The lady is so cute

Chapter 25 Combat Skills Lesson

Chapter 25 Combat Skills Lesson
The Combat Skills Course of Pagava University is a compulsory public skills course that every student must take.

Ye Yu is no exception, because this course is different from other courses.

Other courses only need to pass the exam to meet the passing standard, and no attendance rate is required.

However, because of the request of a brain-dead member of the school board, this course must strictly implement the attendance assessment system, which is why Ye Yu was annoyed at the beginning.

Aliwell and Ye Yu didn't walk together because they needed to change their clothes.

Aliwell went to the women's locker room, and it was impossible for Mr. Ye Yu to follow in, although he wanted to.

Moreover, as Ye Yu, who was not well evaluated in school, he felt that it was best not to go with Ellie Weier in school.

Ye Yu didn't want to cause Aliwell to be isolated by others because of her own reasons.

"Wow! Look!"

"That boy is so handsome!"

"Hee hee, that's from our class."

"What, I'm so envious of you."

There was a sudden commotion among the group of girls coming out of the women's changing room in the distance.

Ye Yu looked over, and the one who caused a sensation among the girls was Monchiardo, the second child who had followed Ye Yu for a long time during the exam.

Monchiardo is playing basketball as a warm-up exercise, and every time he jumps, he is sweating with blood.

This kind of ball game created by a certain generation of brave men soon became popular all over the world as soon as it was born.

On the sports field, the chic posture of men playing basketball is the best way to attract the opposite sex.

Just now, Monchiardo scored a perfect perfect goal.He cast a look at the girls, which caused the fluctuation just now.

Monchiardo looked at Ye Yu who was not far away from him again, and made a gesture with a provocative look in his eyes.

Since he can't compare to Ye Yu in grades, then surpass Ye Yu in physical fitness.Regarding his physical fitness, Monchiardo had enough confidence that he could easily crush Ye Yu.

So what if the cultural achievements are good?Monchiardo still has a place to surpass Ye Yu, he is the next heir of a large company.

Although Monchiardo was not a student majoring in Combat, Monchiardo spent a lot of money looking for well-known professionals to train him since he was young.

His physical fitness is comparable to that of ordinary-level (D) professionals, and he is simply crushing in the physical fitness of ordinary students.

How could a commoner with good grades compare to him? He didn't believe that Ye Yu could possibly be stronger than him who had undergone professional training.

Ye Yu saw Monchiardo's hand gesture clearly, it was a gesture of contempt universally used in the world.

"Boring." Ye Yu cast a glance at Monkyard, and then looked elsewhere.

Seeing that Ye Yu didn't pay attention to him, Monchiardo was so angry that his teeth itched.

Resulting in a missed shot on his next ball.

There was a pity sigh from the cheering crowd just now.

As different men and women changed their sports clothes, the playground began to be filled with a hormonal atmosphere.

Ye Yu didn't enter the men's locker room, nor did she change clothes. "Anyway, I'll make a report."

As long as you come and don't leave, there are no other requirements.As for the assessment?For Ye Yu, it's just playing house.

Sitting on the bench provided for rest, Ye Yu enjoyed the bright sunshine and hummed a little song.


"That girl is so beautiful!"

There was another sensational sound.

"Hey, is this group of people annoying? Why are you so excited about the skill class?" This skill class is actually similar to a physical education class, but the name sounds a little taller.

Ye Yu, who had just squinted her eyes, was woken up again by the screams of this group of people.

Facts have proved that humans evolved from apes still retain the genes of their ancestors - making a fuss and screaming at every turn.

Looking in the direction where the group of people were screaming, Ye Yu was also stunned.

it's ariwell

After Aliwell changed into her gym clothes, she caused a huge commotion as soon as she stepped out of the women's locker room, which was even bigger than the commotion caused by Monchiardo just now.

If Monchiardo's handsomeness only attracted the attention of a small number of girls, then Aliwell attracted everyone's attention.

Both the girls and the boys on the playground are deeply attracted by Aliwell.

Ellie Weier was wearing a pure white gym suit, with long pale golden hair draped over her shoulders.The gentle sunlight shone on her body, making the pale golden hair reflect a dazzling luster.

The eyes are full of softness and tranquility, which makes people involuntarily want to worship her when they see her, and even makes people feel a little bit of not daring to blaspheme.

Her whole body exudes a pure aura, which makes people want to get close to her involuntarily.

Even wearing a gym uniform can make people want to worship, and Ye Yu suddenly felt that Ai Liweier was more suitable to be the "Goddess of Light" than Xi Liya.

No, it should be said that Aliwell will be the goddess of light, and she will definitely be more successful than Xilia.

A large group of girls quickly surrounded Aliwell, protecting her from being harassed by some boys.

The one guarding Ellievere's side is a tall girl with red hair - Kalevyana.

The central figure in Ye Yu's class.

For some reason, Ye Yu always felt that Kalevyana was staring at him, as if she cared about him.

But Ye Yu didn't pay attention to Kalevyana's gaze, he didn't have any intersection with her, maybe he just happened to look this way.

"Being able to see Elliewell like this, the decision of those old guys seems to be not bad."

Gym suits!

This is one of the clothes that can best show the youthful vitality of girls.

Some girls on the playground were exercising youthfully, their white gym suits were somewhat wet with sweat, and they were a little excited to see Ye Yu.

This is the benefit of Lsp, the opportunity must not be missed, and it will never come again, so why sleep now.

Thanks to the senior who introduced the gym suit into this world, if not him, how could Ye Yu, who is a latecomer, enjoy such a beautiful scenery.

Ye Yu didn't feel sleepy at all, and he also wanted to take a good look at the way Aliwell was sweating.

A middle-aged bald man walked over whistling and motioned for them to assemble.This should be the teacher of Ye Yu's combat skills class.

The man looked ferocious, and he didn't seem to be easy to get along with.

"Boys, gather for me. I'll give you a minute. If you don't come, don't blame me for being rude!"

Forced by the majesty of this teacher, many students hurriedly began to arrange the assembly team.

But those students with a little more noble background didn't move, because there was no need.

The ordinary teachers of Pagava University may be a deterrent to some students whose family status is not high, but for those students from big families, they are nothing.

Only the upper echelons of the school deserve their respect.

The middle-aged bald man also knew that he was nothing in front of those rich and powerful students, so he could only vent his anger on those who were more timid.

"You, what are you looking at, it's you!" He suddenly stared at Ye Yu, looking at Ye Yu's attire, he knew that Ye Yu was born as a commoner.

Pagava University can basically be regarded as an aristocratic school, but it does not exclude some civilian students who are admitted entirely on their own strength.

And those students are the best targets for them to use to establish their prestige.

"You, why don't you wear sports clothes, are you looking down on the teacher's authority! Let me run 10 laps of the playground first."

(End of this chapter)

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