The lady is so cute

Chapter 98 News of the Brave

Chapter 98 News of the Brave
Welcome to the Empire Times, the following people from this TV station will broadcast the news for you:

Today, the heroes of the human race who defeated the Demon King—the brave and the members of the brave team have made their public appearances.

According to the reporter of this TV station, the brave man will go to the Imperial Palace to accept the canonization of the royal family in three days. The first-line interviewer of this station
"Hey, Dad, what are you looking at again?"

Ye Yu stood in front of her father.

In Ye Yu's home, a middle-aged man with Erlang's legs crossed and his socks on was lying on the sofa watching TV.

After a day of bloody battle, he finally completed the extra task of the unscrupulous boss.But what made him angry was that there was no overtime pay!
Ye Wuwei still remembered that his fat boss told him to have feelings for the company.

Then the boss's car changed one after another, and Ye Wuwei himself was still a poor wage earner.

"Ye Yu, you brat, don't block Dad from watching TV."

Could it be that I have worked hard all day and want to take a break and watch TV for a while?

Ye Yu smiled and said nothing, showing a playful expression.

His sister unknowingly came behind them.

"go out!"

The voice of the beautiful black-haired girl made Ye Wuwei get up from the sofa in fright.

With Ye Qingning's serious tone, Ye Wuwei knew that he must have done something wrong.

"Well, Qing Ning, don't be angry, Dad, what did I do wrong, tell me, I'll change everything."

Seeing his sister's increasingly cold expression, Ye Yu spoke first.

"Father, you are stupid, you don't take off your socks at home, and you deliberately crossed your legs."

This directly violated two taboos in Ye's family rules.

"I'm going out, I'm going out here."

Ye Wuwei ran out of the living room with his slippers on, leaving Ye Yu and Ye Qingning behind.

Ye Qingning was wearing a white home dress, her long black hair had been well bound and braided into a ponytail.

Wearing the unique black-rimmed glasses of Ye Yu's family, it gave people a different kind of temperament.

"Well, today's younger sister is also very cute."

Ye Yu murmured in a low voice, afraid that Ye Qingning would call him a pervert after hearing it.

Sniffing his nose, Ye Yu smelled a fragrance.

"Sister, have you cooked delicious food again?"

Ye Qingning didn't answer, but just gave Ye Yu a look to appreciate it, and then walked into the kitchen.

After Ye Wuwei was driven away, it was Ye Yu's turn to lie on the sofa.

After making a posture of Ge You lying down, Ye Yu replaced the TV station with the TV remote control board.

"I really can't understand why these greasy uncles like to watch such boring news."

Watching the 'handsome' boy with a sword on TV chatting and laughing in front of the host, Ye Yu recognized that this was the garbage brave man who had to let go of him to pass the level.

"Isn't this the second-class vegetable chicken?"

Ye Yu clearly remembered that in order to clear the level, he abandoned his teammate, Ariwell, as a pawn.

The interviewer of the Empire Times respectfully put the microphone in front of the 'brave man'.

"May I ask, Lord Brave, how do you feel about the successful completion of the Demon Lord Crusade?"

The brave man thought for a long time with his small brain capacity and lack of vocabulary, but he couldn't think of anything.

"Is it persistence?"

"Yes, it's persistence!"

The brave clapped his hands, and thanked the reporter who visited him.

"That's right, as the feeling of successfully defeating the evil devil king, what I remember most is persistence!"

The brave still remembered that he had lost 29 times in front of that black-haired succubus.

But of course the brave would not say this in front of the TV interview, he needs to beautify his behavior in the Demon King City.

"I remember that in the decisive battle against the Demon King, the opponent was very terrifying! My teammates and I fought 29 times before finally defeating the opponent."

After finishing speaking, the brave man looked at the teammates beside him, and after the interviewer of the Imperial Times pointed the camera at them, they also nodded.

"That's right, that's an extremely terrifying demon king. Even if we used combined moves, we couldn't do any harm to him. You know, the power that would make even gods retreat did not cause any harm to the evil demon king."

"By the way, Lord Brave, we remember that you still have a teammate?"

"Uh, this—"

The brave fell into an awkward silence.

At the beginning, the brave relied on Ye Yu's powerful strengthening magic, and killed the demon king inexplicably without even seeing the real face of the demon king clearly.

After that, everyone in the brave team was sent back to the church headquarters in the human world by the god-level legendary magic.

But Aliwell didn't come back with them.

It seems that because of Ye Yu's interference, Aliwell returned much later than they did.

Later, under the signal of Pope Sullivan III, Pope Sullivan III of Ellie Weir's 'grandpa', the Holy See did not make this news public.

And Aliwell then came to Pagawa, an important economic city far away from the imperial king, under the escort of Eric.

At present, apart from a very small number of high-level members of the Holy See, most of the members of the Holy See have no idea of ​​the whereabouts of the saint, Ariwell.

Including the brave group.

In his eyes, Aliwell has already been poisoned by that unreasonably powerful demon.

After thinking for a long time, under the suggestion of his teammates, the brave organized his language.

"Are you talking about Ms. Ariwell?"

The brave man showed a sad face, as if a bad thing had been mentioned.

"What's the matter, what's wrong with your other teammate?"

The interviewer immediately became excited when he saw the brave man's reaction.

Some members of the brave team died, and they were the only members who died. There must be a big melon among them.

As long as the news comes out, it will definitely attract a large number of people who want to pay attention, and then as an interviewer, he can also get a share of the huge benefits.

"Miss Aliwell, she—"

"Our teammate, Ms. Ellieville, died heroically in order to win the victory when we finally dealt with the Demon King"

After finishing speaking, the brave fell into silence, as if he didn't want to speak because of his extremely sad appearance.

Ye Yu watched his performance with relish, and had to say that this brave man is also a master of the show.

"That's right, then please let the audience in front of the TV mourn for the stranger Miss Ariwell."

The interviewer said this, but what he was thinking in his mind was how to get the information of the "sacrificed" member from the brave team so that he could do some gossip.

Subsequent reports are some chicken soup for the brave.

Anyway, as a 'successor', the brave man is right no matter what he says, and he can win the cheers and support of a large number of people.

After all, the lower classes need such a civilian hero.

Ye Yu turned off the TV.

I don't know what other people think when they see this show, but Ye Yu just finds it funny when he sees the pretentious look of the brave man.

Obviously he was the one who abandoned Aliwell as a pawn, so why did he become Aliwell who sacrificed his life heroically.

And he put all the things that happened to him on the devil.

Although Ye Yu didn't care, it didn't mean that Ye Yu's former boss, who didn't know if he was still alive, would be angry.

It should not jump out of the coffin board.

"Brother, it's time to eat!"

"Oh, here we come!"

Looking at the delicious food and the beautiful girl sister in home clothes, Ye Yu felt a burst of happiness.

There is a good saying:
There is a sister in the family,
If there is a treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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