Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 42 The Conspiracy with the 4th Mizukage

Chapter 42 The Conspiracy with the Fourth Mizukage
Seeing that the old thing Danzo finally appeared, Liufeng was completely relieved. At least the old thing came, and he didn't have to try his best to pretend to be injured.

Because the healing ability of Hashirama's perfect body is too strong, basically all the injuries received will heal automatically, so Liufeng had to specially suppress his own body in order to maintain that injured state.

Very hard work!

"Ksitigarbha, your injury doesn't matter, does it?"

Danzo unexpectedly walked to Liufeng's side slowly, took a look at Liufeng, and asked.

It made Liufeng feel a little bit in his heart, and he felt flattered that Danzo actually cared about his subordinates?
Such a good thing, struck by lightning from the sky, would actually happen to him?
"Master Danzo, I'm fine! These are skin injuries!" Liufeng immediately said sonorously, with a full look of being loyal to Danzo and willing to work hard for Danzo.

Danzo didn't say much, but said blankly: "Take the root, Jizo, you two stay, the others, leave!"

Whoosh whoosh!
As soon as the voice fell, the root personnel at the scene started the instant body technique and scattered away, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

Efficiency is called a high.

"I said, why did Danzo change his temper and suddenly care about his subordinates? It turns out that this old thing still has tasks to entrust to himself!"

Liufeng slandered endlessly in his heart, this is the familiar Danzo.

"I'll give you half an hour to repair in situ." Danzang followed closely, and after saying this to Liufeng and Younu Qugen, they stopped talking.

Liufeng and Younv Qugen didn't have any nonsense, and began to heal and recover.

Half an hour later, Danzo didn't say hello to the two of them, and walked directly on the road, like an old man who was dying, walking slowly on the road.

Liufeng and Younv Qugen didn't ask what Danzo was doing, but acted as Danzo's most loyal guards, one left and one right, closely following Danzo.

Whoosh whoosh!
After walking a distance of one or two kilometers, Danzo launched the instant body technique, quickly raised his body, and rushed to a cliff.

Liu Feng and You Nv Tuo Gen followed closely behind, never leaving Danzo.

After coming to that cliff, Danzo didn't take any action. He just stood there obediently, leaning on a cane, and stared at the front plainly, as if looking at the scenery.

Liufeng and Younv Qugen, one on the left and one on the right, closely guarded Danzang's two sides.

"Danzo is waiting for someone to fail?"

Rukaze couldn't help guessing secretly that this is the road leading to Kirigakure. Could it be that Danzo is waiting for someone from Kirigakure?

Liu Feng's answer was verified not long after.


Almost half an hour later, a child with green hair and a long scar on his left face slowly walked out of the dense forest above the cliff.

Liu Kaze only took one look, and immediately recognized this child, it was none other than Kirigakure's fourth Mizukage, Kutachi Yakura!

This guy Danzo, who secretly came into contact with the Red Sand Scorpion, and also secretly came into contact with Goju Yagura, is really quite generous!

And Danzo's purpose of contacting the red sand scorpion is already known, so what is the purpose of contacting Goju Yagura?
Could it be that he still made a deal with Goju Yakura, asking Goju Yakura to represent Wuyin Village and support Danzo to become Hokage?

"Fourth generation Mizukage!"

Danzo turned around, and greeted Goju Yagura lightly, an unfathomable flash flashed in his one-eyed eyes, "I've said a long time ago that the Kaguya clan must be the serious trouble of Kirigakure ?”

Goju Yagura frowned, and after a moment of silence, he said: "But anyway, they are also Kirigakure's family!"

"Don't stop, don't suffer from it! You know better than me what kind of people the Huiye clan are, and you must also know that this clan is a disaster! If they are not eradicated early, they will rebel sooner or later! Could it be this time? Isn't the lesson learned enough?"

Danzo's voice was unhurried, but there was an indescribable persuasive power in the plainness.

I have to say that Danzo is absolutely qualified as a conspirator. This person can always grasp the weakness of others' hearts, so that he can hit the nail on the head, making it impossible for the other party to refute.

Cases like the red sand scorpion's car overturning not long ago are rare after all.

And the words Dancai Danzo said just now clearly hit Gouju Yakura's heart.

Goju Yakura was silent again, and the Kaguya clan once again staged a riot a few days ago, and suddenly launched an attack on several other powerful families, causing many casualties.

Even if he, the Fourth Mizukage, personally went out to suppress it, it was useless, and the Kaguya clan stopped after killing several people one after another.

Even Chiki Kaguya, the patriarch of the Kaguya clan, took action against him, Mizukage!
If it wasn't that he couldn't beat himself as Mizukage, Goju Yagura believed that even if he was Mizukage, Chiki Kaguya would kill him without hesitation!

The people of this family are all lunatics, they only have challenges and killing in their minds!
Challenge the strong kill, kill the strong, and nothing else!

Although Danzo's words are not very pleasant, Goju Yakura has to admit that what Danzo said is the truth, this family will launch a rebellion sooner or later.

Because as the strength of this family continues to grow, their perverted desire to fight is also extremely inflated, and sooner or later they will use the village as a target for venting.

Goju Yakura has actually long been determined to completely eliminate the Kaguya clan, but this matter is of great importance, and rashly attacking the families in the village will have a bad impact after all, so it has been delayed in taking any action.

But right now, if Danzo is the one to do it...

Goju Yakura was really moved.

"Since you came out to see me now, it means that you have made a decision in your heart. Then, fourth generation, why don't we have an open and honest talk? This is also a good thing for your village!"

Danzo's voice continued to sound leisurely.

"Tell me your conditions!" A gleam flashed in Goju Yakura's eyes, as if he had made some kind of decision.

"I will help you get rid of the Kaguya clan, but in exchange, I need you, as your Fourth Mizukage, to give me some support when I need it!" Danzo said in a deep voice purpose.

"Sure enough, it's for Hokage's seat again!"

Liufeng sighed secretly in his heart, when he was watching "Hokage", he never imagined that Danzo actually planned so much in secret for the seat of Hokage?
(End of this chapter)

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