grandfather married

Chapter 289 Healing

Chapter 289 Healing
Doctor Si looked at the sincerity on Ji Fushou's face, and for some reason, his expression eased. Perhaps after knowing that she was Ji Ling, he thought of the relationship between Master Guanzhu and the Ji family, and said something he had never said in front of Chi Qiguang. , and did not hide from Ji Fushou,
"When escaping from the army, the elders of the clan gave up their lives, so that the inheritance of the clan was almost cut off. Mr. Guanzhu spent his whole life to barely keep the firewood. After 200 years of continuation, he was able to recover the same Same as before."

Ji Fushou understood, and comforted, "Everything will be fine."

A cold light flashed across Doctor Si's eyes, "Of course, everything will be fine."

Before she left the ancestral land, she had already transferred the clan members together with the elders of the clan. Even if she was exposed, Daqi would never want to find their ancestral land again. Kill all.

"I heard Mr. Chi said that you want me to heal someone. Let's go. It's getting late. I'll let you go and have a look." Doctor Si has always acted swiftly, and urged after only a little greeting with Ji Fushou.

Ji Fushou took her into the carriage, came to the small house, and took Doctor Si directly into the house.

It's still the end of the first lunar month, and the weather is still cold. Aunt Fang will only take Su Rui out to bask in the sun when the sun is good at noon. At this moment, Su Rui is sitting on a chair with a blanket on her lap, and A book, her finger took a bamboo piece the size of a signature, and placed it on the edge of the book. Every time she read a page, her fingers moved vigorously, turning the pages, and she was fascinated. read on.

Although the act of turning pages often made her sweat, she never asked Aunt Fang to help.

Ji Fushou and Doctor Si looked at Su Rui quietly in the corner. After a while, Doctor Si turned to look at Ji Fushou and said with emotion, "The tendons in the arms and legs were broken, and there are other things like this." For a person with perseverance and determination, who is so ruthless to herself, I really hope that if her hands and feet are all healed, her enemies will be very afraid, right?"

On the way here, Ji Fushou and Doctor Si confessed Su Rui's life experience and experiences. Hearing that Su Rui, like her, both harbored blood feuds, and the injuries on her body were caused by revenge, Doctor Si had a good impression of her. At this time, seeing Su Rui's performance is even more pleasing to the eye. Originally, there was no definite answer whether Ji Fushou would save Su Rui, but when he said this, it was like saying that he would do his best to save Su Rui.

Ji Fushou bent his lips, looked at Su Rui softly, and agreed, "Yes, I'm looking forward to it too."

Hearing voices in the room, Su Rui raised her head and saw Ji Fushou at a glance, her eyes lit up, "My lord, are you here?"

She said angrily again, "I am inconvenient and cannot salute the lord, but I hope the lord will not be offended."

Ji Fushou slowly walked up to her, bent down and touched her hand, and felt relieved when he saw the warmth of his palm, and said with a light smile, "Why did you suddenly ask me to be the master?"

Su Rui replied seriously, "My life was saved by the Lord. Although I don't know how long I can live on, I already regard this life as the Lord's. No matter what the Lord asks me to do, I will I will do it. Aunt Fang asked you to be the master, so I followed suit. Although I am useless, I hope the master will not despise me."

The little girl has always been weak in body and bones, and has been severely injured. Her complexion is pale and her lips are light, but the stubbornness and persistence in her eyes somehow softened Ji Fushou's heart. She is still younger than Azhi. What about the children.

She rubbed Su Rui's head, and she didn't insist on correcting Su Rui's address, but gently introduced Doctor Si to her, "I brought a doctor with excellent medical skills to show you your hands and feet today. doctor."

She didn't mention whether she could be cured or not. After all, it had been four months since she rescued Su Rui. After such a long time, she didn't know how hopeful she would be cured. She didn't want the little girl to be hopeful and disappointed.

At this time, Su Rui was in the mood to notice Doctor Si. She saw that Ji Fushou was polite and cautious to Doctor Si, so she nodded very seriously at Doctor Si, "Doctor Si, Su Rui is being polite here, and it's inconvenient to move around. Forgive me."

Doctor Si nodded gently, "Let me take a look at your hands and feet first."

Aunt Fang followed behind the two of them. Hearing this, she stepped forward, carried Su Rui back to the big bed in the inner room, and covered her with a blanket.

Doctor Si put down the medicine box, gently rolled up her sleeves, and carefully felt her meridians.

Su Rui's eyes have always been calm, showing a kind of indifference beyond her age, and Doctor Si has a good impression of her. If it weren't for the rules in the clan, she really wanted to accept this little girl as an apprentice.

After Dr. Si finished checking the hands and feet one by one, he looked at Ji Fushou, "If it takes a year or so, maybe I can't help it, but now it's not a big problem to let her walk again."

It wasn't until this moment that Su Rui's eyes fluctuated, and her tone became a little eager, "Doctor Si, are you telling the truth? Can I really stand up again?"

Doctor Si's face was indifferent, "Of course, if I say you can stand up again, I won't let you smash my signboard."

There is no distinction between medicine and Gu. Before the Xiang people use Gu to kill people, they must learn to save people. Otherwise, what if they capsize in the gutter and are killed by their own Gu?
Their Xiang nationality can cultivate continuous life Gu, so how difficult is it to continue the tendons of the hands and feet?
"It's just that the process of renewing the tendons will be very painful." Doctor Si said looking at Su Rui.

Su Rui smiled suddenly and said loudly, "The last thing I fear is pain, it's better than being unconscious."

After hearing this, Doctor Si laughed out loud for the first time, and looked at Ji Fushou, "I really want to snatch this little girl from you."

Before Ji Fushou could make a sound, Su Rui became anxious, "No, I'm the Lord's man all my life. Even if you cure me, I won't go with you."

This made the two of them laugh, and Ji Fushou said with a smile, "Doctor Si is teasing you."

Only then did Su Rui feel relieved, and looked at Doctor Si a little shyly.

Doctor Si liked her, so he didn't care about what she said, and said, "I'll go back and get some things, and I'll come over to treat her tomorrow, and I'll give you another order. During the treatment, she needs to make up her body."

Ji Fushou nodded, "Give me the list, and I'll send someone over here later."

She asked again, "I don't know how long it will take to heal?"

The doctor's tone was firm, "It won't be more than a month."

Ji Fushou solemnly thanked him, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Doctor Si waved his hand, "It's also me who likes this little girl."

Ji Fushou stayed and inquired about Su Rui's life during these days, seeing that it was getting late, he left the small house.

(End of this chapter)

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