Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 58 No one can touch this person

Chapter 58 No one can touch this person

After Kaguya Chiki killed a ninja with one blow, he still wanted to hide in the bone forest as before, but at that moment, his body trembled suddenly, and his body suddenly became uncomfortable. It's convenient.

An inexplicable force destroyed his muscle tissue!
"It's now!"

Goju Yakura, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, Ghost Lantern Manyue and others seized this critical moment, and all used the Blinking Technique, rushing to Kaguya Chiki's side in the first time.

The jellyfish muscle in the hand of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost hit Chiki Kaguya's body first, and the chakra in Chiki Kaguya's body was immediately sucked dry by the jellyfish muscle.

Ghost Lantern Moon also picked up the flounder, and shot a chakra light ball at Chiki Kaguya, directly blowing Chiki Kaguya into the air.

Chi Chi Chi!

Kaguya Chiki fell on the bone forest all of a sudden, pierced by the bone spurs he created one after another, and turned into a corpse.


The oil girl wiped the sweat from her forehead with her roots, and let out a long sigh of relief.

The Kaguya clan is really too powerful. Even if they cooperated with the fourth Mizukage and the four Ninja Swordsmen, a large number of people were still lost at the root.

But no matter what, now the Huiye clan can be regarded as exterminated.

"it is finally over."

Goju Yakura also took a deep breath, and the tense hearts of Xiguashan Puffer Ghost and Ghost Lantern Moon finally relaxed.

"Finally... it's over?"

Mu Dun Liufeng also murmured something in an extremely weak voice, and then pretended to be exhausted, and fell headlong from the ink big bird.


Younu Qugen let out a scream, and a bullet shot towards Mudunliufeng, hugging Mudunliufeng in mid-air, and then landed on the tree boundary wall.

Whoosh whoosh!
Immediately afterwards, the oil girl took the root and continued to lightly tap on the tree boundary wall, stepped on the wooden branches on the tree boundary wall, jumped out of the bone forest, and came to the open space outside the bone forest.

Goju Yakura and other people also did the same, they also stepped on the tree boundary wall and jumped out of the bone forest.

Danzo, who was watching the play and playing soy sauce from the beginning to the end, walked slowly in front of Goju Yakura with a cane.

"Fourth generation Mizukage, I have done what I promised you, I hope you can also remember what you promised me!"

Danzo said expressionlessly.

"I won't break my promise to you, but Danzo, I remember that we also said before that your request should not exceed my ability and responsibility. I hope you will also remember this!"

Citrus Yagura also reminded me seriously.

"Don't worry, I, Danzo, am not a person who knows how to advance and retreat!" Danzang replied.

Ka Ka Ka!
At this moment, there was a loud noise from the tree boundary wall in the bone forest, followed by the flying of the branches, a member of the Hui Ye tribe suddenly jumped out!
Stepping on the tree boundary wall, he rushed towards those people outside the bone forest!
Without a doubt, it was Kaguya-kun Maro.

After Mu Dunliufeng "passed out", he let go of the control of the tree boundary wall, and within the wooden branches that bound Jun Malu, the powerful binding force dissipated.

Kaguya-kun Maro smashed those wooden branches and broke free.

Although Jun Malu was ignorant about this war and didn't know why he wanted to fight with others, he still kept in mind the patriarch's confession that he wanted to kill everyone in front of him!

Even if Hui Ye Clan is left alone!

"What, there are still people who are not dead!"

Huiye Junmalu attracted the attention of everyone on the scene. At this time, Ghost Lantern Moon picked up the flounder and swished towards Junmalu.

"Leave him to me!" The figure of Ghost Lamp Full Moon disappeared in an instant, and only a light and light sentence came over.

Goju Yakura and the others didn't stop him either. It's just a child of the Kaguya clan, and it's enough to hand it over to a ninja seven, so there's no need to make a big fuss.

Ghost Lantern Moon directly used the flounder to shoot a chakra light ball at Kaguya-kun Maro, directly blowing Kaguya-kun Maro away.

Jun Ma Lu, who was exhausted after repeated vicious battles, could not escape the blow of Ghost Lantern Full Moon after all.

In fact, if it wasn't for Kaguya-kun Maro's quick dodge, this blow might end in a serious injury even if it didn't kill him.

Even in the current situation, Jun Malu felt that his whole body was falling apart, and there was also very little chakra left, and he had no fighting power at all.

Ghost Lantern Moon was not in a hurry, just stepped on the tree boundary wall, walked towards Huiye Junmalu step by step, and walked all the way to Junmalu.

He lowered his head and glanced at Jun Ma Lu expressionlessly. He didn't say anything nonsense, so he fiddled with the flounder, trying to kill Jun Ma Lu.

But at this moment, an incomparably sharp piercing sound suddenly came, and at the same time, a chilling murderous intent locked the ghost lamp full moon.

Ghost Lantern Moon's complexion changed, and the flounder in his hand changed its attack. Taking advantage of the trend, he blocked in front of him, and a long sword directly hit the flounder.

At this moment, Ghost Lantern Moon suddenly turned his head to look, only to see a middle-aged man with fluttering long hair and a somewhat sinister look who appeared beside him at some point.

But seeing this man's mouth wide open, a snake's head protruded from his mouth, and that snake's head also opened its mouth wide, biting a sword tightly!

It was the sword that he blocked!


Guideng Manyue was quite confused when he saw the person coming. He never expected that Orochimaru would appear suddenly and intervene.

And standing next to Dashemaru, who is the other guy wearing a mask, Ghost Lantern Moon is not sure.

——There is no doubt that the man in the mask is Liufeng.

"This man, you can't move!" Orochimaru laughed with his characteristic hoarse voice.

Before he finished speaking, the Kusanagi sword in his mouth suddenly grew longer, stabbing the full moon of the ghost lamp all of a sudden and kept going backwards.

Orochimaru, who obtained the body of Lord Madara, has greatly increased its strength, that's how domineering it is.

After stabbing the full moon of the ghost lamp, Orochimaru withdrew the Kusanagi sword, and stretched out his hand to Junma Luyi who was on the ground: "Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

A big snake appeared from Orochimaru's cuff, wrapped around Junmaro's body, and brought Junmaro to his side.

Whoosh whoosh!
A few figures flashed by, but it was Goju Yakura, Xiguashan puffer ghost and others, who all rushed over with the blink of an eye, blocking the way of Orochimaru and Liufeng.

(End of this chapter)

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