Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 22 Treating Seven Tails as a Toy

Chapter 22 Treating Nanao as a Toy
Nanao Shigeaki felt it for a while, and found that he was in a free state at the moment, and was not controlled by Shibuki using the power of the contract. He knew it well, and it seemed that what Shibuki said before was not false.

Shigeaki Nanao also made a decision to fulfill the agreement with Shibuki!

"Shiki, is this the kid you want me to deal with?" The wings on Nanao's back fluttered and hovered in the air, "Just kill him, that's all!"

"Don't underestimate him, he is very powerful!" Sheki shouted at Nanao in a deep voice.

Nanao is not an idiot, he can force the Village Chief Takikage who possesses the Water of Heroes to the point of letting him go. The masked guy in front of him is definitely not so powerful.

But this is also not a problem for Nanao.

The seven-tailed mouth opened, and a large number of tailed beast chakras quickly condensed together. In the blink of an eye, a terrifying chakra energy ball with turbulent and palpitating energy was condensed.

It is the tailed beast jade condensed by Nanao.

"It's the tailed beast jade!"

Shiki and the others were breathing slightly stagnant, their eyes sparkled with excitement. In their perception, the Tailed Beast Jade was probably the most powerful attack in the world.

No ninja can block the attack of Tailed Beast Jade.

"Tail Beast Jade?" The corner of Liufeng's mouth evoked a smile, "It's just right, let me feel the power of the early generation!"

Wooden Dun·Wooden Man Technique!

Ka Ka Ka!
The trees in front of Liufeng grew wildly, forming a gigantic wooden figure, even bigger than the half-length giant Susan before!

At this time, the Tailed Beast Jade had already blasted in front of him, Liufeng controlled the wooden man to stretch out his hand, and directly grabbed the Tailed Beast Jade.

And grabbed the tailed beast jade.

"Give it back to you!"

Amidst Liufeng's sneer, the wooden man actually grabbed the tailed beast jade and threw it towards Nanao!

This, how is this possible!

Shemu and the others almost stared out their eyeballs. They never dared to imagine that someone could use magic to hold the tailed beast jade and bounce the tailed beast jade back!

This has shattered their cognition and shattered their three views.

"I have regained a little bit the feeling of the first generation." Liu Fengsao whispered.

When the first generation of the Valley of the End fought against Uchiha Madara, he used a wooden man to hold Nine Tails' Tailed Beast Jade and bounced it back to Nine Tails.

Although the current Liufeng's strength can't reach the level of the first generation at all, Nanao is far behind Kyuubi!

Therefore, Liufeng can also reproduce the demeanor of the first generation to a certain extent.

"Nani? Sen, Senju Hashirama?"

Not to mention people like Shiki, even Nanao was so shocked that he almost fell from the sky, panicking like an old dog.

At the beginning of the year, all the nine tailed beasts were tamed, and they were distributed to several ninja villages. Nanao also learned how powerful the first generation was.

From the masked man in front of him, he saw the shadow of Qianshou Zhujian!
When these thoughts flashed through Nanao's mind, the Tailed Beast Jade that it shot by itself hit it hard.

Although Nanao was originally flying in the air, but Ruikaze's wooden doll was too big, reaching the height of Nanao at once.

The tailed beast jade also said to throw it away, such a short distance, coupled with Nanao's bewilderment, in a hurry, it didn't dodge at all.

The tailed beast jade exploded directly, and Nanao's huge body fell to the ground.

A huge pit was smashed out of the ground.

Liu Feng clapped his hands again.

Mudun·Jie cloth bag technique!
Ka Ka Ka!
Suddenly, a few gigantic Mudun arms stretched out from the ground around Nanao, tightly grasping Nanao's body, head, tail, etc., firmly fixing Nanao to the ground.

The chakra on Nanao's body exploded non-stop, struggling frantically, trying to break free from the shackles of the wooden hand, but to no avail.

In the shackles of wooden hands, even Nanao seemed so helpless and weak.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng stretched out his hand again, and a word "Zuo" appeared in his palm.

Kuo'an dropped his hand!

The wooden man stretched out his hand synchronously with Liufeng's movement, and a word "Zuo" also appeared in the palm, jumped in front of Nanao in a few steps, and pressed that palm on Nanao's head.

Nanao soon stopped struggling, closed her eyes, and lay obediently on the ground without moving.

Ka Ka Ka!
At this time, Liufeng took back all the wooden hands and figurines, and there was only one huge unconscious insect left on the scene.

Nanao Shigeaki, who was regarded as the last hope by people like Shibuki, was as vulnerable as a toy in front of Ruikaze.

He even had time to send out a tailed beast jade before being subdued by Liu Feng.

"This, what kind of power is this! This is the power that only gods can possess!"

Sheki's face was extremely pale, and even his body couldn't help shaking. The power displayed by Liufeng completely defeated their psychological defense.

Looking at the other junin, the same is true. The cognition accumulated over the years suddenly shattered at this moment.

"I'll take Nanao away! Just treat it as a punishment for you!" Liufeng's voice sounded, his left eye was aimed at Nanao, and Kamui activated.

Nanao's figure distorted, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and was taken into the Kamui space by Liufeng.

"Space, space ninjutsu? It's so scary!" Shiki murmured, his face had no expression.

Shibuki, who had been hit one after another, was completely numb.

"Do you have any cards left now?" Liufeng asked with a hint of banter in his voice, looking at Shemu.

The corner of Shiki's mouth twitched, and a deep helplessness and wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Sir, with such strength, what else can the whole ninja world not get? I don't know why the lord is interested in our Takiyin Village?"

Up to now, Shiki had no intention of struggling and resisting at all.

In the face of such a god-like power that is so different from heaven and earth, Shibuki understands that they cannot have any other choice except to obey.

"The scenery here is very nice." Liu Feng shrugged.

Shiki and the others didn't seem to want to say anything when they saw Liufeng, and they didn't dare to ask too much.

Liufeng ignored Shiki and the others, and clapped his palms together.

Wooden escape·Lianzhu's art!
A majestic mansion rose from the ground, and Liu Feng strolled in, only a sentence floated over: "Except for you, the village chief, no one is allowed to approach this place!"

"Wow, will this be our new home from now on!" came along with A Fei's jumping voice.

(End of this chapter)

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