卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 112 Listening to the Rain, Not Alone

Chapter 112 Listening to the Rain, Not Alone
Qi Ji said the source of this sentence without haste.

The layers of surprise subsided from Shi Tan's eyes. It turned out that he saw it from a magazine. When she had an epiphany, she was disappointed and smiled slightly.

That designer was her mother.

Many years ago, she loved to flirt with her elder brother, but the elder brother sneered at it, saying that it was too mentally retarded, so she used the words her mother had said to block him in a logical manner.

After the eldest brother heard this, he smiled, and finally compromised, willing to hook her up.

"Shi Tan, what do you think of this designer's point of view?"

Qi Ji asked.

From her reaction, it can be seen that he knew what she remembered, or she still remembered the big brother who had tried his best to save her.This made him slightly relieved, but now he couldn't tell her what happened to him in those years.

Wait a little longer!

When everything is over...he will recognize her again—he deliberately cited the source of the sentence just now in that magazine.

"It's very true..."

She nods!
"Then shall we check the tick..."

He held out his finger again.

She glanced at him, smiled slightly, stretched out her hand to hook his little finger, and just like when she was a child, she didn't forget to add a seal after hooking.

This habitual action finally made Qi Jiyang burst into a big smile.

But Shi Tan was a little confused by his joke.

"Sleep! Tomorrow we'll split up the work... We'll finish it early, and we'll make the trip sooner!"

He rubbed her short hair, hugged her and got under the bed.

Shi Tan felt unprecedented tranquility in her arms, and before sleepiness hit her, she was thinking that it would be nice if she could live like this for the rest of her life.

Qi Ji also fell asleep, and he suddenly understood that the best physical method to cure insomnia is to hug her and sleep together... 18 years ago, it worked, and 18 years later, it's the same... Very good, really good.

In the future, happiness can be expected...

Such happiness, he does not allow anyone to destroy it...

A good night's sleep.

Absolutely good sleep, this is the most peaceful sleep Shi Tan has had in the past eight years.

It was dawn until the biological clock woke her up.

She woke up and turned over to check the time on her phone.

It's an instinctive habit.

"what time is it?"

As soon as she moved, Qi Ji woke up, his voice slightly hoarse.

"It's less than six o'clock!"

She answered in a low voice.

"Going for a morning run?"

He sat up a little and saw her going down the bed, so he turned on the light in case she would fall.

The curtains were drawn tightly, and the light was very dark. It might also be that the weather was not very good. He remembered that the weather forecast said that it was cloudy and rainy today, and that there were heavy rains in some areas in the evening.

"Well! Depending on the weather, I'll go and see Xiaobai first. He likes to run in the morning with me. After he learns to walk, as long as I'm by his side, I'll take him with me when I go for a morning run. When he's tired from running, I'll Just carry him on your back, like special weight training training."

It was a long time ago, and I miss it when I think about it, now she can no longer run with him in the morning, the little guy is very strong, like a stone, very heavy.

When she said this, she smiled slightly, stopped, and didn't go any further.

Because she suddenly found herself sharing the past with him again.

Habit is really a terrible thing, but she no longer rejects it now.

She was thinking in her heart, and when she turned around, she heard Qi Ji call out:

"If you go for a morning run, call me. However, I guess you won't be able to run, it might be raining..."

All the glass doors and windows of this villa are not only bulletproof, but also have excellent sound insulation. With the windows closed, you can't hear any movement outside the window at all.

Shi Tan glanced back, the man was lazily leaning on the bed, his face illuminated by the dim light, his expression was gentle, the collar of his pajamas was open, his collarbone was exposed, his complexion was fair, his hair was a bit messy, even if he was just sitting like that, What is conveyed is a sexiness that can turn all living beings upside down-the smell of home seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

This atmosphere is not so sultry and warm.

She nodded involuntarily: "Okay!"

Turn around and walk out!

Looking at it, Qi Ji stretched on the bed, then shrank back into the bed, laying his pillow on the place where she had just slept, inhaling deeply the fragrance she left behind.

Alas, I really want to be lazy.But he has too many things to worry about, and he doesn't have much free time to be alone with her, so that he cherishes every moment with her very much. No, he has to go to the company after breakfast, so he I really want to find time to spend with her.Even if it's just running together, he doesn't want to let it go.Men and women in love are probably like this.

When Shi Tan entered the children's room, the light was not turned on, and the light was very dim. On the small bed, Xiao Bai was lying on his side, sleeping soundly.

She didn't bother him, covered him with a quilt, retreated, went to the sun room, opened the floor-to-ceiling curtains, and saw that the sky and the earth were gray and hazy, with slanting wind and drizzle intertwined.

She stood and watched for a while, the manor in the rain was still astonishingly beautiful...

The window was half opened, and a burst of damp and cold hit, and then, the sound of sluggish rain came in.

