卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 149 Confess the past and let her understand him better 1

Chapter 149 Confess the past and let her understand him better 1
She leaned against him and asked faintly, showing a confused state.

"No, the problem between their husband and wife has deteriorated, and even without you, it will break out sooner or later. People's patience is limited, and once the bottom line is reached, it will inevitably rebound... Well, don't feel guilty... Or tell me what you and Dad talked about after you went to Merlin yesterday..."

Qi Ji deliberately drew her attention.

"I didn't say anything at all and kicked me out..."

She frowned, finally pulled back her thoughts, and focused on this matter: "Why is the relationship between your father and son so tense?"

"Frozen three feet is not a day's cold!"

There was a touch of disappointment on his face, and he said, "However, I don't think he will harm me. At most, he was used by others."

"Why do you say that?"

Shi Tan asked sensitively.

Hearing this tone, Qi Ji knew Qi Jian very well.

She thought for a while and asked:
"Qi Ji, what happened to your father in the past six months?"

Qi Ji counted his fingers and said:

"In September, there was a car accident, which was a deliberate three-car collision. Fortunately, everyone was fine, but the car was scrapped...

"October, he was smashed by a billboard while walking. I don't know if you noticed that there is a scar on his forehead, which is left over from last time...

"In November, I was accidentally injured by a worker when I went to inspect the progress of the project... I was almost pushed downstairs... Fortunately, the bodyguards around me were quick-witted... I saved my life...

"These three things are more serious, and other minor accidents are emerging one after another. It is most appropriate to describe it as bad luck... So his woman asked a few masters to look at the feng shui of the office, no matter where it was. My family is still a company, I have done it all, and finally I listened to Cai Hong’s words and redecorated the office.”

Shi Tan caught a key point: "What do you mean, it was the feng shui master that your dad was looking for from the woman outside, and then he started to decorate..."


Qi Ji nodded.

"you sure?"

"Of course it's certain. Although our father and son didn't talk speculatively, although he didn't call the police and dealt with them in a low-key manner, I still know what I should know. Why are you so surprised?"

Qi Ji looked at her from a distance.

She sat upright: "The problem is that your father said that the Feng Shui master was found by himself, and he didn't seem to want me to know that this matter had something to do with his woman. Besides, his reaction was very strange..."

"How strange?"

he asks.

She thought about it and was about to say it, when the phone on the coffee table suddenly lit up, but was hung up by Qi Ji.

This is not the point, the point is that the desktop shows a photo she has never seen before: a photo of a girl with arms outstretched and smiling and hugging the sun, the whole person is very, very bright.

She froze for a while, and couldn't help but look up at him. Although the self in the photo was only a profile face, she recognized her at a glance, and she was still herself in high school. That skirt was a student uniform... A smiling face is something she can hardly have anymore in these years.

She took the phone and said, "When did you take this photo... How come I don't know..."

"Oh, there's a lot of things you don't know..."

Qi Ji's eyes moved from the phone to her face:
"I like this photo, and your eyes are very simple and clear. You are too cautious now. It's still good when you were a child. When you were a child, you did what I told you to do? You wouldn't fight against me at all... "

seems like it!


She took the phone in his hand and narrowed her eyes: "Qi Ji, I don't think you want a wife at all, I see you, you should buy a robot, as long as the program is started, she can completely Follow your instructions..."

Qi Ji smiled and explained: "Shi Tan, I mean, I'm your husband, if you want to say something, just say it...don't hide it...communication can bring us closer. What we need is Step by step, let go of yourself and let the other party understand…”

The light words showed a tenderness that could drown people, and she reached out and pinched her cheek.

People's hearts are all fleshy, Shi Tan has always had a temper that is soft and not hard, and the most irresistible is the gentle offensive. In addition, this man is an old friend of the past, and the city wall in her heart has been captured by him inch by inch.

She sighed softly in her heart, reluctantly admitting that her impression of her was being changed by his good performance, and the love in her heart seemed to be deepening little by little.

Whether this situation is good or bad, she can't be sure, the only thing she knows is that when the feeling gradually changes, one day, if this man changes his mind, then she will be completely hurt.

"Qi Ji, do you like me?"

She suddenly raised her head and asked lightly.

So far, he hasn't said "I love you", although, this kind of words sometimes need not be expressed.But she just wanted to make sure.

Qi Ji lightly hit her on the head.


She cried out in pain: "What are you doing?"

"I've made it so obvious, yet you still ask me like that, shouldn't you hit me?"

He followed her example and stared at people.

"You didn't say anything like 'I like you' to me."

She stared too.

After eight years of marriage, he didn't tell her about Daoming, how boring this person must be.

