Chapter 60
"I kill you!"

There was a shout, but the Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost got up from the ground in shock and anger, his face was flushed red, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

It was so easy for others to beat him like a dog with fists and kicks. He was so ashamed that he was thrown to his grandma's house.

However, before the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost could charge up again, Goju Yakura held him down. Goju Yakura shook his head at him and said, "Let's get down to business first!"

Speaking of this, Goju Yakura made a gesture to the four ninja swordsmen at the scene, and they all understood, and they all performed the teleportation technique, and moved to the surroundings of Orochimaru and Liufeng respectively.

Surrounded Orochimaru and Liufeng.

Their primary goal has always been to kill the Guanghui Ye clansmen. As for this masked man who suddenly appeared, they naturally cannot let it go easily, but they have to delay it a little.

Orochimaru and Liufeng are not fools, so they naturally understand Goju Yakura's intentions, but they are not afraid at all, anyway, Liufeng has divine power, so what if they are surrounded by thousands of troops?

"Don't be afraid, Junmaro." Orochimaru turned around as if he didn't see the people around Kuju Yakura, and said to Junmaro as if no one else was around.

"I'm not afraid." Jun Malu shook his head.

Although he was very young, he was really not afraid of death, he just stared at Orochimaru in a daze, "Why did you save me?"

"Because you are a very interesting thing to me!" Orochimaru said in a low and hoarse voice, as if he had a special magical power.

"It's meaningless for people to live, but only by living can they find interesting things, just like me, I met you!"

To outsiders, this sounded a little dizzy and completely incomprehensible, but it made Jun Malu's heartstrings tremble.

Jun Malu has been imprisoned in a big prison since he was a child. For him, his whole world is that prison. Jun Malu has always been at a loss. What is the meaning of being alive?
This is also the reason why Jun Malu is so brave and not afraid of death at such a young age. After all, he doesn't know why people live!

This is also the reason why Junmaro obeyed Chiki Kaguya's orders so much. Even if the whole clan died and only he was left alone, he still had to continue to complete Chiki Kaguya's confession and kill all of them. people!

Because Jun Malu doesn't know the meaning of his life, and he doesn't know what he wants to live for!
If he doesn't carry out Kaguya Chiki's mission, he will have nothing to do and find no meaning in living!
It has to be said that Orochimaru is indeed a first-class expert in manipulating people's hearts.

Look at the subordinates of Orochimaru in "Hokage", except for Sasuke who shot at Orochimaru with ill intentions from the beginning, which one is not loyal to Orochimaru?

"Kimaro, are you willing to come with me?" Orochimaru continued to speak softly, and stretched out his hand to touch Junmaru's small face.

Jun Malu looked up at Orochimaru ignorantly, and nodded.

"Yaoxi!" Orochimaru smiled, and nodded to Liufeng, "Thank you!"

Liufeng didn't say any nonsense, he put his hand on Junmalu's shoulder directly, his right eye was activated, Junmalu was in front of everyone, and was sucked into the divine power space by Liufeng.

"This is... space-time ninjutsu!"

Goju Yakura and the others all looked a little ugly. Space-time ninjutsu is a very high-level ninjutsu. Basically, there is no weak ninjutsu that matches time-space.

This time, things may be a little troublesome.

"Oshemaru, are you determined to be my Kirigakure's enemy?" Kuju Yakura stared at Orochimaru with both eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

"What's the point of saying this now?" Orochimaru said nonchalantly.

"Kill them!" Goju Yakura stopped talking nonsense, and coldly and mercilessly gave orders to the four ninja swordsmen.

Whoosh whoosh!

The four ninja swordsmen rushed towards Orochimaru and Liufeng from four directions, front, back, left, and right, and the big sword in their hands slashed at them fiercely.

Liufeng didn't speak, and put his hand on Orochimaru's shoulder, sucking Orochimaru into the Shenwei space. Just after all this was done, four broadswords slashed at Liufeng's body from all directions.

But once again, it penetrated through Liufeng's body.

Unaffected by any influence, Liufeng used the instant body technique, easily jumped out of the encirclement of the four people, and released Orochimaru: "Oshewan, since they don't give up, let's play with them !"

Before Liufeng finished speaking, Guideng Manyue shot a chakra light ball at him with the flounder, but it was also no surprise that it directly penetrated Liufeng's body.

"Aren't physical attacks and ninjutsu attacks useless?" After seeing this scene, the faces of everyone at the scene became very ugly.

In this case, who else can hurt this masked man?
"No, no, there is no absolutely perfect ninjutsu in this world, any ninjutsu will have its own weaknesses, and this person must be the same!"

After Yakura was startled, he quickly calmed down, thinking so in his heart, and observed calmly.

Whoosh whoosh!
The four ninja swordsmen, including Ghost Lantern Moon, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, Loquat Juzo, and Ringo Yuyuri, set off together and rushed towards Liufeng together.

Liufeng is one against four, without any trace of fear.

"Do you bully the few with the more? This is not fair!" Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and also rushed towards the people of Kirigakure.

But before he moved much, a person had already used the instant body technique, and blocked Dashewan first, and it was Danzo.

Yuyometogen, Sai, and several other people from the root also followed closely behind Danzo, confronting Dashemaru.

"Oshemaru, I thought you were a person who knew current affairs, but I realized that I was wrong!" Danzo said in a gloomy voice.

"Really? I also thought that you are a person who understands me! It seems that we are disappointed in each other!" Orochimaru smiled, and suddenly stretched out his hand to Danzo, "There are many latent shadows! Snake Hand!"

Swish swish!
A group of black snakes swarmed towards Danzang Younv Qugen and Saii, filling the space in front of them.

"Wind Escape, Vacuum Continuous Waves!"

Danzo spat out wind blades one after another, and each wind blade was as powerful as a ninja tool, cutting off the black snakes in front.

(End of this chapter)

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