The rain is very dense. If it rains lightly, you can run, but if it rains heavily, you can only rest for a day.

Turning around, she hugged a pillow, sat down casually on the white carpeted bay window, leaned on it like that, heard the rain, and enjoyed this rare peaceful mood.

For many years, her world has been either in turmoil, or tense and high-pressure, with hidden secrets. It is inevitable that there will be burdens. This is the first time that she has such a peaceful and converted feeling like today, and the feeling is good.

At this moment, she doesn't have to worry about being afraid.

At this moment, her mind was open and frank.

At this moment, she seems to be in a safe haven, no matter how the world changes, her world is as quiet as usual, and she can appreciate the snow, rain and wind with a detached posture.

Closing her eyes, the sound of rain was beating on her heartstrings, and her eyes became wet all of a sudden. She suddenly remembered that when she was young, she loved listening to the rain very much, and felt that the sound of rain was the most beautiful sound between heaven and earth.Very very poetic.Later, when it rained, it was a disaster day.

"Why did you open the window? Be careful of the cold!"

There was the sound of Qingyi's footsteps behind her, and a thick white nightgown was draped over her body:
"Put it on, or close the window...it's very cold outside."

He gave a multiple choice question.

Shi Tan chose to put on his nightgown.

He was wearing the same style of nightgown - this is a couple's style.

She and him are not lovers, but husband and wife.There are many couples in this world who are not united because of love.But they can still live their lives.Because there is no love, there can still be family affection - as decades go by, love is sometimes assimilated by family affection.

The next moment, he took her into his arms, kissed her forehead, and hugged her.

This series of actions is full of affection.

He dotes on her?
What kind of emotion is this?
She didn't want to study it in detail.

He didn't move at all, just snuggled up like this, his chest muscles are very developed, and his arms are also very powerful...

She didn't speak, and looked away, she felt a warm current flowing in her heart, from her heart to her limbs and bones, reaching her fingers, her body, which was blown cold by the wind, seemed to warm up again, warming her heart.

This scene seems to have returned to when she was a child... At that time, she loved to listen to the rain, and her father or mother would hold her and stand by the window, listening to the rain while reading various poems about rain.

Many years later, someone hugged her and listened to the rain again, but she didn't expect it to be him.

"Do you like rain?"

She asked softly, breaking such a silence.

This kind of concern reveals a kind of intimacy in the behavior he likes.

It's just that she didn't realize it yet, and she began to want to know him gradually.

He felt it, smiled, and liked the simple communication with her:

"I don't like it! What about you!"

She was taken aback. Many people dislike rainy days because of the darkness:
"After the age of five, I don't like rainy days either!"

"What about before the age of five?"


"Why did you like it before, but didn't like it later?"

She did not answer.

In fact, he knows that many years ago, she once said: Before the age of five, she loved to play in the rain with a flower umbrella, to accompany her parents in the rain, and she could also chant. Making her miss her parents will also make her nowhere to hide from the rain...

"The reason is boring!"

"tell me the story!"

"Rainy days can be lonely!"


She still has reservations, but, so far, her performance has improved.

"Why don't you like it?"

He pulled the corners of his lips, and the corners of his eyes were a little sad:
"It rained heavily on the day my mother passed away, and on that day, I had no home."

It turned out to be the case.

She felt distressed: both she and he were poor children.

"Tan, from now on, we can like rainy days..."

He said in a low voice, holding her shoulders:

"Because we have a family!"


There was something in his words—she felt: she should be very familiar with this person, otherwise, how could he say such a sentence—he seemed to know that her dislike was because she had no family.

But the question is, how could he know?

never mind!

In no mood!

Continue to listen to the rain.

After a long time, she thought of something, turned her head and called:

"Qi Ji!"


"Why did you help Duting?"

His eyes flashed:
"What did she tell you?"

"She said you changed her life...that you like helping others?"

There must be a story underneath.

Qi Ji thought for a while, his eyes drifted out of the window, he leaned against the window, she leaned against him, she thought he didn't want to talk anymore, but in the end - after a long silence, his clear voice echoed in the room:

"A person's life cannot be smooth sailing. For those who are in trouble, sometimes the kindness of others can benefit people throughout their lives. I have been grateful to others, and my life has changed completely. Therefore, I do good deeds , the first is gratitude, the second is good deeds, and the third is peace of mind..."

At this moment, the cell phone rang in the room, Qi Ji let her go to get the cell phone, and didn't elaborate on who he had received and when.

She was stunned in a daze: What has this man experienced during the more than four years since he left the Qi family?
Qi Ji received a call from Mo Yaozhi.

"What's up?".

In such an early morning, under normal circumstances, he should go to morning training.Their training is often irregular.The worse the weather is, the more the instructors can think of ways to train those soldiers.Especially this guy.I like to engage in various assault training.I will call him when I am free, saying that there should be something urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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