卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 115 Shocking news 1

Chapter 115 Shocking news 1
The old man frowned, but didn't immediately refuse.

Seeing that her grandfather's tone was a little loose, Luo Ying took the opportunity to persuade her gently again:
"Whether it's my dad, or my second aunt and fourth aunt, I've been thinking about you for the past eight years. Grandpa, these three are all raised by you. Can we not hold grudges and live in harmony?

"Grandpa, do you know? I always miss the life when I was a child, how harmonious the family was at that time... how lively the family was...

"Now? The third uncle is gone, Tantan is married, and you drove us all away, and the house suddenly became empty. After all these years, you have been guarding the empty nest alone, aren't you lonely?
"I know you're still complaining about my dad. What about my fourth aunt? The fourth aunt respects you the most, but she's been implicated and can't come to you to show her filial piety. You really don't want it at all?"

Every sentence was said to be on Luo Houyu's sore spot, he knit his brows together, and there was involuntary sadness between his brows and eyes.

Yes, the old man cherished the fourth girl Luo Suizhu the most in his life. That child was almost educated by him. He has a temper very similar to him and is very talented in business.He once planned to hand over the company to the fourth girl——

He felt that the fourth girl was more open-minded and could lead the Luo family better, which was far more reassuring than handing over the company to Luo Suiyi.

It was only later that Shi Tan was found, and the Luo family had a successor. His thoughts changed again, and he focused on nurturing his granddaughter wholeheartedly.

So, for their own benefit, these adopted sons and daughters began to plot against him behind his back, trying to kill Shi Tan a few times, but he was really hurt by them, so they drove them all away.

Seeing that Grandpa's mind was a little loose, Luo Ying immediately added another sentence:
"Grandpa, they're all at the door, just meet them once, it won't hurt your skin, right..."

Luo Houyu sighed softly again, but still shook his head:

"It's gone today. It's someone else's house after all. Since Qi Ji told the guards not to let anyone in, we don't want to embarrass him... You go out and talk to your father! In a few days, the Qi family will have a banquet. , I asked Shi Tan to send two invitations. You all come over together...Come on, Xiaobai, read the newspaper to Grandpa..."

Luo Houyu hugged Xiaobai into his arms.

Luo Ying opened her mouth, wanting to fight for it again, but seeing her grandfather's expression, it was obvious that she had made up her mind.

She had no choice but to leave the main house, thinking as she walked, what should I do!
Outside the house, the rain was a bit heavy. Holding an umbrella, she came to the gate and saw two guards coming out of the surveillance guard room at the small gate.One of them saw her smile and greeted her:

"There are people outside, they seem to be looking for Miss Luo Ying..."

"Well! It's my father, and the second aunt and the fourth aunt... two, can you accommodate them and let them in? They are also relatives to your wife."

The guard shook his head resolutely:

"Sorry, Ms. Luo Ying. Yayuan has always been strictly guarded. No vehicle is allowed to enter or leave without Mr.'s permission. You can go out this door to meet guests, but you are not qualified to bring anyone into the manor. Please don't embarrass us. We just follow the rules. In today's situation, even if the wife comes, it won't work. "

That resolute tone told Luo Ying that there was no room for negotiation on this matter.

"Okay! Then please open the door!"

After a while, the small door opened, and Luo Ying walked out, seeing his father's cheap black Hyundai parked at the door, seeing her coming out, he stepped out from the cab:

"Why don't you open the door?"

Luo Ying turned her head and glanced at the guard in the guard room who was watching here, but didn't answer right away, and then lowered her voice when she got closer:

"It won't open. Grandpa won't see you today! As I said, the entrance is very strict!"

"No, I must see him, I must take him out..."

Luo Suiyi is now a bald man. He was bald in the first place. In the past few years, he has suffered too much and the pressure is too heavy. As a result, his whole head is completely bald.

At this moment, his determined tone made Luo Ying helpless.

"Dad, this is not a place where you can come and go whenever you want. This is Qi Ji's territory. Without Qi Ji's order, no one can get in. Anyway, I have no ability to take you in! Give me your clothes and you go away." Well... Grandpa said that the Qi family banquet will send invitations to you. Dad, I think it's very good, let's wait until that day to deal with this matter..."

Luo Ying pulled her father aside, and whispered what her grandfather had said.

At this time, the second aunt Luo Suilan and the fourth aunt Luo Suizhu came down from the rear compartment, holding umbrellas in their hands, and surrounded her together.

Fourth Aunt Luo Suizhu's eyes were firm, and after looking around, she said:

"No, we won't be able to wait until that day! Today, we must go in..."

"But, fourth aunt, I really can't bring you in, what do you want me to do?"

Luo Ying had a terrible headache.

"Why are you such a waste, you can't even do this..."

With a low voice, Luo Suiyi couldn't help cursing:
"The success or failure of the matter depends on it. Do you want our Luo family to be destroyed like this?"

Luo Ying, who was scolded, felt extremely wronged, and was deeply angry:
"Yes, I'm a waste. If you have the ability, you can do this by yourself. Why did you get my idea? Dad, if it weren't for you, would I have ended up in this situation?"

She went to the trunk, took her own suitcase, turned around and was about to leave, but saw another person coming down from the passenger cab, and when she took a closer look, it turned out to be Lu Yin.

