to win quickly, so as to establish his position as the coach of the 35 army.

Furthermore, he also needs to win, so that His Majesty feels that there is nothing wrong with choosing him as the coach. He is no worse than the British, so he can stop some people's mouths.

Secondly, victory can also deter the arrogant and arrogant attitude of Xiliang people, and boost the morale of Daqi soldiers. The morale of an army is so important that it can make full use of [-]% of its combat power. "

Ji Sibo's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help asking expectantly, "Auntie, look, can Duke Lu win the first attack?"

Ji Fushou gradually restrained his smile. Seeing her like this, Ji Sibo's heart skipped a beat, and he pursed his lips tightly.

"It's hard. It's even... possible to lose."

Ji Sibo remained silent.

Ji Fushou knocked on the table, made a sound of "duk tuk tuk", pointed to the charcoal basins around the corner of the room, "First, the cold weather. Xiliang people are different from Daqi people, they are used to this kind of cold In this kind of weather, we have to use charcoal basins to keep warm. I think, in your barracks, many soldiers have frostbite, right?"

Ji Sibo's expression gradually fluctuated, a little ugly, and he nodded with difficulty, "Yes, there are still people who contracted the cold and fell ill because of this, and have been moved to another tent separated."

Ji Fushou nodded slightly, "I guess, the first time your coach attacks, he will either send out the Tengxiang Army or the Yanshan Army."

Ji Sibo understood a little bit, and then said: "It's because the Tengxiang Army has been stationed in Northern Xinjiang for many years, and they have already gotten used to the climate in Northern Xinjiang. And the Yanshan Army used to guard Northern Xinjiang, so if it is said that they adapt to the weather, the soldiers of the two armies Easiest to get used to."

If you get used to the climate, you will be able to retain your combat power. This is where the Tengxiang Army and the Yanshan Army are more advantageous than the Longwu Army and the Huben Army.

Ji Fushou then asked again: "In your opinion, do you think Lu Guogui sent the Tengxiang Army or the Yanshan Army?"

Ji Sibo pondered for a while before he said: "Originally, someone in the court suggested that the Duke of England be the commander of the army, but in the end it was the Duke of Lu who won the position of commander. The Yanshan Army is also from the British Duke's line. I guess, the Duke of Lu The Duke may send a troop."

Ji Fushou smiled and shook his head lightly, "No, if I were the Duke of Lu, I would send the Yanshan Army."

"Hey, why is that?" Ji Sibo asked puzzled.

In his thinking, Duke Lu should use the Tengxiang Army, after all, the Yanshan Army is his deadly enemy faction.

"Because the Duke of Lu wants to win. The Tengxiang army abandoned Dingxiang City when they encountered the Xiliang army. If the Tengxiang army were to take the lead in the first attack, wouldn't it be afraid that the Tengxiang army would throw away their helmets and armor and run away?"

Ji Fushou's words made Ji Sibo speechless for a moment.

Ji Fushou sneered again: "If it weren't for the fact that the current situation does not allow killing generals before the battle, it may cause panic in the Tengxiang army. If the Tengxiang army abandoned Dingxiang City, Feng Hao would not be alive today."

"After all, the Yanshan Army is an army that once made the Xiliang army fearful. Although the Duke of Lu and the British Duke have no confrontation, the one who knows each other best is probably the Duke of Lu, so the Guild of Lu trusts the combat power of the Yanshan Army."

Ji Fushou hooked his lips, and looked at Ji Sibo amusedly, "Do you think that the Lu Guogui will not use the Yanshan Army because they are not dealing with the British? Sibo, don't underestimate the minds of these big men. At this time, Winning is more important than personal grudges."

Ji Sibo smiled awkwardly, "Sibo underestimated Duke Lu."

Ji Fushou sighed, "It's a pity, even if the Yanshan army goes out, this time, I'm afraid it will be defeated."

She glanced at Ji Sibo, and said lightly: "I don't think about attacking, it's because of Dingxiang City."

When Ji Sibo came out of the house, his expression was a little dazed, his aunt's words kept lingering in his mind, and he didn't know how he got back to the camp.

As soon as he returned to the tent, he was grabbed by Chi Jiashi, "Where did you go, Sibo? Come on, I'll take you to see Uncle Liang."

Ji Sibo and Huaiying followed Chi Jiashi and came to a camp. The guards outside the camp saw the three of them, and cupped their hands at Chi Jiashi, "Young master, please wait a little while, and the subordinates will report to the general .”

Soon, the guards came out from inside, raised the curtain, and said to them with a smile: "The general let you in."

Chi Jiashi nodded politely at him, and led the two of them in.

Ji Sibo saw a burly middle-aged man sitting in the tent, and when he saw Chi Jiashi, a smile appeared on his face.

Chi Jiashi saluted respectfully, "I've met Uncle Liang."

Huaiying also cupped her hands, "I have seen Uncle Liang."

The same is true for Ji Sibo, "I have seen General Liang."

The person in front of him is Liang Zhenhai, the leading general of the 12 Yanshan Army.

Liang Zhenhai laughed, "Ah Shi and Aying don't need to be polite."

Looking at Ji Sibo again, "Is this a friend of A Shi and A Ying? Don't be so cautious, just do what A Shi does, just call me Uncle Liang."

After the politeness was over, Liang Zhenhai straightened his expression, "The coach has given the order, and the attack will be launched the day after tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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