The lady is so cute

Chapter 46 Short Chapter Answers

Chapter 46 Short Answers
Ye Yu answered the first question, obviously making Teoduro Abeno's serious expression look a little calmer.

"Is this the original definition of the ancient human race?"

Many students exclaimed, this is the first time for them to hear it.

Now the pure human race relies on magical technology to develop, no matter from which aspect the strength is stabilizing other humanoid races, so that the current pure human race begins to look down on the other races that were once defined as 'human' by them.

This phenomenon is even more common in the upper strata of modern human society.Even the elves who once let them only look up can only start to look up to their development.

Now who would say that the other three races are the same race as them.

But Teoduro Abeno is a supporter of the faction that insists on this statement.

"Then tell me about the changes of the four major races before and after the development of civilization."

Ye Yu paused, and this history teacher was at odds with racial history.

"According to historical records, the elf civilization is the earliest civilization to develop among the several major species, followed by pure humans, followed by dwarves, and finally orcs"

Especially the wilderness country area where the orcs are located is still in a state of chaotic development, and can be said to be the most backward place among the four major species.

Ye Yu's answer was correct, and Teoduro Abeno continued to ask: "How about the change in strength?"

"In the super-ancient period, among the four races, the elf empire was the strongest, followed by the orcs, and then the dwarves, and the pure humans were at the bottom."

When Ye Yu said that the pure human beings were at the bottom, many students showed dissatisfied expressions. After all, the pure human country is so powerful now, and it would make people feel uncomfortable to mention how much they were at the bottom in the past.

"Well, not bad." Teoduro Abeno had a hint of satisfaction on his expression.

He also asked his students these questions before, but no one could answer them. Almost everyone believed that the pure human race has always been the strongest race among the four races.

He originally asked Ye Yu to answer the question, firstly because he couldn't understand this student, and secondly because he wanted to ask a question on a whim to see how this year's students think about the status of human beings in ancient times.

It seems that this group of students are people who do not understand the history of the past.

The life of the pure human species in ancient times was not as easy as it is now.

It was a time of blood and carnage, but things about the previous era are now mostly known only to those who study ancient historiography like Teoduro Abeno.

The explosion of magical technology in the past few hundred years has indeed rapidly increased the strength of the human empire, but it has also made most people forget the history of thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago.

Teoduro Abeno became interested in the student who had missed his class.

"Ye Yu, right? So what do you think of the current development prospects of the human empire?"

How do you view the development prospects of the human empire today?
This question makes Ye Yu feel funny, he is not a sociologist, why should he answer this question.

"Teacher, your question does not match the content of this course."

The wrinkles on Teoduro Abeno's face closed unconsciously for a moment, but then returned to normal.

Indeed, the question I asked was a bit out of line.

"If your answer satisfies me, I can give you the right not to attend my class in the future. You can come if you want to come or not."

Teoduro Abeno paused, "And you can pass this course with full marks."


"This is not a fake Professor Abeno."

Teoduro Abeno has always been serious and cold, and he has the title of cold-faced professor at the University of Pagava.

This kind of person who can't tolerate the sand in his eyes actually made such a promise to a student today.

This was an eye-opener for other students.

Before taking this course, their parents have repeatedly told them not to make mistakes in this professor's class, otherwise it will be a big loss if they fail to graduate from Pagava University because they fail this subject.

A person like Ye Yu, who had already skipped one class, who was very likely to be sentenced to death in the ancient history class in their eyes, was able to get such a promise.

Many students in the class let out a gasp of wonder.

"What do you want me to say." Teoduro Abeno made such a promise, and Ye Yu didn't hold back.

"How should I say it? Just tell the truth."

This student intrigued him even more.Could it be that this student had a different answer.

"Teacher, we can also answer this question."

Some students couldn't help interjecting.

What is the prospect of the human empire, do you need to ask? Of course, it must be moving forward like invincible.Then defeat other race countries in a crushing manner, and complete the unification of the entire continent.

Beginning with the development of magical technology, the current human empire is no longer comparable to other races.

Even those demons that exist in history books have not caused damage to the human world for a long time.

Even in some places, some less dangerous demons can be seen living in the human world.

Teoduro Abeno This question made some students feel that it was unfair.

If you answer such a simple question, you don't need to study this course, and you still pass with a full score. Isn't it just a proposition?

"Whoever said that just now, stand up for me."

The students are silent
Teoduro Abeno stared at them with a serious face, which put tremendous pressure on the students.

The last few boys stood up.

"Very good, ten percent of your grades for this semester will be deducted now."

"Mr. Abeno, we—" Several students just wanted to explain, but Teoduro Abeno gave him a more severe punishment.

"Another ten percent off."

The faces of these students instantly turned deathly gray, but they did not dare to refute.

Teoduro Abeno's gaze returned to Ye Yu again.

"What do you think."

Ye Yu wondered what Teoduro Abeno meant. Originally, he just wanted to say something casually, but through the poison tests of these students, Ye Yu knew that Teoduro Abeno wanted to This answer is not what I want.

Just say what you really think.

But it's not good to say that kind of thing directly, Ye Yu intends to express some of his views in a prudent manner.

"The development prospects of the human empire are not good now."

The other students felt a little funny when they heard Ye Yu's words. Didn't they say that they didn't say it?

And no matter how you look at it, the prospects for the empire are very good.

"You keep talking."

"I have nothing to say, only four words, bottleneck, contradiction."

Ye Yu's words were like playing charades, the other students didn't understand the meaning contained in Ye Yu's words.

It is impossible for Ye Yu to explain this matter here, that would disturb the law and order of the empire.

After hearing Ye Yu's words, Teoduro Abeno was not in a state of incomprehension like other students, but fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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