The lady is so cute

Chapter 12 The Man in Black

Chapter 12 The Man in Black

"If it's confirmed, please sign it, Ms. Aliwell."

Ye Yu pointed to the white paper with the contract printed on it.

Aliwell wrote her name on it.

Afterwards, the white paper turned into light and disappeared in the hands of Aliwell out of thin air.

Aliwell felt a strange energy enveloping her whole body just now, which made her establish a wonderful connection with Ye Yu.

"Then come here today."

Ye Yu got up and left the position.

Although Ye Yu still wants to chat with Aliwell for a while, for example, about things like improving their relationship.

Too bad time doesn't allow it.

It is now evening, and if we continue talking like this, it will be dark.

If I go back after dark, I will definitely be questioned by my sister and some old ghost.


Aliwell obeyed Ye Yu's words.

But on the road—

While walking, Aliwell kept looking at Ye Yu, hesitating to speak several times.

"What's wrong, is there something on my face?"


Aliwell seemed to have made up her mind. "Mr. Ye Yu, why do you follow me all the time?"

Along the way, Ye Yu has followed Ai Liweier for a long time, wherever she goes, Ye Yu will go wherever she goes.

"This is necessary. Now I am your bodyguard."

Now that I have accepted the contract, shouldn't it be a matter of course to do a good job seriously?

Ye Yu thought he was very professional.

Well, the previous accident in Demon King City does not count.


Now that Ye Yu said so, it's hard for Aliwell to say anything more.

The two were walking on the road, but Ariwell still couldn't help looking at Ye Yu from time to time.

Ye Yu's height of a little over 180 is not outstanding in this world, it can only be said to be at a medium level.

If it is said that the Ye Yu that Aliwell saw when she was in the Demon King City gave people the impression of evil charm, then the Ye Yu that she saw when she was in school was a decadent nerd.

But now, Ye Yu gave Aliwell the impression of being a handsome big brother next door.

Although Ye Yu's eyes are often empty and lifeless, Aliwell can feel Ye Yu's heart full of warmth.

"By the way, how old are you now, Elliewell?"

Ye Yu suddenly asked such a question.

"I'm 16 years old this year."

"Aren't you an adult yet?" Ye Yu propped up her chin with her hands, looking thoughtful.

"Mr. Ye Yu, why are you asking this, do you have any questions?"

"No, no, I'm just curious. How far is it from where you live?"

"It's not far away, it's in an ordinary neighborhood near the school. There are special attendants there to protect me—"

Aliwell wanted to say something else, but she saw Ye Yu stop, glanced in a certain direction inadvertently and then stopped.

"What's the matter, Mr. Ye Yu?"

Ye Yu immediately returned to his original appearance after hearing what Ariwell said, and he smiled contemptuously, as if he was talking to himself.

"Hehe, some people really don't give me face. I just 'take office', and someone started to make trouble."

Ye Yu grabbed Ariwell's hand.

"It's nothing, let's move on."


Although she didn't know why Ye Yu suddenly took her hand, she didn't resist.

On the contrary, Aliwell felt at ease being pulled by Ye Yu.

Ignoring Ye Yu's sudden pause just now, Aliwell didn't see anything unexpected along the way.

It is very close to the residence where Ellie Weier is.

"Nothing should happen."

Aliwell asked Ye Yu tentatively.

Aliwell is not afraid of ordinary dangers, but if it is an assassination aimed at her by a professional, Aliwell has to be careful.

Aliwell's profession is a priest. As an A-level support professional, Aliwell is not good at fighting.

In terms of combat power alone, she might not even be able to beat D-rank attacking professionals.

"No, let's stop."

Ye Yu stopped Ariwell from continuing to move forward.

"what happened?"

"Look around."

Hearing Ye Yu's words, Aliwell noticed that there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the surrounding roads, and finally only the two of them were left.

"This is the barrier to avoid!"

She tensed up immediately, usually Aliwell has her own guards and personal attendants, but now there are only her and Ye Yu.

Ye Yu noticed that Aliwell was trembling slightly, so she tightened her hand.

"Don't worry, I'm here. I don't pay attention to this group of garbage."

If the first mission is messed up, then Ye Yu will be too embarrassed.

From now on, it's not he who laughs at Xilia as a waste, but Xilia laughs at him.

What's more, Ye Yu didn't want to make a mistake because she was protecting Ellie Weier.

Without hesitation, Ye Yu looked in one direction.

"Come out, you have been squatting here for so long, while I am in a good mood, I will give you three seconds to come out, otherwise don't blame me for being unreasonable."

Aliwell also followed Ye Yu's gaze, but there was nothing there.

"Mr. Ye Yu, could it be that you misread it?"

"Trust me, three, two, one." There was still no movement around.

In this case, Ye Yu could only use a little trick.

"Oh, you don't give me face. Can't come out? Then I'll play with you."

Ye Yu's finger flashed a silvery arc, and it flickered in that direction.

"Let's dance first."

Maybe it can make Elliewell smile and relieve the tension.

Accompanied by silver flashes, more than a dozen black-clothed killers suddenly appeared in the empty place.

Each of them held a weapon and danced in place, dancing with hands and feet.


Seeing a group of killers who were originally vicious in front of them dancing a magical dance here, Aliwell couldn't help laughing.

I even forgot to be afraid for a moment.

Seeing that his masterpiece met his expectations, Ye Yu felt pretty good.

He spread his hands, "I told you to come out, whoever is to blame for not listening to me."

As he said that, Ye Yu took out his phone and recorded a video.

"Mr. Ye Yu, what are you doing?"

Ye Yu chuckled: "Of course I made a video of them dancing and posted it on the Internet. Anyway, I made the best use of it."

Post this kind of video as a funny video on the Internet, and you will definitely get a lot of money.

Money, for Ye Yu, anyone who comes is welcome.

Ye Yu thought for a while, and the title was called:

'Shocked, a group of men took advantage of the fact that there was no one on the street and secretly collectively cosplayed men in black to perform a thunderbolt dance! '

Looking at the name she chose, Ye Yu always felt that it was still a little tasteless.

"Sure enough, the seniors of the BBC and UC editorial departments still have something to learn from."

The killers danced for several minutes without stopping, and the frequency of their dancing became higher and higher.

Because during the filming, Ye Yu felt that the effect was not good enough, and added a few more arcs to the black-clothed killers.

"No way, you need to jump faster and higher. Come on! Brothers, I support you."

The killers are like dolls, at Ye Yu's mercy.

The killers looked at Ye Yu with the expression of looking at a demon, but the latter acted harmless to humans and animals.

After guessing that it was almost the same, Ye Yu made them stop.

The killers all collapsed to the ground, looking like they had a deficiency of kidneys.

The demon walked towards them slowly, looking at them with a ferocious expression.

In the eyes of the killers, Ye Yu actually just walked towards them normally.

Ye Yu just looked at them calmly, but a man in black was stunned by Ye Yu on the spot.

"Um, Ellieville, am I that scary?"

Seeing Ye Yu's expression, Aliwell couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"This is a bit."

Ye Yu's expression now looks like a delinquent youth who bullies honest people.

(End of this chapter)

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