The lady is so cute

Chapter 58 Magic Power Armor Project?

Chapter 58 Magic Power Armor Plan
"What plan?" Seeing the drawing of the power engine, Ye Yu actually had a vague guess in his mind, but he was still not sure.

Teoduro Abeno became serious, hesitating whether to tell Ye Yu about this plan.

If the other party is the apostle of the gods, it is not difficult to know this.

In this case, it is better to tell Ye Yu directly.

Teoduro Abeno made such a decision, and it was close to Ye Yu's ear.

"Please don't say it, it involves a humanoid magic power armor plan."

Hearing this, Ye Yu knew that she guessed right.

Humanoid Magic Power Armor——In Ye Yu's eyes, this is a "Gundam" plan for the magical world!
After confirming this, Ye Yu felt a rush of blood in his heart.

Mecha, that's the romance of a real man.

If Gundam can be developed in a different world, Teoduro Abeno's research Ye Yu will help!
"If this plan is successful, then the empire's scientific and technological strength will make great progress and development."

Teoduro Abeno pushed his own reading glasses, and solemnly began to introduce the benefits of the success of this project to Ye Yu.

"Student Ye Yu, you also know that although our overall strength relies on technology, our individual strength is somewhat weak compared to other races."

Ye Yu knew that Teoduro Abeno was referring to the drastic decline in the strength of newborn professionals in the human empire over the past few hundred years.

Not only the level has dropped, even the level of the same level has dropped a lot. An ancient professional of the same level can beat several modern professionals.

"And this plan will change the current status quo."

Speaking of this, Teoduro Abeno's emotions began to agitate.

"If this plan can be completed, then our human empire will take an unprecedented step forward!"

Especially once the power engine problem is solved, many industries in human society will be reshuffled.

Teoduro Abeno looked up at the sky above him, making it even possible for them to step out of the world.

"So, how much is done so far?"

"Cough cough."

The excitement was suddenly interrupted, and Teoduro Abeno felt embarrassed again—did this young man come to tear him down.

"Mr. Abeno, what is the current progress of this plan?"

Ye Yu looked at Teoduro Abeno expectantly, and the latter also showed a solemn expression.

Could it be that it has entered the final stage, Ye Yu felt a surge of joy in his heart.

Teoduro Abeno invited him to come for the mech?

Teoduro Abeno spoke very slowly, every word seemed to be carefully considered.

"Essentially zero."


Ye Yu really couldn't hold back and sprayed out the glass of water he just drank.

After talking for a long time, it turns out that everything is just Teoduro Abeno's theory on paper, drawing big cakes here.

"No way, I drew many blueprints, but none of them worked."

Thinking of this, Teoduro Abeno felt a little depressed again.

His plan has been studied for a long time without any breakthrough.

But a recent incident has put a twist on the plan.

Teoduro Abeno has been studying ancient history, but this is something incidental to his research direction.

The focus of his research is more on excavating some technologies of ancient civilizations from those distant histories.

As for this power technology, through some documents, Teoduro Abeno knew that this ancient elf empire had realized this technology.

Recently, the Imperial Archaeological Excavation Team discovered a newest ultra-ancient elf relic. According to the data, there is a high chance of finding that kind of technology in this relic.

Teoduro Abeno discovered through the investigation of ancient books and materials that it is said that a weapon called [Elf Saint Armor] is equipped with this technology.

As long as he finds that weapon in the ruins and transports it back to the specialized research institute of the empire, he can research it, and even directly achieve technological breakthroughs.

"We recently discovered a relic. As long as we can find what we want in it, maybe this technology can make a breakthrough. But we still need to recruit team members who can go in and explore."

"So this is why you called me, Mr. Abeno?"

If it was to activate the Armor in a different world, Ye Yu would not mind helping Teoduro Abeno.

"It wasn't originally like this. It was just my temporary plan to invite you, Ye Yu, to be an exploration team member. My original candidate was the one who defeated the Demon King."

Night Feather knows who Teoduro Abeno is talking about - Brave

Teoduro Abeno's original idea was to train Ye Yu as a research talent so that he could assist him in his research.

But after knowing Ye Yu's combat power, Teoduro Abeno immediately changed his mind.

"Mr. Abeno, do you believe me like this?"

It seemed inappropriate for Teoduro Abeno to tell himself such important secrets.

"It's okay, I think you can be trusted."

"Can I be trusted?"

"Haha, after all, even the captain praised you, he has spoken, I think I can trust you."

"Mr. Abeno, may I ask who is the captain you are talking about?"


Ye Yu suddenly realized that it was Mr. Eric.

Taking a closer look at Teoduro Abeno, Ye Yu didn't expect that this weak and pedantic old man would be teammates with Eric.

"Although you may find it unbelievable, I was also Captain Eric's teammate in that battle. Of course, I was just a waste of time." Teoduro Abeno laughed at himself.

Since Teoduro Abeno is the old man Eric's old friend, Ye Yu couldn't say anything more.

Ye Yu himself is also willing to help Teoduro Abeno, after all, if he succeeds, he might be able to research the Gundam of this world.

"Well, if that's the case, I don't have any opinion. I can help you. When do you need me to help you, Mr. Abeno?"

There must be a time plan, and Ye Yu still has the responsibility to protect Ariwell.

For Ye Yu, protecting Aliwell is the most important thing, and other things can be done without affecting this matter.


Teoduro Abeno took out a calendar and looked at it carefully.

"There is still some distance from the day when the ruins are officially unearthed, and it should be a while."

"Okay, Mr. Abeno, if there is nothing else, can I go?"

Before he knew it, Ye Yu had been here for a long time.

"of course."

 High numbers can kill, senior sister don't bully me! (ノДT)
(End of this chapter)

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