卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 201 I have found the person who threatened your grandfather

Chapter 201 I have found the person who threatened your grandfather

"In this way, with the trust of Mrs. Luo, Xia Zhou began to live a rich life. She lived a new life that she never dared to hope for before. After that, it took her seven years to gradually become an indispensable member of the Luo family. senior maid.

"When Xia Zhou was 33 years old, her son Lu Xiaonian, 16 years old, ran to Xia Zhou because he had a falling out with his father.

"After several turns, Lu Xiaonian recognized her mother.

"Lu Xiaonian was a child who came out of poor life. He used to mix at the bottom of the society. This time, he came to Xiazhou and saw Xia Zhou lived in 'luxury homes', driving a 'luxury car', wearing on his body It is comparable to the white -collar worker, and the life is so comfortable, and in contrast to his previous life, your heart will inevitably be unbalanced.

"He knows that the Luo family is a decent family in Jiashi, and he wants to find a decent job through Xia Zhou, and he also wants to live a life like his mother's. Even if it's just a driver for the family, that's a good way out.

"Xia Zhou and her son are not close. But no matter how close they are, it will always be her son. That is her only son. In the end, she couldn't stand Lu Xiaonian's hard pleading, so she passed Mrs. Luo to Luo Suiyi's pillow. With the wind in his ears, he brought Lu Xiaonian into the Luo family without much effort. The Luo family almost raised a family.

"Unfortunately, this Lu Xiaonian is simply an incompetent punk. After Xia Zhou brought Lu Xiaonian into Luo's house for a while, he was caught by Luo Suiyi for repeatedly stealing takeaways and realizing it. After that, the Luo family watched In Xia Zhou's face, instead of calling the police, he directly asked the person to leave."

When she heard this, a flash of light flashed in Shi Tan's mind, and she couldn't help but scream:
"Wait a minute, I remember that Luo Shi was lost when Mrs. Luo went to Changcheng to visit relatives, and Lu Xiaonian was also killed in Changcheng. Although Luo Shi was young when she disappeared, most of the children knew who they were. , being taken away unprepared can only mean that she recognizes the person who took him away, so the situation may be like this——

"Then Lu Xiaonian may have held a grudge because he was asked to leave, so he took Luo Shibang while Mrs. Luo went to save her relatives. He may have wanted to take this opportunity to hit the Luo family, but he was accidentally killed.

"Xia Zhou should have discovered some strange situations, so he followed Lu Xiaonian in secret, so he just saw his son being killed.

"Afterwards, she may have been to the place where Lu Xiaonian lived temporarily, because she couldn't find Luo Shi, and her son died again. She was afraid that after she put this matter together, she didn't even have a last place to stay, and added At that time, not long after her husband passed away, she was attached to the warmth of Luo Jiayu and did not want to be driven out, so she decided against her conscience to hide the matter. As a result, Mrs. Luo finally thought about her daughter and became ill. , died of this illness.

"So, after I returned to Luo's house, Zhou's mother took care of me in every possible way, and the reason was probably that she had been tortured by her conscience.

"Later, after the Luo family had an accident, in order to make up for it, she took out this old matter and wanted to help the Luo family survive that disaster. It was precisely because of her apology that she jumped out again this time to make a big fuss about it... ..."

With that in mind, things will work out.

Qi Ji listened, and felt that she had already understood the reasoning of this matter very clearly, so she couldn't help but smiled slightly, pulled the corners of her lips, and nodded:

"I think so too! But even if the truth of the matter is really like this, it's been so many years now, if you want to go back and pursue it, I'm afraid it will only irritate Grandpa..."

If Grandpa knew the truth about Luo Shi's being framed, he might be so angry!
Now that his body is, he can no longer afford any toss.

For this, she couldn't help but sigh deeply, and then changed the subject:

"Whether Xia Zhou's son is the gangster in the Luo Shi Bangjia incident, as of now, we can't formally determine it. It is also difficult to find Xia Zhou, and we have to take a long-term view. Now we let go of these two matters. Let’s not study it for now, I have another thing I want to ask you…”

"what's up?"

"In your eyes, what kind of person is Grandpa Luo Houyu?"

Shi Tan was going to intersperse the paper incident to let him know. At the same time, she wanted to know how he felt about his grandfather's coercion of divorce.

Qi Ji didn't know why she suddenly mentioned this matter, and after thinking about it, he said:
"Generous, open-minded, tolerant, very protective..."

Yes, grandpa always protects the calf.

"Do you think that grandpa really wants to give Luo Shi happiness, and he will force us to divorce? A tough melon is not sweet. Grandpa must know this truth. There is no possibility of happiness in a forced marriage. If you love Luo Shi, you won't force us to divorce. But that's what he did, do you think there's something wrong?"

Shi Tan asked very seriously.

Qi Ji nodded: "I felt a problem early in the morning. In recent days, I have been asking people to find out the reason for Grandpa's change in attitude. I think this is not simple."

"Any clues?"


Qi Jigang wanted to tell what he had obtained before, but she was robbed:
"Before you tell your clues, I have another important discovery here, and I have to tell you! Then, you can contact your clues and help me analyze what the situation is..."

"Okay, say it!"

Shi Tan took out the wallet from his pocket, then found the piece of paper in the wallet and handed it over.

"what is this?"

Qi Ji was taken out of one hand, but after seeing the line, he immediately stopped the car to the side of the road, his expression was extremely dignified.

"Where did it come from?"

His eyes immediately lit up with surprise.

"Grandpa deliberately stuffed it for me in the afternoon."

She said with certainty:

"The words that Grandpa said were forced, and I bet it must be like this. But I can't believe that Uncle Luo is still alive. At the time, I personally dressed Uncle Luo. At that time, Uncle Luo really did He is already dead, which I am [-]% sure about. How can Grandpa say that Uncle Luo is still alive? And let us go to save people? How is this possible..."

The tone is utterly unbelievable.

Qi Ji leaned on the driver's seat and thought about it for a while before saying:

"The old man is indeed being monitored. As for whether Luo Suiyi is still alive... It's hard to say."

"It's hard to say? Do you believe that Uncle Luo is still alive?"

Shi Tan asked suspiciously.

"But we can't completely rule out this possibility, right! I told you before that Luo Suiyi's death was a deliberate murder. And it was a murder of the nature of murder with a knife. The murderer has not been caught, and everything is there. possible."

Qi Ji looked at the words on the piece of paper word by word, and his eyes became heavy. If this matter is true, he can save the murder from the murder. That person's ability is really not small. .

who can that be?

For the time being, he is really clueless.

"According to what you said, the person who threatened my grandfather and the person who killed Uncle Luo must be the same group..."

Shi Tan came to a conclusion.

"Well! It should be. Oh, by the way, the person who threatened your grandfather, I have found out..."

"Really? Who?"

Shi Tan asked eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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