卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 198 It Looks Like You Like Me?

Chapter 198 It Looks Like You Like Me?

"Look, do you like me?"

She raised her eyebrows, a look of sudden realization.

"Yes! I like it!"

He smiled deeply, sighed and leaned over, and put his lips on hers.

She trembled slightly, but did not refuse, the two eyes met, and the kiss was warm, but the taste was strange... Because this face strongly stimulated her senses, and the heart was moved by the kiss given by this face. Jumping wildly...

Different face, different feeling.

After a kiss, she gasped for breath, and the two of them immersed themselves in the golden sunset that shot in from the west window.

After a long time, she raised her head and joked:
"You kiss me like this, so you're not afraid of being beaten?"

"You didn't reject me, so you're not afraid of him being jealous?"

"Hmph, who would eat their own vinegar?"

She rolled her eyes at him, and there was a deep sense of helplessness in her grunt.

His smile deepened, and he hugged her tighter:

"When did you know? I thought I was hiding it well."

Bad girl!

He hooked her up and pecked her lips again.

"Not very long."

Although she looked calm, his heart was still a little disturbed.

He held her shoulders and pondered, and he had to give an explanation:

"I'm doing this for a reason..."

"You can explain it well, I'm listening..."

"How do you say it? Before, you had too much resistance to me... I didn't trust you, so I had to use such an identity to get close to you, I didn't want to be too far away from you, I was afraid I would lose you accidentally... Tan... I've always wanted to make it clear to you, but I haven't been able to find the right opportunity... Do you understand?"

She definitely didn't understand it before, but now that she understands it, she naturally won't be hypocritical because of this incident. After all, they are a couple who have come together from life and death.

"Tell me about how to get this thing off your face first..."

She asked gently, no matter how realistic the leather is, it is always fake, and it must be uncomfortable to wear. She wanted to see how he transformed into it.

"Don't you want to see the third brother?"

Qi Ji asked curiously.

"I have seen it. Now, I want to see the third brother change back to Qi Ji in front of me. I have to remember this change..."

This process, for her, is of extraordinary significance. It is the process of the integration of the third brother and Qi Ji.

When she learned about this from Fang Hua's mouth, she was shocked and felt fooled. Afterwards, she thought about it for a while, and gradually realized - if he hadn't fallen in love deeply to the marrow, how could he? With such an identity, he will carefully stay by her side.

In fact, it is an expression of deep love.

She couldn't repay his deep affection with anger.

"Well, step by step..."

"you teach me……"


Qi Ji smiled, said the steps, and instructed her to take off the thing on her face...

After 3 minutes, he finally showed his true colors in front of her, with a gentle face, gentle eyes, and a big happy smile on the corner of his lips. This smile embellished his whole being extraordinarily bright and dazzling, just like Dongsheng's The sun, the scorching light, gives a new hope.

Yes, this man has always been the sun in her dark life!
At the age of eight, he took in the homeless her and let her taste a simple happiness in the miserable life of displacement.

, he married her, saved the Luo family that was on the verge of bankruptcy, and reversed her life.Although this reversal, in her eyes at the time, was a helpless choice.

At the age of 22, he appeared in her world with another identity, guarding her world silently, guiding her step by step to become stronger, grow up, not to be defeated by setbacks, and encouraging her to survive the dangerous life tenaciously.

At the age of 27, he finally presented the truest self to her, and she suddenly understood: In the subverted world, there was always a round of sun shining on her, but it was hidden behind layers of dark clouds, making it impossible for her to see it.

Now, when the clouds have cleared, she realizes that the sun that belongs to her has always been with her and never forsakes.

"Let me hug you... Now, I really want to hug you!"

The next moment, she gave him a big hug.

With a kind of sigh of delight in his tone, he buried his head between his necks, feeling his pulsation, warmth, and the amber rosin that was unique to him.

Qi Ji asked her to hug: Just don't get angry!
Yes, this is the best result.

The happy smile grew bigger and bigger in his eyes, the arms tightly wrapped around her body, and the kiss fell silently on her hairline, softly whispering like a dream:

"Of course, I'm yours. You can hold it for as long as you want...I have no problem! Absolutely not."

At this moment, his heart was completely relaxed:

After eight years, he captured her. From now on, he doesn't have to hide his identity in front of her. From now on, he can love her openly and honestly, no matter as the third brother or as Qi Ji... more it is good……

"You know? As your third brother for more than four years, I have been trembling with fear, for fear that one day I will reveal my flaws and be recognized by you... and then break down with me..."

He said, thinking about the mood at that time, there are thousands of emotions.

"So, you have been pretending to be cold and strict... You have trained me like a dog and tired..."

She said, remembering the time when he was trained badly, this man, if he is classified as a gentle and elegant man, it must be classified wrong - this man is a devil at all.

"If the training is so-so, with a troublesome character like you, you won't lose a hundred lives if you cause trouble..."

He had no regrets about training her in the first place.Since she wants to do this, she has to take responsibility for her own life.If you want to be responsible for your life, you have to do devil-like training.

"You are training me for my own good. I know it very well, but what do you mean by kidnapping me into bed as the third brother? Huh?"

As long as she thinks of this incident, she can't tell the anger: because of this incident, she is very worried, but in the end, the person she cheated on was still this man, she was really embarrassed...


He winked and chuckled, with an innocent look on his face, thinking about an excuse.

He knew she would settle the account with him.

"I'm a man, and my beautiful wife can't hold back for a while..."

Saying that, he wanted to kiss her.

She didn't allow it, covered his lips, and made a serious accusation:
"But you made me think I cheated... Before, I was thinking about whether I should confess to you: I once slept with one of your men... and I was always worried, in case you knew about it, Then what should I do? Who knows, you are the third party... Qi Ji, I really want to bite you..."

She really bit his lips, but she didn't bite hard, just a little bit of intimacy between husband and wife that could make him feel a little pain...

Regarding this matter, at first she was complaining, angry, annoyed, thinking that she was so entangled before, and as a result, he and he are the same person at all, how can this bastard play with her like this?She really wanted to give him a hard meal, but now, her anger has all disappeared.

She knew that this man cared about him very much, and because he cared, he was afraid to face him, but because he cared, he couldn't help but protect him secretly. That kind of feeling was also tangled.

She knew very well that she had many misunderstandings about him in the past and had deep prejudices. In this case, it was almost impossible for him to approach her as Qi Ji, because she would never give him any approach. Opportunity.It was a good idea to come to her with a new identity.

So now, she can't get angry with him because of this, it's too unfair to him... On the contrary, a feeling of gratitude emerged in her heart.

After the kiss, she looked at him with bright eyes like crystals in the sun, holding his face in her hands and smiling gently, her face looked extra bright and charming.

"Why do you laugh so badly?"

He looked a little dumbfounded.

"Secret, I won't tell you!"

Because of the joy in her heart, when the third brother and Ji Zhi were equated, she felt that the little regret in her heart suddenly disappeared, and it felt very, very good.

"Speak or not?"

He raised his eyebrows and deliberately showed a dangerous look, threateningly.

"Do not say!"

She is not afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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