Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 40 Danzo's Life and Death Test

Chapter 40 Danzo's Life and Death Test
"Ninja Moliu!"

Sai, who hadn't had much time to make a move, found an opportunity to make a move at this time. He made a mark with his hands and slapped the ground, and a circle of spells spread out immediately.

Amidst the surge of the technique, a black torrent suddenly poured down.

That torrent is not an ordinary water escape, but Saii's ink flow!
The flow of ink swept across the huge waves, rushing towards the red sand scorpion like a vast ocean.

Even a row of hard iron sand pillars inserted into the ground in front of the red sand scorpion is useless for defense. Those pillars can only defend against ordinary physical attacks, but they cannot prevent the seamless flow of ink.

The flow of ink passed through the defense of the iron sand pillar in an instant, and flooded to the side of the red sand scorpion. The red sand scorpion did not rush, jumped, and directly jumped onto the iron sand pillar and stood there.

The flow of ink flowed under his feet, and did not touch the red sand scorpion at all.

But from the flow of ink, several ink beasts sprang out at once, including ink tigers, ink lions, ink rhinos, etc., all around the red sand scorpion, and rushed towards the red sand scorpion at the same time .

The Red Sand Scorpion took his time.

Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Wall!
Chi Chi Chi!
Several sand and iron spears suddenly condensed in the air. Although the number is much less than that of sand and iron Shiyu, the attack power of each spear has doubled.

The super beasts summoned by Sai were pierced by those spears before they got close to the body of the red sand scorpion, and turned into ink again, and merged into the ink flow.

But immediately after, other ink beasts emerged from the ink flow again, and rushed towards the red sand scorpion.

"It's as annoying as a fly!"

After the red sand scorpion shot and blasted several super beasts, the human jumped up and jumped onto the puppet of the third generation of Fengying people.

As for the puppet of the third generation of Fengyingren, at some point, it had condensed a pair of sand and iron wings on its body, flapped it lightly, and flew into the air with the red sand scorpion.

Now, Sai's ink flow is useless.

The essence of this attack is to drag the enemy into the ink flow, and it was for this purpose that Sai summoned so many beasts just now.

But now that the red sand scorpion has already flown into the sky, there is no need to use ink flow, just use an ordinary super beast fake painting. After all, this move is too expensive for chakra.

Sai immediately withdrew his chakra, and Moliu disappeared immediately.

Looking up, I saw the red sand scorpion standing on the body of the puppet of the three generations of wind shadow people, looking down at the few people from a high position, with an indifferent but majestic expression.

"Captain, Scorpion actually has a powerful puppet like the Third Kazekage. It is no longer a situation we can handle. Should we go back first and inform Danzo-sama before making a decision?"

Zuoi walked up to You Nu Qu Gen, and asked You Nu Qu Gen in a deep voice.

"Damn it, this mission failed just like that?" Younu Qugen showed a very unwilling expression, he gritted his teeth, and agreed with Sai's opinion, "Retreat!"

Whoosh whoosh!
Several people unfolded their movements and quickly fled towards the distance.

"Want to go?"

The red sand scorpion on the puppet of the Third Kazekage let out a cold and merciless voice from its throat, controlling the Third Kazekage to spread its wings and chase after it from the sky.

No matter how fast the body-blinking technique of the few people is, it cannot be faster than the flying speed of the puppets of the three generations of Fengyingmen, and they will be overtaken very quickly.

Chi Chi Chi!

Countless giant sand and iron needles shot down from high altitude towards the few people on the ground.

Soon, several people became embarrassed.

Younv Qugen and Sai received some minor injuries, and Liu Feng was shot several times by the Red Sand Scorpion on purpose in order not to be too noticeable.

As a result, almost accidentally, he was automatically healed by Hashirama's perfect body!

so close!

He had no choice but to control the intercolumn cells and maintain the state of the wound, so that his efforts were not in vain.

"No, the enemy is too strong. If this continues, the three of us will die here, and we must leave one behind!"

At this time, Younv Qugen said in a deep voice, Liu Feng and Sai both agreed.

The strength difference between the three of them and the Scarlet Sand Scorpion is too great, it is unrealistic for them all to escape.

Of course, they didn't know someone's Mu Dun strength, they only showed [-]% to [-]% of it.

"Ksitigarbha, after you use the wooden escape to stay behind, Sai uses the super beast fake painting to take me back!" Younu Qugen quickly made a decision at this time, "We must escape, and bring this information with me. Give it to Danzo-sama."

This is so...

Liu Feng really wanted to scold his mother, the situation in front of him, the one after the breakup, is actually sending him to death, right?

He just used his own life to buy time for Sai's super beast fake painting!
It's just that the oil girl's root extraction has been controlled by myself with illusion, how could she intentionally harm herself?
Liu Feng glanced at You Nu Qu Gen, and found that You Nu Qu Gen was looking at him with a posture of obeying orders, obviously waiting for his orders.

Liufeng realized it, this must be Danzo's order before!
Younv Qugen told herself a long time ago that even after completing the spiritual assimilation, Danzo will use one or two tasks to test herself first, which is obviously a test for herself!

If you choose to accept this mortal arrangement, it means that you are willing to die for Danzo!
Then you will completely win Danzo's trust!
This old bastard!
Liu Feng cursed secretly in his heart.

Since he was testing himself, then the old Yinbi would definitely not let a wooden ninja like himself die, which meant that the old Yinbi might have come a long time ago!
Just watching the fun on the sidelines!

This is so...

Liu Feng could hardly bear it anymore.

"Yes, captain! I will use the wooden escape to stop the scorpion, you must hurry up!" Liu Feng immediately said in a tone of death.

The solemn and stirring voice and the sonorous momentum moved even Liufeng himself.

"Have you given up yet?" The red sand scorpion also temporarily suspended above the few people, "Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Shiyu!"

Chi Chi Chi!

A large number of iron needles shot over densely again.

"Woodun·Tree Boundary Wall!"

Liu Feng slapped his palms and pressed hard on the ground, the power of Mudun emerged, amidst the crackling sound, countless branches broke through the ground in front of them.

Countless branches began to grow crazily amidst constant entanglement and intertwining, forming a huge wall several hundred meters wide and several hundred meters high in front of Liufeng and the others!
And that huge wall is still growing crazily!
The iron needles shot by the Scarlet Sand Scorpion were like drizzle in the face of such a huge wall.

(End of this chapter)

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