Chapter 51
"That's right, I just took a job as a bodyguard."

"We thought you—" sister Ye Qingning and Ye Wuwei were full of surprise and embarrassment.It seems they got it wrong.

"Hey, where are you all thinking, I won't talk about the trash dad, but my sister, you don't know what kind of brother I am, would I do that kind of thing because of money?"

Ye Yu was a little angry, thinking about who her sister and father thought she was for a long time.

Ye Yu just wanted to continue talking, but his sister's words made him fall into embarrassment.


"My lord, please show me some sympathy." Is he so unpopular with his sister?

Obviously, the look of caring about him just now was very good, but it's a pity that Ye Qingning turned into the sister who called her brother a pervert in a short while.

"Ahem, to be honest, I'm just working as a bodyguard."

"It's just that you stay at home all day and don't go, and you play games every day and you are worthy of being a bodyguard?" As a father, Ye Wuwei knows his son's living habits very well, and it is precisely because he knows that he has doubts.

Ye Yu looked like a frail little body, and Ye Wuwei thought that if someone would hire him as a bodyguard, then he would be able to participate in fighting competitions and win the championship.

"What I said is true." Ye Yu was serious.

"If someone really hires you as a bodyguard, Dad, I will go to a fighting competition and show you the champion!"

"I'm serious." Ye Yu felt helpless for her father's disbelief.

"I'm telling you today, and I'm serious too."

In this case, Ye Yu had no choice.Started fiddling with the boxes in his room.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"If you don't believe me, I'll show you the proof, Nuo—"

Ye Yu rummaged for a long time and took out a blank piece of paper from the box:
'Bodyguard Agreement'

Employed person: Ye Yu

Salary: 3000/month

Ye Yu used light magic to erase the few zeros behind the salary, lest his father get a heart attack because he was too surprised.

Ye Wuwei took over the blank paper contract and looked at it carefully. It is indeed true. Look at the standard anti-counterfeiting stamp and the seal of the subordinate organization of the Ministry of Justice of the Empire.

Should it be—

"Don't be surprised, I told you that I really took on a bodyguard mission and you still don't believe me."

Ye Yu has said it many times, they don't believe that Ye Yu has anything to do, so they can only show them the real evidence.

"Smelly old man, are you sure that you protect others and not others protect you."

Every time Ye Yu puts on her eyes and puts on her dark circles, she gives people a weak look.

Sometimes Ye Qingning, as a younger sister, was a little worried, and even followed Ye Yu several times before to see if anything happened to her perverted brother.

Especially when Ye Yu was in high school, Ye Qingning often worried about what to do if Ye Yu was bullied by gangsters while walking on the road.

You know, Ye Qingning's fighting power is very strong, at least he can kick his brother Ye Yu a few meters away.

Of course, Ye Yu let her sister beat her.

"Trust me, brother, I'm super brave, okay?"

You know, he has helped Aliwell solve a lot of troubles in the past few days.

No, Ye Qingning felt that Ye Yu's words were still unreliable, so she had to confirm it.

"Then who is hiring you, we must let us know." Even if there is a contract with the clauses printed on it, Ye Qingning cannot get Ye Qingning's approval.

"Well, I can't disclose the other party's information." It's impossible for Ye Yu to tell her sister that her brother has been outside protecting a cute girl these days.

My brother is tricky, so if he doesn't say anything, he must be hiding something. "No, it's fine if you can't disclose the information, at least let us call to confirm."

"That's right, son, it's not good to hide from your family." Ye Wuwei stepped in to echo.He is also very interested in his son's so-called 'bodyguard job'.

What to do, Ye Yu was caught in a difficult decision.

Now call and tell Aliwell to let her talk to her sister?

"No, absolutely don't do this!" Ye Yu immediately denied this idea.

If this is the case, my sister will definitely think that he has some serious relationship with Aliwell.

Let Xi Liya pick it up?

Ye Yu always felt unreliable, and although Xi Liya's voice was a bit more mature, it was also very young.

"That's it, as a trash brother, you are not lying to your noble sister." Ye Yu didn't move for a long time, and he hesitated, which caused Ye Qingning's dissatisfaction.

Sure enough, my brother still went to do some incredible work.

As a younger sister, she has the obligation to correct her elder brother's behavior of going astray.

Ye Yu couldn't help but think about countermeasures when she saw her sister vowing not to give up without asking.

Sure enough, I can only ask Xi Liya.

Through telepathy, Ye Yu spread her thoughts all the way to Xi Liya's place far, far away.

Xi Liya was lying on a bamboo reclining chair at home and applying a facial mask. "The skin care products in the ordinary world are really effective. This application makes me feel like I'm more than ten years younger."

However, the strange consciousness that suddenly popped up in her mind almost made Xi Liya fall off her chair. Despite her conscious protection, her mask that cost a lot of money inevitably fell to the ground.

After realizing that this consciousness came from that black-haired bastard, Xi Liya's anger was instantly maxed——

"Ye Yu, you bastard, you're so annoying!"

Why did Xi Liya curse at her when she came up, did she do something wrong?

Now is not the time to think about those things, Ye Yu doesn't care if Xi Liya is angry or not, he is in danger now.

"Celia, I have something urgent."

Hearing that Ye Yu actually pronounced her own name, Xi Liya's original anger stopped. This bastard has called her old woman for several years, and now it is the first time to call her by her name.

Could it be that there is something urgent that has something to do with Aliwell?If so-

"Stinky bastard, what, something happened to Aliwell?" Xi Liya's mood suddenly returned to calm.

"No, I have something to do."

"Ha, what else can you do? You are just entertaining my old lady. Let me tell you that you will pay me for the mask I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on!" Ye Yu's ability is so strong, what else can happen, Xilia's anger that had just been extinguished surged up again.

"It can also be said to be related to Aliwell."

"Then tell me."

Damn, as soon as Aliville was mentioned, Celia changed her tone again, and sure enough, the woman's face changed as soon as she said it.

"I'll call you later, can you pretend to be a middle-aged aunt on the phone?"

— Celia didn't respond.

Ye Yu noticed that the other party actively blocked the telepathic communication.

(End of this chapter)

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