"Does this need to be said? Actions speak louder than words..."

Qi Ji has always thought so.

Well, this man used to be cool.It's the same now. She clearly cares about her, but she always pretends to not care about her, so that she always thinks that he married her just for profit.

Thinking of how many misunderstandings she had about him before, she wanted to sigh.

"Did you like me because of your childhood experiences?"

She asked again softly.

Qi Ji didn't knock her on the head again, but bluntly revealed such a feeling:
"That's just a foundation. Later, when I met you, I slowly fell in love with..."

When I was a child, it was just a kind of cuddling love, and the love only when I grew up is the true love of a man for a woman...

From the beginning when she desperately wanted to defend the Luo family, and later, she did everything she could to become a qualified criminal policeman, shedding blood and sweat constantly...

In the years when she didn't know who the third brother was, he fell in love with this persevering, self-improving, stubborn little girl little by little...

"We don't have much interaction..."

She said: "This kind of love, isn't it too fragile..."

"Not fragile at all..."

Qi Ji held her in his arms, hesitating whether she should tell the truth about her being the third brother. Oh, I don't know if she will be angry when she finds out!

But she didn't ask any further questions, she sighed softly, and said, "Qi Ji, I really hated you before..."

"I know!"

He nodded: "Now what?"

"I want to get to know you now!"

"Well, that's good!"

She raised her head and stared at him:

"I still have a lot of questions in my heart! Qi Ji, since you said that you don't want me to hide it, I would like to trouble you to give a comprehensive answer to those questions... Within the scope of your answer... Yes. Let me understand you more thoroughly..."

Qi Ji smiled and was quite satisfied with her changes. Between husband and wife, you should ask and I answer, and I ask you to answer. There is negotiation and negotiation, and that is a manifestation of family harmony.

"Let's talk about it first! Now I represent the deputy commander of Area A participating in this matter. As long as I can answer, I will answer..."

When Shi Tan listened, he felt a little dizzy:
"How did you become the deputy commander?"

"This matter was appointed by Commander Mo."

Well, the power of the Mo family in Area A is beyond the control of the people in the capital.

She thought about it, and then asked:
"The first thing, the British thing, is it directly related to you?"

It's direct enough to ask.

Qi Ji folded his chest and thought for a while before continuing:
"What do you mean?"

"The Great British Bombing, and Yu Jun's death..."

Qi Ji smiled, his eyes shifted, and he bluntly told the truth:

"The big explosion was planned by Yu Jun. His goal was to kill me. During the planning process, he was killed by me."

Isn't this answer too straightforward, which makes people wonder if there may be an inside story behind this incident.

"You really bought those British officials?"

Shi Tan's heart trembled.

As a law enforcement officer, she is well aware of the seriousness of bribing officials. After this idea flashed in her mind, she immediately rejected the possibility:
"No, it's not right. You have no reason to do that. If the bombing was planned by Yu Jun and the target was you, your killing is a legitimate act of self-defense. Why did you go to bribe? There is no need! But these two things , have not been officially exposed, which means that there should be some inside stories that cannot be exposed. These inside stories prompted the Mo family to intervene in this matter, right? You and the Mo family should have reached a certain agreement with the British police A consensus has been reached. So, there are those forged facts? Wait, wait, it’s not right, if you have already reached a consensus, then why would MI6 send Ruan Jialuo to investigate you?"

Facing the doubt, Qi Ji smiled slightly, the girl's reaction was definitely sharp.

"Every country has a different political faction. It's easy to understand."

Shi Tan was stunned for a moment, then pondered for a while, and asked again:
"But why did my colleagues find this information?"

She recalled the picture from her phone, the one of him at the crime scene.

Qi Ji took a look at it, and immediately understood who posted the news: "If I'm not mistaken, it was Jamie who posted it... This photo was originally taken by him..."

"Jamie? Isn't that someone raised in Yayuan?"

She was surprised again.


Shi Tan's eyes flashed again: "Would you like to introduce them to me?"

"When you're free, you can..."

He did not refuse.

She followed up and asked, "Why would this person think of sending such a photo to my colleague?"

"Well, you'll have to ask him about it. It's not something I authorised him to do. It's his personal behavior. I can't answer."

From Qi Ji's point of view, Jamie might want Shi Tan to find out the fact that "the third brother is equal to Qi Ji".Jamie wanted to light a fire between them to catalyze their relationship as husband and wife.

"Are they really the mercenaries of the Flame Alliance?"

Shi Tan asked again.

A smile appeared on Qi Ji's face, and he knew that she had always been curious about this matter:

"About this, um, can I..."


(End of this chapter)

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