The lady is so cute

Chapter 250 Information Acquired

Chapter 250 Information Acquired


Of course Ye Yu understood that Liana's words were referring to Aliwell.

"What does that guy named Siros Nathan want to do to Aliwell?"

Ye Yu knew that Xiros Nachuan knew Aliwell.

He had seen Ellievere in school, and he had been in school for so long, he could probably know that Ellievere was here through some rumors.

As for Ye Yu, Xiros Nachuan also recognized it.

But since the last time, he was sent to a good place to reform himself.

"Hey, that means that guy came back from the Dimensional Prison?"

Ye Yu counted her fingers, and it seemed that it was true, the transmission time set by herself had already passed.

But what Ye Yu didn't expect was that Xiros Nachuan returned to normal so quickly after returning from the dimensional prison that Ye Yu arranged for him.

"You still want to call Aliwell's attention!"

Suddenly, Ye Yu couldn't help but rushed to Xiluo Nachuan, sent him to prison for reform, and sent him a few strong roommates by the way
In a short period of time, many thoughts flashed through Ye Yu's brain, and the eyeballs inadvertently followed his brain.

This got Liana's attention, and she dropped Sifia and walked back.

"Yeyu, are you alright?"

Liana saw that since the reminder she just said, Ye Yu seemed to have fallen into this state.

This made Liana wonder if she said something that shouldn't be said, but she thinks she should be right.

Similarly, after hearing Liana mention Syros Nathan, Aliwell couldn't help flashing a trace of disgust on her calm face.

Even Aliwell, who has a better personality, would feel a little uncomfortable when she heard the name Syros Nathan.

It's not just because she was once abandoned by Xiluo Nachuan as a teammate.

Over the past few days, Aliwell has learned a lot about Syros Nathan through her network and status in the church.

This legendary brave man did not take advantage of his identity as a brave man to commit crimes.

Especially after successfully defeating the Demon King, he became even more arrogant.

Taking advantage of his fame, he also harmed many of his 'fans', and even violated the laws of human countries.

However, in view of the special status of Siros Nathan in the Holy See, the imperial government could not punish him for his evil deeds.

In this regard, Aliwell also had a hard time seeing it, and she asked her grandfather for help.

However, her grandfather, who has always been great, has no good way to deal with the crimes of Xiluo Nachuan.

Because Xiluo Nachuan has been used by other factions in the Holy See as a tool against the Light faction.

Although the Guangming God Department is considered to be the only one in the Holy See for the time being, it cannot be the master of everything.

Especially when it comes to dealing with Xiros Nachuan, even though the Bright faction is the biggest leader, it cannot deal with Xiros Nachuan alone.

Although the hero is currently summoned by the Goddess of Light, Xiros Nachuan doesn't seem to have a good relationship with the Light faction that summoned him.

On the contrary, it maintains a closer relationship with some hostile factions of the Bright faction.

"Student Aliwell, do you also hate that guy Syros Nathan?"

Although Aliwell still maintained a very calm expression, Liana still read her disgust for Syros Nathan from her face.

Aliwell was surprised by Liana's accusation, and then replied with some hesitation.


This seems to be the first conversation between Aliwell and Liana.

After Aliwell gave her answer, Liana glanced at Aliwell, who also looked at her.

Their eyes flashed past each other, and both Liana and Aliwell seemed to have realized something.

The two smiled slightly similarly, and through eye contact, they both found a common point between themselves and each other.

That is the dislike for Syros Nathan.

Knowing this, both parties have roughly guessed some of the other's personality, which also shows some similarities between the two.

In this way, strangely, it was the first time that the two girls who had a certain competitive relationship got closer.

But Ye Yu obviously didn't notice what happened just now.

When he withdrew from meditation, he felt a strange atmosphere.

He looked at Ariwell, and then at Liana, trying to stare at something, but there was nothing.

After thinking about it, Ye Yu simply gave up trying to guess what happened just now.

"By the way, Liana, do you know what that guy named Siros Nathan is planning?"

Ye Yu looked at Liana in puzzlement, if Siros Nachuan really had any idea that was not good for Aliwell, Ye Yu would not mind immediately letting Siros Nachuan experience how to be a human being again.

"I don't know about this either, I just vaguely know it through the rumors of some students."

Speaking of this, Liana also showed a strange expression.

This matter was known through her student eyeliner near the place where Xiluo Nachuan was.

As the imperial daughter, coupled with the status of the fourth throne, Liana is not a flower in a greenhouse.

She has been cultivating her own forces, and intelligence detection is also a part of this.

According to Liana's information, she only knew that Xiros Nachuan seemed to have been missing for a while.

Then when I came back, my nerves were a little disturbed, and I kept talking about it all day
'Don't come over, mine is too big, you can't bear it! '

Then there was a strange scream.

It was as if during the period of his disappearance, Xiros Nachuan experienced some very terrifying things.

It wasn't until the appearance of a mysterious person that Syros Nathan's sudden mental illness was cured.

And that mysterious person seemed to discuss something with Siros Nathan.

As for the specific matter, Liana did not get effective information, because when she was investigating the mysterious person, her intelligence personnel gave up the investigation after smelling danger.

After the mysterious man disappeared, they went back to investigate the information of Xiluo Nachuan.

Among them, I vaguely heard Syros Nathan mention Ellie Weir.

Liana remembered that the girl next to Ye Yu was named Ellie Weier. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but Liana rushed over immediately to remind Ye Yu.

And it turns out that she seems to be right.

(End of this chapter)

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