卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 261 He Proposes

Chapter 261 He Proposes (2)
Before, Mu Yichun asked, "Would you like to see him for the last time."

Shi Tan shook his head: "No!"

"why are you not going?"

She didn't answer, perhaps because she didn't want to add to her grief!

It's just that in her heart, she doesn't want to admit this hidden emotion.

On September 2012, 9, Shi Tan was in Provence, because the Li family had a manor here.

She came here with Mu Yichun on the 20th of last month.

The air of Provence is full of aromas such as lavender, thyme, pine, etc. This unique natural fragrance is difficult to feel in other places.

Yes, Provence is a sea full of lavender. Here, you can see pictures of purple flowers churning everywhere.

In addition, the name Provence, here, represents a simple, carefree, relaxed and comfortable way of life, a kind of "pampering and humiliation, watching the flowers bloom and falling in front of the court, leaving no intention of leaving, and the sky is full of clouds and clouds". Leisure mood.

Shi Tan likes it very much here, and prefers to walk in the sea of ​​flowers at will, wearing a light silk scarf and wandering in the wind; or take a brush, immerse in the world of flowers, and sketch a few first drafts of fashion.

Last year, she spent the most turbulent months in Provence, and this year, she encountered Mu Yichun's marriage proposal in Provence.

To be honest, since she left the country of Zhu, she never thought of remarrying.Her heart was hurt too deeply, and she couldn't get out of that trauma in a short period of time, but Yichun silently acted as the protector of flowers and accompanied her to this day.

Three days ago, Mu Yichun took her into a lavender field that belonged to the Li family and had not yet been harvested, took out the ring, and knelt in front of her on one knee, expressing his never-changing feelings for her.

Shi Tan looked at his sincere expectant face in the sun, recalling the love in his youth, but that love had already changed, and now the mood is not the same as before, although she is still attached to him, but that attachment is more like It is the emotion between relatives, no longer the desire of men and women.


In the air full of flowers, she murmured softly.

Mu Yichun smiled and stood up: "I know you will refuse, but I still want to try it. I just want you to know that I love you, and my heart will not change. If one day, the wound in your heart is healed, Please give me another chance. In the future, we can’t waste time. You need to get back on your feet, everything will get better slowly. No matter how lonely and miserable life is, I’m willing to share it with you.”

That infatuation is touching.

That day, she gave him a hug.

With her, he is the only relative.

Although, Mu Yichun's adoptive mother didn't like seeing her very much and thought she was not worthy of her son.

Well, she is just a divorced woman who has gone out of the house. She doesn't say anything, and she is not clean. Any mother who loves her son is not happy to see her son getting involved with such a woman.

The day after being proposed, the day before yesterday, Shi Tan and Mrs. Li met.

Mrs. Li euphemistically expressed her meaning: I hope she will leave Mu Yichun and not delay him any more.

Although Provence is good, it is not her home after all, so where is her home?

The world is very big, but she sadly found that she was homeless.

In the early morning of September 9, when Shi Tanchen finished running and sat down at the dining table, he saw Mu Yichun wearing a white shirt coming downstairs, greeted her, and sat opposite her, talking about his journey.

This guy has the intention to pull her into his company to do things. He thinks that she just draws fashion design drafts like that. Although it is comfortable, it is a bit overkill for her - Shi Tan has a financial education there. There is also the experience of Luo Houyu who taught her personally when she was young, and practiced it boldly. As long as she is willing, she can become an excellent strong woman and a rare partner in his career.

He really expected her to take that step for him, and the most important reason was that he knew that his adoptive mother didn't want to see her.If she is willing, within half a year of joining the company, she will be able to impress his adoptive mother, and then recognize her as a daughter-in-law.

That was Mu Yichun's wishful thinking, but it was not what Shi Tan wanted to do, so she interrupted him before she finished listening, and said a thoughtful idea:

"Yichun, I want to go out for a walk! Go to China!"

Mu Yichun was stunned: "Why do you want to go to China so suddenly? Is it bothering you because of my marriage proposal?"

"This is one of the reasons. The main one is: I need to find a place to distract me, and then, think about it calmly. Yichun, this time, I can't let you go out with me. I don't I hope my mind is disturbed by anyone..."

"But if you go out alone, I won't worry!"

He knew that once she made up her mind, no one else would change her mind.

"I'm not a three-year-old!"

"I'm always worried. Should I let Fang Hua accompany you? If you go out alone, I will definitely not let you go."

In order to travel as he wished, Shi Tan had no choice but to call Fang Hua and ask her if she was free.

Fang Hua naturally saw the news from a month ago, and she was always worried that she would collapse because of this news, so she would call to chat with her from time to time.Today, when I heard that she was going to China, she agreed without saying a word, and told her: Today, she will fly to Provence, and then the two will go to China to have a good time.

On September 2012, 9, Shi Tan didn't wait for Fang Hua, but three uninvited guests from Qi Ji's side came.

The arrival of these three will bring another major turning point in her life...

The leader is named Dai Ruo, the chief lawyer in the Qi's lawyer group, Qi Ji's personal lawyer, and the famous Zhu Guo lawyer circle.

It is said that it is difficult for ordinary people to find him to file a lawsuit.In cases that he can defend himself in court, usually the parties are not rich or expensive.

As far as Shi Tan knows, this guy has a very good relationship with Qi Ji, he is a strict and self-disciplined person, he seldom fools around with others, and his personal style is very clean. , so far unmarried, many famous ladies and daughters who knew him were jealous of him. In the past few years, there have been many incidents.

However, Shi Tan seldom had contact with Dai Ruo. He was not like Cheng Hang, who always followed him, but he had the same characteristics as Cheng Hang: he was serious, efficient, and had a low-key attitude towards life.

At the same time, Jamie and Mary also came together. The couple both wore sunglasses, black shirts and black trousers. They stood behind Dai Di with their hands behind their backs. They were full of bodyguards.

"Lawyer Dai, what kind of wind is blowing you here today?"

Back from the morning run, Shi Tan was planning to go back to the house to take a shower, and then wanted to make a phone call to see where Fang Hua was. At this time, the servant at the manor came up and told her:

"Three visitors have asked to see you by name."

Now Shi Tan lives behind closed doors. Except for Fang Hua, almost no one knows that she lives here temporarily.

Out of curiosity, and being close to the door, she immediately went to the door. She was very surprised to see the visitor. After asking a question, she glanced at the Jamie couple with a puzzled look, and they were very generous and friendly. They said hello:
"Jamie, Mary! Long time no see!"

Again and again:
"I'm confused, how did you know I was here?"

Jamie took off his glasses, hooked the corners of his lips, and a faint smile appeared on his hard-line face. This smile made this cold-looking man a little more tender:
"Of course. From the first day you left Zhu Kingdom, we have been paying attention to your movements. Annie, this year, although you are not in the country, your news has not come back. Just like those years. You are in the same situation in England, Qi has always asked us to guard you in the dark. It's just that you don't know it!"

(End of this chapter)

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