Chapter 294
Chi Qiguang took out a sachet, tossed it in his hand, and then turned his hand, Chi Jiashi caught the sachet.

Chi Jiashi opened it curiously, poured a few pills into the palm of his hand, lowered his head and sniffed, only to smell a pungent smell, he wrinkled his face and hurriedly avoided it.

For Chi Jiashi himself, it doesn't matter whether he goes or not, but just like what the elder brother said, what if he doesn't go this time, what if the eldest princess is not reconciled?

Originally, he would be afraid of the Eldest Princess' Gu technique, but now that his eldest brother gave him a sachet to prevent Gu insects, Chi Jiashi became more courageous.

Chi Qiguang's words made Cui hesitate. Seeing this, the British Duke said, "Ma'am, you can't let A Shi hide from you in the future. Now that A Shi has entered the court, he can't walk alone. He needs to know a lot." Only a few like-minded people can gain a foothold in the court.

I was feared by the Holy Majesty, and your natal family also retreated from the court. The Chi and Cui families have been dormant for so many years. If we continue to dormant, we will gradually be marginalized.Why should I send Ah Shi to northern Xinjiang?It's time for the British government to be born. "

Originally, the youngest son had been practicing martial arts and literature by his side. Except for Huaiying and the cousins ​​of the Cui family, there were very few companions of the same age. This spring banquet was a good opportunity. Let people outside know Ashi.

Cui said silently for a moment, then turned her head and left, "I can't persuade you father and son anymore, you can just go if you want to go."

Chi Jiashi glanced at his father, the British prince got up and straightened his clothes, and said calmly, "We will go to the banquet as promised."

After finishing speaking, he chased Cui Shi away.

Chi Jiashi waited for his father to leave, touched his nose, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, what is the real reason why father and you insist on me going?"

What about making companions, if he really believed it, he would be a fool.Nowadays, the competition among the several princes is becoming more and more fierce, and their British government has always been neutral on the surface. If he makes friends everywhere at this time, who knows who those people are supporting in private?
Chi Qiguang's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, "In the past, the Dachang Princess' Mansion never posted a post for you, my brother or my father. This is the first time in more than ten years. Coincidentally, both my father and I want to know what she wants to do."

Chi Jiashi's eyes widened, "Then you put me in danger?"

Chi Qiguang rolled his eyes at him, and patted his head lightly, "Why put yourself in danger? Didn't I beg for a sachet to return to you? You have martial arts yourself, as long as the eldest princess doesn't use Gu insects to deal with you, Can't you deal with a weak woman?"

Chi Jiashi snorted softly, and muttered: "I knew it, you guys are uneasy and kind."

Chi Qiguang rolled his eyes at him again, and said: "On the day of the banquet, remember to be careful in everything, and the sachet should not be left behind."

Chi Jiashi hung the sachet on his waist, clapped his hands, "Don't worry, brother, I know."

When the day came, Ji Sibo took the post and handed it to the concierge. The concierge took a look and welcomed him in with a smile on his face.

There is a brocade garden in the Dachang Princess Mansion, which has different scenery throughout the year. There is also a small lake in the brocade garden, and there is a lake center pavilion on the lake.

Today's spring banquet will take the lake as the line, with male guests on one side and female guests on the other.

Across the small lake, Ji Sibo could even hear the laughter of warblers coming from the opposite side.

As soon as Ji Sibo heard the woman's charming voice, he immediately turned around and left the lake far away. He didn't take the initiative to get acquainted, and chose a place where there were few people, leaning against a tree trunk in boredom, closing his eyes and resting.

After a while, Ji Sibo's mind froze, he turned around suddenly, and opened his eyes at the same time, looking sharply at the front left of the previous tree trunk.

After seeing who was coming, he gradually relaxed his tense body. He stared at Chi Jiashi's outstretched hand, and said angrily, "If I didn't remember that this is the Dachang Princess' mansion, I would have done it long ago."

Chi Jiashi smiled mischievously, "I just want to say hello to you."

Ji Sibo sneered and put his hands on his chest, "No, you want to sneak attack me."

Chi Jiashi raised his hands, "All right, all right, I was wrong, don't worry about it."

Ji Sibo rolled his eyes at him, leaned against the tree trunk again, and quietly watched the excitement not far away.

Chi Jiashi leaned on the tree trunk, leaning on Ji Sibo's shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "You also received the post?"

Ji Sibo responded lightly, "En."

Chi Jiashi looked down and saw a sachet of the same style as Ji Sibo's waist. His eyes flashed, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he called out to Ji Sibo's ear, "Nephew Sibo .”

Ji Sibo turned his head and frowned at him, and said dissatisfiedly, "What are you talking about?"

Chi Jiashi grinned, lifted the sachet on his waist and waved it in front of Ji Sibo's eyes, "My elder brother got me this sachet, yours is exactly the same as mine, your aunt got it back, right?" ?”

Ji Sibo frowned even more, "Why do you have it too?"

Chi Jiashi looked at him carefully and was surprised, "You still don't know?"

Ji Sibo was even more puzzled, "Know what?"

Chi Jiashi pursed his lips. After all, it was related to the reputation of his elder brother and future sister-in-law. Since Ji Sibo didn't know it, he couldn't reveal it from his mouth.

He turned to say, "I heard from my elder brother that when I went to ask for this sachet, I met your aunt."

After saying a word, Ji Sibo gave him a suspicious look, but he couldn't see any clues on his face, so he gave up.

Turning his eyes back to the young talented man who was talking loudly in front of him, Ji Sibo asked in a low voice, "You said it's fine for the eldest princess to post a post for you, but why did she also post a post for me?"

Chi Jiashi had a careless expression on his face, "Who knows, we'll just stay here, and when the banquet starts, we'll eat, and we'll leave when we're done."

Ji Sibo also held the same idea and nodded in agreement.

It's a pity that the two people's idea of ​​taking a break and keeping a low profile didn't come true. After about a quarter of an hour, in the area where most of the male guests gathered, a young man suddenly pressed his hand, and soon the people around him stopped talking up.

The young man raised his voice, and it reached Ji Sibo and Chi Jiashi's ears from afar, "I heard that General Huaihua, General Ji and General Chi, are here. I don't know where the two generals are now? I admire the demeanor of the two major generals, please come out and see them."

After these words, even the female guest on the other side of the lake fell silent.

Ji Sibo and Chi Jiashi looked at each other. Chi Jiashi squinted his eyes at the young man, "It's the eldest princess' son, Luo Yunfeng."

Neither of them moved, they hid in this corner as motionless as a mountain, without the slightest thought of going out.

Luo Yunfeng yelled again, seeing no one answered, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, he explained to everyone: "It seems that the two major generals are not here, I will send someone to look for them."

Ji Sibo and Chi Jiashi frowned together, Chi Jiashi took the lead and said: "Let's go, let's go out."

(End of this chapter)

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