grandfather married

Chapter 218 Ancient Infamy?

Chapter 218 Eternal Infamy?

Chi Jiashi looked at Liang Zhenhai, saw that he was silent, then looked at Ji Sibo, Ji Sibo snorted, "It's the people of Daqi who died, you, as a Xiliang person, would cherish their lives?

The people of Daqi are dead, and they can consume less food in Dingxiang City.If we can't rescue the people of Dingxiang City before their surplus food is exhausted, they will only die. "

After a pause, Ji Sibo shook his head again, "No, it has been nearly a month since Dingxiang City fell, and maybe some people in Dingxiang City have starved to death."

Unexpectedly, he thought of the people he saw under the city wall, their faces were yellow and thin, their clothes were empty, and their voices were full of lack of energy, and they seemed to be hungry.

Chi Jiashi gritted his teeth angrily, "Damn it! Hate it!"

Ji Sibo looked at Chi Jiashi's resentful expression, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "Besides what I just said, there may be something happening in Dingxiang that makes you angry."

Chi Jiashi paused, and asked with difficulty: "What else is there?"

Huaiying and Liang Zhenhai also looked at him, Huaiying was puzzled, Liang Zhenhai was thoughtful.

Ji Sibo looked at Liang Zhenhai, "Uncle Liang, in fact, you should have thought about those Daqi girls who stayed in Dingxiang City and didn't have time to escape."

Liang Zhenhai frowned, "That's right, I guessed that there were no women among the people pushed out by the Xiliang people."

Chi Jiashi was in a hurry, what kind of charades are these two playing?
Only Huaiying thought about it, and his expression changed, "The Xiliang people insulted all the women in Dingxiang City?"

Chi Jiashi was stunned, he suddenly remembered what his father had told him, when the Xiliang people invaded the border, apart from plundering supplies, they also liked plundering women.

Ji Sibo breathed out, and his voice was cold, "That's right, people in Xiliang are short of women, and they brought so many soldiers, even though it is said that the 20 army is an imaginary number, at least 10,000+ are still there, otherwise they will fly away." There is no need for the army to retreat. There are more than a dozen or 20 Xiliang men and women in Dingxiang City, and I am afraid that they will have to take turns serving them."

He remembered what he had encountered on the prairie, those Xiliang men not only lacked women, but also let their women entertain brave men, intending to keep strong children.

They are so unscrupulous about meat and vegetables, and there are many women stationed in Dingxiang City, how could they be polite?
Chi Jiashi was stunned, and his tone was difficult, "The people of Xiliang occupied Daqi's city, ate Daqi's food, enjoyed Daqi's women, and then used Daqi's men to stop Daqi's army from attacking. .”

His heart felt cold for a while, and he felt powerless for a while. He really didn't know how to get rid of the predicament in front of him.

Ji Sibo looked numb, lowered his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes, "If we take back Dingxiang City in the end, those women will be pregnant."

Chi Jiashi and Huaiying showed a dazed and uncomfortable expression on their faces, "If those women are pregnant, then the children in their stomachs are from Xiliang people."

Those children have the blood of Xiliang people, so are they Daqi people?The people of Xiliang have done such a great evil to Northern Xinjiang, will the people of Northern Xinjiang harbor hatred towards them after the war?Will Xiliang people use them as ghosts?
These questions came to their minds almost instantly.

It was Liang Zhenhai who interrupted their thoughts, "Don't think about it too much, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. If it really gets there, it won't be too late. The most important thing right now is how to take back Dingxiang City."

He looked at the three teenagers and saw that they were not looking well. He knew that today's scene had a big impact on them, so he waved them to go back and rest.

After the three of them left, he picked up the memorial, put it in a small box, and ordered someone to send it back to the capital in eight hundred miles.

On the same day, not only Liang Zhenhai sent the memorial book back to the capital, but also the memorial book of Duke Lu and the censor sent by Emperor Qi Cheng to follow the army all the way, also wrote down the scene he saw on the city wall truthfully and sent it to the capital. Back to Emperor Qi Cheng's royal case.

The role of this censor is only to record the events on the battlefield truthfully for Emperor Qi Cheng, and not to participate in military strategy.Emperor Qi Cheng was afraid that the army would conceal the military information, so he deliberately let a censor in, and secretly reminded Lu Guogong and other generals.

Except for Lu Guogong and a few generals, no one else knew about the existence of this censor, and Liang Zhenhai never told Ji Sibo about it.

Coming out of Liang Zhenhai's camp, Chi Jiashi walked silently all the way, when he was about to reach the camp of the three of them, he suddenly said: "I don't want to go back and rest, even if there is nothing I can do about the Xiliang people now, I don't want to be decadent, I'm going to practice in the Martial Arts Field."

Ji Sibo recovered from his own thoughts, looked at Chi Jiashi's energetic face, and echoed, "I'll go with me, practice martial arts and horsemanship well, and one day kill all Xiliang people."

Huaiying put one hand on someone's shoulder, "Let's go, let's go, all three of us."

The three teenagers walked to the martial arts arena together.

The results of this battle quickly spread throughout Mayi City, and then spread to other places in northern Xinjiang.

When Ji Fushou brought Su and the others back from a hidden corner, his expression not only did not loosen, but became more dignified.

Everyone in Yeying didn't know anything about military strategy, and the others couldn't understand why Ji Fushou looked ugly, so Su asked boldly, "Master, the people of Xiliang failed to please this attack, which means that he can no longer accept our hand. You have taken advantage of it, why do you still look down on Daqi's army as before?"

Ji Fushou leaned on the back of his chair, folded his hands, "Because Daqi's army has nothing to do with the Xiliang people. Even if they are not threatened by the Xiliang people, it is because Daqi is at a disadvantage."

She analyzed them one by one. These words were similar to what Ji Sibo and the others said in Liang Zhenhai's camp. The problems Ji Sibo and the others could see, there was no reason why she couldn't see them, and she saw them deeper.

After listening to Ji Fushou's explanation, Su and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and Su clicked his tongue, "Doesn't this mean that Da Qi will be defeated this time?"

Ji Fushou raised his eyelids, "Defeat, it's not like that. Looking at it today, Duke Lu is a ruthless person. If he can be ruthless, Daqi will not be defeated."

Su let out a "huh", "What the lord means is that he is optimistic that Duke Lu will win this time?"

But after listening to the lord's explanation, he scratched his head and couldn't think of any other way to win.

Ji Fushou's tone was unclear, "If the Duke of Lu is cruel enough, maybe the people of Xiliang will become catching turtles instead."

"It depends on whether Duke Lu has the courage to bear this eternal infamy."

(End of this chapter)

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