Chapter 298
Ji Sibo was very curious about the affairs between his aunt and Chi Qiguang, such as when did they see each other?
But he is a junior, even if he scratches his head, he can only hide his curiosity in his heart and dare not ask Ji Fushou.

In this way, he came all the way to the main room, and met Ji Hongzhuo and Zhou Shi.

When Ji Fushou finished talking about the matter, Zhou felt distressed and angry at the same time, "Why do you have to be wronged in the end after thinking about the future?"

The reputation of restraining his wife is not good. Zhou doesn't want her son to suffer such a wronged reputation, but she can't marry her son a daughter-in-law she likes immediately, so she can only sulk herself.

Ji Sibo put his arm around Zhou's shoulders to tease her, "That's because your son is too dazzling, young and promising, no man of my age in the capital can compare to me, and I despise the eldest princess's daughter, I don't want to marry an ancestor to come back to worship, and I want my mother to be wronged, and when my son marries a daughter-in-law, let her be filial to her mother."

Mrs. Zhou was moved by these heartwarming words, and the gloom in her heart gradually disappeared, "That's right, it's because my son doesn't look down on the princess, and I feel sorry for my mother, because I have wronged you."

Ji Sibo was grinning, and never bothered by it at all, "Aniang, I am not wronged, I am really wronged if I marry an ancestor and come back to bow to her."

Because of what he said, Zhou felt even more distressed about him. When she married her son, Luo Wanqing's whole family would support her. Compared with the fact that she had wronged her son for a few years and then talked about marriage in the future, Zhou agreed with Ji Fu without hesitation. Longevity method.

Ji Fushou smiled, "I will take care of this matter, and try not to let this matter become known to everyone."

When the Eldest Princess and Luo Wanqing quarreled again because of Chi Jiashi and Ji Sibo, Ji Fushou had already arranged everything.

Regardless of her daughter's dissatisfaction, the Eldest Princess intends to insist on waiting for her wedding ceremony to let someone tell the Ji family what to say, and let the Ji family come to propose marriage.In the end, when Luo Wanqing and Ji Li were married, the Eldest Princess was about to send people to Ji's house, so she inquired about the reputation of Ji Siboke's wife, which was the comment of the Taiqing Palace Qinghe Taoist priest two months ago.

Luo Wanqing was secretly delighted, she ate half a bowl too much, she didn't want to marry such a rough man who couldn't even recite poems correctly, and began to persuade the eldest princess again that she insisted on letting her test the tone of the British government .

As a result, the tone of the British government did not come out, but instead, the eldest princess asked the British government to propose marriage to Chi Qiguang!
Now the Eldest Princess paid more attention to it, and asked people to inquire carefully.

When she found out that it was Ji's family and Ji Sibo's aunt who proposed marriage to Chi Qiguang from the British government, the princess frowned tightly.

"Because Miss Ji's horoscope is extremely prosperous for the youngest child of the Chi family, Mrs. Cui wanted to marry her in to celebrate her son's happiness?" The Eldest Princess listened to the inquiring news, thoughtful.

After a while, the Eldest Princess sneered disdainfully, "Because of my Gu technique, you still want to live for joy? The King of Hades wants him to die in the third watch, who dares to keep him until the fifth watch? Cui's efforts are destined to be in vain."

If Chi Qiguang died, then the British government would be inherited by Chi Jiashi, Ji Sibo couldn't be her son-in-law, thinking that her daughter liked Chi Jiashi so much, her heart skipped a beat.

Although the imperial brother is very jealous of the British Duke, if his daughter marries Chi Jiashi and becomes the wife of the British Duke, Chi Jiashi will not dare to go against the royal family if his daughter persuades him.

Thinking about it this way, the eldest princess is a little moved, but the British government has never had any contact with the eldest princess's mansion in the past ten years, and many people outside are speculating whether the British government has a rift with her. Only he and the few people who served him close to him knew about the past, Cui Shi hadn't been in touch with her for more than ten years, and Cui Shi would definitely refuse to marry Wanqing if she wanted to marry Chi Jiashi.

The eldest princess fell into a difficult situation for a while, and she began to think about it.

As for the marriage proposal that the Eldest Princess inquired about, the British government did not deliberately publicize it, except for a few close people, unless they inquired like the Eldest Princess, they would not know about it.

At that time Chi Qiguang came home and told about Luo Wanqing's love for Chi Jiashi. Chi Jiashi was so frightened that he jumped three feet high and shouted, "If you kill me, don't marry the daughter of that kind of poisonous woman. I would rather be a Taoist priest!"

Cui Shi was calm at this time, and said with a sneer, "Her daughter wants to be my daughter-in-law? Even if I marry a little country girl for A Shi, I don't care about her daughter."

Parents' order, matchmaker's words, without her nodding, Luo Wanqing would never think of marrying in.

Chi Jiashi was extremely worried, "Will she ask the Holy One for a marriage?"

The British Duke took a sip of tea and said lightly, "Even if she asks, before the decree of giving the marriage comes down, the Holy Majesty will call her father into the palace to inquire first. Marriage is not about enmity, and if the father disagrees, this marriage is just a matter of marriage." It's not a happy event, the Holy Majesty will not be so stupid as to tear himself apart with me."

Only then did Chi Jiashi feel a little relieved.

On the other side, Cui stood up abruptly, and said coldly: "No, I'll go back to my mother's house right away, and let my sister-in-law go to Ji's house to propose marriage."

She couldn't wait any longer, lest the Eldest Princess notice Guang'er and delay his marriage.

Mrs. Cui hurriedly ordered the carriage and went to Cui's house. After agreeing with Mrs. Cui, after returning home, she sent someone to post a message to Ji's house, stating that she would come to visit the next day.

The next morning, Mrs. Cui and Mrs. Cui came together, and they were received by Ji Fushou in person, accompanied by Ji Hongzhuo and Mrs. Zhou.

Seeing Ji Fushou's beautiful appearance, his body has a majestic aura, he treats people neither humble nor overbearing, and his etiquette is very thorough, Cui Shi is indescribably happy.

Mrs. Cui thought that Ji Fushou's horoscope could suppress evil spirits, so she pleased Chi Qiguang, and she was very satisfied with her eyes.

Ji Hongzhuo and Zhou were very puzzled by Cui's visit, especially when Cui and Mrs. Cui praised Ji Fushou from beginning to end, which made them very uneasy.

Until Mrs. Cui insinuated with a smile on her face, "Miss Ji is beautiful outside, and she can be a leader inside and outside the family. She is really the best candidate to be a wife. I came here this time to hire Ji for my nephew." Miss Ji is a wife, what do Miss Ji and Master Ji think?"

The British government wants to hire Ah Shou as a wife?But Mr. Chi's body is not
Thinking of the rumors about Chi Qiguang's body, Ji Hongzhuo immediately wanted to reject it.

Fortunately, Ji Fushou took the first step, coughed twice, interrupted what Ji Hongzhuo was about to say, lowered his head in embarrassment, and said softly, "Elder brother is like a father, this matter is up to my elder brother to decide."

Even though she is the Patriarch of the Ji family, she is one and only in the family, and she can completely decide her own marriage, but in front of Mrs. Cui and Mrs. Cui, Ji Fushou didn't think of going too far, and when she lowered her head, she gave Ji Hongzhuo a look.

Ji Hongzhuo was taken aback, frowned, and replied in a deep voice, "This is a big matter, let me think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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