卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 122 The Fall of the Heart 2

Chapter 122 The Fall of the Heart 2
Shi Tan felt that children had to be upright from elementary school, and they couldn't always fight and kill, so he seldom talked about the bloody incidents in the process of handling cases in front of him, but only told him how to reason...

She always taught him to look at people with rational thinking, and to use the law to defend himself instead of using violence to resolve disputes. When I was a child, I was always able to influence him with a righteous side-there are many white lies in life, which must be told.

Therefore, it is difficult for her to agree with Qi Ji's education method in this regard.

She thought, she must talk to him when she is free.

"Listen Xiaobai, when it comes to small things, we don't need to be too fussy, otherwise it will appear that you are too petty. When it comes to big things, we have to be principled. Mom was slapped in the face, don't pay too much attention to it .At least the loss this time has taught my mother a truth... Mom doesn't lose..."

"What's the point?"

Xiaobai frowned.

"A real villain is easy to deal with, but a hypocrite is easy to hurt. If you meet a hypocrite and suffer a loss, then you have the right to be in the pit, and gain wisdom. Just cut off all kindness and friendship, and just stay away from each other...Xiaobai , too much revenge, people will live a very tiring life. It is very important to live every day happily."

She wants her son to be an open-minded person.It is absolutely necessary to establish a correct outlook on life.

Xiaobai felt that his mother's heart was very broad.He liked this point, so he nodded, walked a few steps and asked:

"Mom, you're really not a child of the Luo family, are you?"

Shi Tan paused slightly, thought for a while, and didn't want to hide anything, so he nodded:


"There is something, I am very strange!"

"Why is it strange?"

"That Luo Suiyi who I should call my grandfather, your nominal father, why did you hide from everyone that you were adopted? Even the great grandfather didn't reveal a word!"

Alas, this little guy is really sensitive.

She sighed, there were too many grievances and resentments involved, she couldn't say it directly: "Grandpa has his own thoughts... Mom doesn't know what grandpa means!"

Xiaobai felt that these words were a bit perfunctory, whether it was true or not, he didn't want to go into the details, he just asked:

"Mom, where are your own parents?"

Shi Tan was silent for a moment before answering:


While talking, the two of them had already reached the ground floor. Xiaobai held her back, and with the spirit of breaking the casserole and asking the end, he asked again:

"What do you mean it's gone?"

Shi Tan knew that if this curious baby became interested in something, if he didn't give a convincing idea, he would keep asking, so he answered directly:
"It's just not in this world anymore! When my mother was very young, they were killed by bad guys..."


Xiaobai immediately hugged Shi Tan tightly.

The little guy wanted to use his tiny arms to express his distress.

She hugged him back:

"Mom is fine! Be good, Xiaobai will go to the kitchen to find Granny Wen to eat. Mom will go to your father to talk... I will be there in a while!"


Xiaobai ran to the restaurant in a sensible manner.

Shi Tan watched quietly disappearing in front of him, then turned around and walked to the big study on the other side.

The door of the study room was ajar, and Qi Ji's voice came from inside:

"I will explain to the board of directors. The decline in the stock market is only temporary, and this matter will not affect too much..."

Standing at the door, she listened quietly. The fake daughter incident seemed to have caused him some trouble...

The door opened at this moment, Qi Ji appeared in front of him, he had already hung up the phone, and was taken aback when he saw her: "It will be finished so soon."


"Find me?"


"Come in!"

He stepped aside a little bit, and when she came in, he poked his head out and shouted:
"Aunt Wen, please send the ginger tea to the big study!"

Aunt Wen answered over there.

After a while, a cup of hot ginger tea was delivered to Shi Tan, and Aunt Wen stepped back and closed the door.

"Drink the ginger tea!"

Qi Ji sat in front of her: "Go get rid of the cold! If you catch a cold, you will be fine!"

She kept silent, holding the teacup and sipping, her head lowered, showing her beautiful neck.

After taking a few sips, she looked up at him with complicated eyes.

"what you want to say?"

He kept staring at her.

"I heard what you and Luo Suizhu said!"

"so what?"

Qi Ji raised his eyebrows: "You want to know the whereabouts of Luo Shi, don't you?"

This man really knows her too well.

She sighed helplessly and nodded her head:

"Did you really take Luo Shi away?"

"She's in Area A now!"

He answered frankly:

"It's very safe, at least it's much safer than staying with them. Luo Suixin and the others have no good intentions when approaching Luo Chi. I didn't know that Uncle Luo actually set up Zhao Neng's move. Just in case, I asked Yaozhi took the man to Area A because he didn't want the incident to worsen—Mr. Luo is not in good health and can't bear too much stimulation, and the exposure of this matter must be very stimulating to the old man. My original thought was Present this matter to grandpa step by step, and let grandpa accept such a reality step by step in a gentle and tactful way, don't make a big deal, if that happens, it will be bad for you and grandpa... who knows, anti-radicalization The situation..."