She froze for a moment:
"Second Young Master Lu! Why are you here?"

Lu Yin didn't hold an umbrella, but wore a pair of sunglasses, put his hands in his pockets, stood there, first glanced at the villa for a while, and then came to Shi Tan's side step by step, and said:

"It's okay if you don't bring it out, Miss Luo Ying, now I'm sending you a video, and you can show it to your old man. The effect should be the same..."

Naturally, Luo Ying knew that this man and Qi Ji were rivals, and he was also a noble person who could not be tried. Normally, it was difficult to see each other. Today, she condescended to come here together in such a broken car. She was quite surprised.

After a while, Luo Ying received an email, she checked it out, and the content was indeed shocking...

"Tell the old man that if you have any doubts, let him come to us again. This matter, Mr. Luo, should really be cleared up. It is related to the foundation of the Luo family, so we can't just play it for nothing..."

Luo Ying took a deep breath of the rainy cold air, nodded, and walked in with the suitcase.

Lu Yin watched her go in, with a gleam of coldness in his eyes, and with a flick of his finger on the screen, he sent the video just now to a certain reporter.

Qi Ji, don't think that you have a clever trick, and if you take people away, I can't do anything about you... You Zhang Liangji, I have my own wall ladder!

Fifteen minutes later, another shocking news broke out on the Internet.

Luo Ying walked into the villa, and the servant here helped carry the suitcase to the second floor.

After sorting it out, she slowly came to Luo Houyu, still a little hesitant in her heart.

She had to think about it: once this matter was exposed, would Grandpa be able to bear it.

She felt that, as far as grandpa was concerned, it would mean that the whole sky had collapsed... If grandpa got angry and fell ill, what would happen?

"Sakura, are they gone?"

Xiaobai went upstairs to watch anime, and Luo Houyu was the only one in the living room, wearing presbyopic glasses, reading a newspaper. It was an old newspaper with reunion photos of Qi Ji, Shi Tan and Xiaobai's family of three.

The more Luo Houyu looked at this photo, the more he felt satisfied.

He is extremely satisfied with such a granddaughter, extremely proud of having such a grandson-in-law, and extremely happy to have such a well-behaved and smart little grandson.

Although his wife passed away early, even though his son is dead, but at this age, he can still see that the successors of the Luo family are so outstanding, it can be regarded as comforting for Lao Huai.

For a while, he was completely immersed in the reverie of happiness, so that he didn't see Luo Ying standing in front of him for so long.

"not yet……"

She answered lightly.

Luo Houyu was a little unhappy, took a picture of the newspaper and said:
"I said I won't see you today, Yingying, are you trying to embarrass grandpa?"

"No, Grandpa!"

She wants to explain.

"Then why aren't they leaving?"

"They want me to tell you something!"

She showed a serious look on her face, and then added:
"This matter is really important..."

Luo Houyu is also a big business man with tens of millions of people, and his vision has always been sharp. At this moment, he suddenly realized that this girl came to Yayuan with other purposes at all—she was doing it for him. The three adopted sons and daughters took the lead and took the opportunity to approach him and lobby his...

It's really scary to be so thoughtful.

When did his eldest granddaughter become so scheming?
It's so uncute!
His face darkened unknowingly, but after all, because she was the granddaughter he loved and cared for, she didn't chase her away, so he asked:
"what's up?"

"Want to show you a video!"

She said slowly, how could she ignore the unhappiness between his brows, and understood in her heart: Grandpa has deep prejudices against the three elders outside the door. My heart sank, I no longer hesitated, I must clarify this matter today.

Luo Houyu frowned, and his tone showed impatience:

"What video? Luo Ying, what trick are you trying to play!"

The calling of names and surnames is enough to show that Grandpa's patience has reached its limit.

"You can tell by looking at it... it's in my phone!"

"bring here!"

Luo Ying turned on the video connection on the phone, but did not pass the phone over:
"Grandpa, you have to promise me that after watching this video, you must calm down. Generally speaking, this is a good thing. You have to look at it from a different angle. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be angry body..."

Having said that, Luo Houyu's curiosity was all aroused:
"What's the matter?"

The video lasted only 10 minutes. While watching, the old man's face turned pale. Finally, with a shake of his hand, the phone fell to the ground with a thud, and it fell into two. At the same time, an urgent cry came out of his mouth. :
"It's not true, it's not true...it's definitely not true..."

"Grandpa, calm down, you must calm down. We don't want to believe this is true, but in fact, this is indeed the truth of the matter..."

Luo Houyu shook his head desperately: "No, no, how could Suiyi do this?"

"I don't know what the third uncle meant by doing this. Maybe the third uncle has been kept in the dark, or the third uncle is eager to miss a girl, so he just hugged one back at random... In short, the truth is like this...Grandpa , think about it, after Xiaoshi comes back, she can no longer remember her childhood. Is this possible? Although Xiaoshi was only three years old before she was lost, it is reasonable to say that she will remember a little bit. But after returning, Xiaoshi Well, I have no impression of the past. Besides, Xiaoshi loved to draw and talk when she was a child, but as for her, she likes to sew when she has nothing to do. The changing..."

(End of this chapter)

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