Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 37 Assassination of the 4th Kazekage Project!

Chapter 37 Assassination of the Fourth Kazekage Project!

The flying speed of the big ink and ink birds is still very fast. Although they are much behind the red sand scorpions in terms of time, they are the first to come.

He succeeded in spotting the scorpion on the way before the red sand scorpion arrived at Kirigakure.

"Attention, find the target!"

The oily girl took the root to remind on the back of the big bird of ink, and Liu Feng and Sai actually found out that on the road not far ahead, there were very short red-haired guys walking forward at a leisurely pace. .

I don't know, I thought the other party was taking a walk!
Sai's big ink ink bird passed the red sand scorpion in the air, then circled and flew back.

The face of the Scarlet Sand Scorpion was revealed.

That is clearly a child!
"Captain, is this the Red Sand Scorpion?"

Saii subconsciously revealed a look of surprise, the red-haired guy in front of him, no matter how you look at it, he must be a teenager!

Sai spent a lot of energy, but he couldn't connect the guy in front of him with the notorious S-rank rebel.

This is so unreal.

Naturally, they would not have thought that the Scarlet Sand Scorpion had made himself a puppet, so he would always "keep youthful forever". His actual age was much older than his appearance.

"According to the information, this person is undoubtedly the Scorpion of Red Sand!" The oil girl took the root to explain for Sai, dispelling the doubts in Sai's heart.

So Sai didn't say anything more.

Ninjas are not ordinary people. Ninjas have a variety of methods, which is unimaginable. Even if the red sand scorpion really has such an obviously mismatched face, it is not strange.

"Sai, let's go there!" Younv Togen said to Sai.

Saii immediately controlled the big ink ink bird, and swooped down towards the red sand scorpion.

The Red Sand Scorpion also found Sai and the others, turned his head to glance at Sai and the others expressionlessly, took out a scroll, and reached out to press it.

A puff of smoke and dust flashed by, and a puppet in the shape of a scorpion was taken out by him.

A series of chakra lines are connected to the body of the scorpion puppet.

"This is... Scarlet Liuhu?"

Liufeng could see it clearly, this scorpion puppet was [-]% similar to the Crimson Liuhu puppet that the Red Sand Scorpion would use to hide in the future.

It seems that now, it should be Feiliuhu, but it is not perfect yet.

After taking out the "First Generation Scarlet Hu", the Red Sand Scorpion waved his hands and ten fingers lightly, and the Scarlet Hu on the ground opened his mouth suddenly, aiming at the Sai people in the sky.

Chi Chi Chi!

The overwhelming misery shot at several people from Fei Liuhu's mouth, densely packed, covering the sky and covering the sun, it was like a plague of locusts that made one's scalp numb.

No matter how powerful the physical skills are, they cannot escape all of them.

"Super beast fake painting!"

Unhurried, Saii unfolded his scroll with a flick of his hand, swished a few strokes, and another big bird jumped out of the paper and rushed out instantly.

Puff puff puff!

Most of the kunai of the red sand scorpion were blocked by Sai's big ink ink bird.

However, the big ink bird was also attacked by the red sand scorpion's sky-filled Kunai, and it exploded instantly, turning into a little bit of ink, and dissipating in the air.

But taking advantage of this time, the three Younv Qugen, Sai and Liufeng in the air also took the opportunity to fly down and landed on the ground.

"Scorpion, don't get me wrong, we are Lord Danzo's subordinates!" Younv Qugen immediately said to Red Sand Scorpion.

"Danzo?" The red sand scorpion showed no expression on his face, and his voice was even more icy cold, "I have already warned him, don't bother me! Go away, or I will kill you!"

"Scorpion, Danzo-sama said, you don't have to worry about Luo Sha, he will take care of it for you, as long as you agree, the Fifth Kazekage is yours!" Younv Chigen ignored the threat of Red Sand Scorpion and continued Shen Sheng said.

"Do you want me to be their shadow with a rebellious sand hidden? Is Danzo crazy?" The voice of the red sand scorpion sounded full of sarcasm.

Not only the red sand scorpion, but even Liufeng thinks that Danzo is crazy!
Only that lunatic Danzo dared to think about such a crazy plan, but what is the purpose of Danzo doing this?
Could it be, to help the red sand scorpion become Kazekage, and then let Kazekage support himself as Hokage?

This is so...

Is Danzo trying to get Namikaze Minato to step down?

Thinking about it carefully, this is not impossible. Danzo doesn't know that Namakaze Minato will die in the future. What Danzo sees now is a Fourth Hokage who is deeply loved by the village!
After all, during the Three Wars, Konoha's victory cannot be said to be achieved by Namikaze Minato on his own, but Namikaze Minato is definitely the one who contributed the most.

And Namikaze Minato is still so young, I'm afraid Danzo will be too old to walk after leaving office!
Can't wait for this old thing!

"You are the grandson of Chiyo, and your seniority is definitely enough. So what if you are rebellious? Once Luo Sha dies, Sha Yin will be in chaos! Besides, the old monk just died, and Izuo hasn't been resurrected yet, right? In this case, who will guard it? The village? At that time, Sha Yin will definitely be annexed by other big countries. Sand Yin urgently needs a shadow-level master to sit in the town and stabilize the situation. You are the best choice! Although you are not the best choice, you are their only choice !"

Younu Qugen began to analyze the situation for the Red Sand Scorpion, and Liu Feng was terrified when he heard it.

Because the old thing Danzo really grasped the timing quite accurately, and even aimed at the blank period of the death of Tsuruto Churiki!
After the tailed beast is sealed into the body of Jinchuriki, the tailed beast and Jinchuriki are inseparable. If the tailed beast is pulled out of Jinchuriki, Jinchuriki will die. On the contrary, when Jinchuriki is dead, the tailed beast will die. die together.

However, the tailed beast is a very special existence in the ninja world after all, and it is not a real death.

Even if you die, you will be resurrected after a few years!

And Liufeng knows that the time for Shukaku's resurrection is not far away, because counting the time, Gaara is either just born or will be born soon.

Gaara, but Jinjuriki who will be the next keeper of the crane!
And Shayin Village, which has lost Shouhe and Luosha one after another, is equivalent to a tiger without teeth. I am afraid that there is a real risk of being annexed by other villages!

Although there are certain elements of alarmism in the old man Danzo's words, it has to be said that there is some truth to it.

Hearing Younv's words, Chisha Scorpion couldn't help being moved: "Danzo actually planned this far? In order to get me to the top, he even prepared to attack Sidai Kazekage?"

"It's good that you understand, Xie, Danzo-sama is full of sincerity!" Younv's voice regained some confidence.

Danzo has paved the way, and the Scarlet Sand Scorpion can ascend to a high position without doing anything. He should, won't refuse, right?

It's just a pity that Danzo still doesn't know much about the Red Sand Scorpion.

(End of this chapter)

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