He really didn't expect that it would explode with an unstoppable speed.

Fortunately, Zhao Neng came out, and that video cleared Shi Tan of such a crime that would be reviled by the world for the first time. Such a turnaround was unexpected not only for the three brothers and sisters of Luo Suixin, but also for him.

After Shi Tan listened, she nodded, she knew that she did it for her own good, but what she didn't understand was why he treated her so well, knowing that she was not the real Miss Luo family, and didn't expose it , Still willing to marry her.This matter, she really felt unbelievable.

"I want to see her!"

She made this request directly.

Qi Ji stretched out his hand and looked at his watch: "In less than an hour, she should appear in the villa, and Yaozhi will personally send her over."

Shi Tan was startled, speechless.

He smiled slightly:
"what happened?"

how to say!

Inexplicably, she was moved because he silently did these things for her.

Thinking that she treated Luo Ying sincerely, what she got was betrayal, but this man she always wanted to escape, when she was in trouble, wanted to make the storm invisible, so he understood her heart so well.

Comparing the two, she didn't feel sad.

This is the first time, when encountering a storm, looking back, there is someone beside her who is not only willing to accompany her to face it, but also gives her a sense of security that she can finally rely on.

"Qi Ji, why are you being so nice to me..."

She came to him and watched quietly, the distance between the two was only half a step.

"You are my wife, who will I treat if I don't treat you well?"

The man stretched out his arms, took her in, and stroked her face with his hands:

"Does it still hurt?"

There is distress in the eyes.

She didn't answer, breathing the quiet breath of pine flowers from the man, her heart skipped a beat twice for no reason:

"Don't be so nice to me. Qi Ji, these years, I have long been used to fighting alone..."

The nose is inexplicably a little sour.

"Life is long, it's too lonely to fight alone, Mrs. Qi, from now on, I will be your ally. Please let go of your habits and form a united front with me. I told you, you have me."

A big hug hugged her fully, she leaned her face on his shoulder, her heart beat faster, it seemed to be full, and it was about to overflow from inside, it was so high.

She knew that his words were touching her little by little, and his act of love was disintegrating her closed heart little by little.

Yes, the closer you get to this man, the easier it is to be moved by him.

Her heart is in a battle of tension, she wants to resist, but at the same time she wants to let go of everything and rely on it——for so many years, she is really tired of persevering, but she is afraid of being hurt, who knows, whether this man will... Is it the second Luo Ying?
"Qi Ji!"

Looking up, she distanced herself from him, trying to say something.

A slender and strong finger pressed her lips:

"Leave you to me at ease. Remember, I am your man, the father of your son, and we are the closest people in the world."

At this moment, his eyes are extremely bright, which reminds people of the lighthouse guiding the course in the vast sea, which can give a clear direction to the ships passing through the night, so that the sailors can feel at ease.

At this time, he was like a lighthouse in her life, illuminating her world in the dark.

"Qi Ji!"

She yelled again, feeling that her heart was sinking forever, and she didn't want to escape.


"I don't say thank you."

She said very seriously.

But he smiled, a dazzling smile: "Husbands and wives need to respect each other, there is no need to be too polite!"

Heart, beating wildly.

She was almost killed by this smile.

Yes, husbands and wives should love each other, too polite, too indifferent, neither is the state that a husband and wife should have.Husband and wife are two people who are going to live together for a lifetime. They sleep in the same bed, they share each other, they are the closest, they have the most tacit understanding, and they should face the storms of life together.

"Come on, give me a hug!"

Suddenly he opened his arms to her.

A soft light flashed in her eyes, and she gently snuggled up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

This was the first time she took the initiative to get close to him. With a little psychological struggle, she was willing to get close to him for the first time, wanting to feel his embrace, his body temperature, and his strength.

The feeling of relying on is fascinating.

Yes, very fascinated, she was a bit reluctant to admit it, but his kindness kept refreshing his image in her heart.

Especially now, when he hugged her and held her securely in his arms, she regained a certain sense of security that had been missing for a long time.

"Qi Ji!"

She whimpered, wanting to sigh.


A kiss seemed to land on the top of the head.

"How could Uncle Luo tell you that I am his adopted daughter? You and my uncle only met once before, right..."

It was also at the blind date feast that day that something happened to Uncle Luo.

She raised her chin to stare, and met his bright eyes, which were full of tenderness, she couldn't help but stare blankly, and then asked after a while:
"That day in the study, what did you talk about?"

Qi Ji smiled slightly, and stroked his short hair that had just been washed:

"It's nothing, Uncle Luo just told me that he wanted to marry you to me, and asked if I would like to marry..."

(End of this chapter)

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