Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 35 Liufeng's First Mission

Chapter 35 Liufeng's First Mission

Following Younu Qugen, she walked into an extremely dim hall, where a man with a cane sat at the end of the hall, looking down at the root members waiting below with a posture of a superior.

"Master Danzo, Jizo is here."

Younu Qugen knelt on one knee and reported to Danzang.

Liufeng was standing behind Younv Qugen, imitating Younv Qugen's appearance, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Master Danzo!"

There is no other way, for the sake of his own plan, kneeling on one knee or something, he can only bear it, Liu Feng is not so pretentious that he can't even do this kind of thing.

"Ksitigarbha, from today onwards, you will officially become a member of Roots! The so-called 'roots' have no name or emotion. There is no past and no future. There is only a mission in your heart, and you will support the big tree of Muye Village behind your back. It is the will of our 'roots' that is deeply rooted in the earth!"

Danzo looked down at Liufeng and spoke leisurely.

"Are you willing to carry out the will of our 'roots' in order to support the big tree of Konoha, even at the cost of sacrificing your own life?"

"Subordinate willing!"

Besides this sentence, how else could Liu Feng answer?

There was no expression on Danzo's face, and he said: "Very good, now, I will give you a task. This is the first task after you join the root. Taking the root is the team leader. You Everything is subject to Qugen's arrangement!"

"Yes, Danzo-sama!"

Liufeng replied without hesitation, but he was sneering in his heart. It seems that Danzo really trusts Yuu Takugen very much.

It's just that this old man can't know that his most trusted confidant has now become a flirtatious person.

After the oil girl took the root and bowed to Danzo, she took the wind out of the root.

"Lord Ksitigarbha..." Younv Qugen seemed to have something to report to Liufeng, but she was interrupted by Liufeng just halfway through.

"Take the root, unless it is in my room, anywhere else, you must pretend that you are my senior!"

This is Konoha, the base camp of Genbu, and Liufeng doesn't know which dark corner he didn't pay attention to, there is a pair of Genbu's eyes staring at him.

Although this task has been handed over to Younv to take the root, Liufeng is not sure whether Danzo will arrange another person to spy on him!
After all, Danzo has never done this kind of thing.

In the original time and space, when Sai newly joined the seventh squad to perform a secret mission, Danzo also sent people from the root to monitor Sai!

As long as the old thing Danzo doesn't trust a person, he will definitely do this.

So now, has Danzo trusted Liufeng?

the answer is negative.

With Danzo's prudence, even if Younv Togen and the others have completed the special training on convective spiritual assimilation, Danzo will still arrange one or two testing tasks for testing.

When Liufeng passed the test of the task, he was officially recognized by Danzo.

So now, still can not be taken lightly.

You Nu Qu Gen didn't speak, but she remembered Liu Feng's words in her heart.

"Senior, don't we start now?" Liu Fengzhen asked You Nu Qugen with an attitude towards seniors.

"Wait a minute, there is another team member who will carry out the mission with us." Younu Qugen said to Liufeng.

"Yes, senior!"

Liufeng didn't say anything more.

After a while, suddenly a figure flashed past, but it was a young man in a "navel-baring outfit", who appeared in front of Liufeng and Younv Qugen by using the instant body technique.

"He's Sai, and he's going to act with us this time." The oil girl took Gen Convection and briefly introduced.

Nani, Sai?
Liufeng began to look up and down the young man in front of him, thinking secretly, Sai and Naruto were of the same generation, they were almost a few years younger, how could they be so old at this time?
Liufeng naturally didn't know that the Sai he knew was actually the heir of this Sai.

Sai found a baby when he was performing a mission at the root, so he moved with compassion and secretly adopted the baby.

Because the adoption had always been secret, Sai didn't name the baby either.

It wasn't until Sai died in a mission that he told Danzo about his adoption of the baby, and entrusted the three-year-old baby to Danzo.

Also entrusted to Danzo, there is Sai's super beast fake painting.

Because there was no name, Danzo simply called the baby by Sai's name.

From then on, another Sai was born.

"team leader!"

Sai said hello to Younv Takegen.

"I'm Sai, please give me your advice!" Sai said to Liufeng after him.

This Sai, compared to the Sai in Liu Feng's impression, has a much gentler personality.

Liufeng also immediately responded in a low-key and humble manner: "I'm Jizo, I just joined the root, please give me a lot of advice from seniors!"

"Okay, everyone is here, let me tell you about our mission this time!" Younv Qugen glanced at Sai and Liufeng at this moment, and began to say seriously.

Sai's spirit immediately sank, and he ignored Liu Feng.

Liufeng also showed a curious look, and he also wanted to hear what the first task Danzo arranged for him was.

"Our mission this time is a secret contact mission. The target is powerful and has an unclear attitude. The possibility of a battle cannot be ruled out, so we must prepare for the battle in advance! Do you understand?" Liufeng and Sai said.



Sai and Liufeng answered in unison.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Whoosh whoosh!
The three of them launched the body-blinking technique, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Outside Muye Village, the three of Younv Qugen kept walking through the mountains and forests at an extremely fast speed. Younv Qugen led the way in front, and Liufeng and Saii followed behind.

There was no communication between the three of them other than rushing on their way, only the sound of whizzing and swishing through the air kept ringing.

About a dozen kilometers away from Muye Village, Younv Qugen suddenly made a gesture, which was a common tactical gesture in Genbu, and Liufeng had also been trained to understand the meaning.

Swish swish!
The three of them stopped in unison.

At this time, a person slowly walked out from behind a rock in front of him, and looked up at Liu Feng and the other three with a blank expression: "It's a bit late for you guys to come."

As he said that, the man held his glasses frame on the bridge of his nose with his hand, looking like a gentle scholar.


Pharmacist pocket?
Liufeng was surprised.

The one in front of him is the young pharmacist Dou, who should be a member of Orochimaru, how could he meet someone from Genbu?

(End of this chapter)

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