卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 283: Meeting and skipping work

Chapter 283: Meeting and skipping work (3)
"Work needs to be busy, but you shouldn't have too little vacation time that belongs to you. In the future, you should find more time to enrich your spare time. It's not a good thing to strain your mind every day. it's the best."

What he said was quite the taste of experience.

"I want to be happy too. It's just that the older you get, the harder it is to be happy."

The faint sigh rippling in the night, looking up, the snowflakes all over the sky, dancing so casually, and her heart has been locked, it is too difficult to be happy.

"The things of the past, what should be put down, must be put down!"

He whispered in a low voice.

She remained silent and went forward alone.

A gust of cold wind hit, she sneezed a few more times, and she felt a chill:
"Let's go, now, I need to take a warm bath and get a good night's sleep. From tomorrow, I have to work for the Lu family again. Hey, tell me, why do so many men love doing business. Yes Thinking that success in business is what life is all about.”

After a night of getting along, their relationship has undergone extremely subtle changes, and their conversations have become more casual.Like old friends who have been together for years.Chatting, very topical, very interactive.

"Men love to conquer the world." He followed over and added: "But not all men put their career first. Success in career and family is the real success. Women, more family-oriented. Heavy. So, it's normal for you to have this thought..."

Shi Tan looked back at him, his eyes were deep, and the sudden approach made him shut his mouth.

Under the lights, among the snowflakes, the two people looked at each other.

"what happened?"

Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

"Feels great!"


Not sure what she meant by that.

The next moment, she slowly stretched out her hand and hooked his neck, accompanied by a fragrant fragrance, he leaned over, pulled the distance little by little, and pressed it on his lips without hesitation.


Two words, he shook slightly before shaking them out.

"Shh, don't talk!"

The words stopped where her lips were glued - her soft lips pressed against his.

In the slightly rising wind, he didn't move at all, standing there like a stone, watching her kiss him

This was what he wanted to do most for so long.

Love her!

Use all the strength of your life to love her!

Yes, at that moment, he didn't want to let go at all, he just wanted to hug her tightly, that was the last happiness in his life.

A kiss, deep and long, until both of them were short of breath, until the oxygen was low, and they had to let go of each other.

This time, Xu Jing became embarrassed!

She shouldn't have kissed him, and he shouldn't have kissed her.

Between them, what's the matter?
"Hey, why are you showing such a pitiful appearance that I was submerged!"

Shi Tan blinked, and Pu Chi smiled.



He stared at her strangely, and his red face showed the coquettishness of a woman.

"How many women have you had?"


"The kiss is very familiar!"


"Hey, are you embarrassed?"

She leaned over to take a closer look, his pale face finally had some nice blushes.


At this time, he really didn't know how to react correctly!
This is blatant teasing.

Should he be angry?

Or should you be proud?
Or should it be entangled?
"I'm not a random woman!"

Suddenly, Shi Tan said this softly again and stroked his lips.

"I'm not a casual man either!"

He followed slowly.

She laughed suddenly, and helped her short hair that was a little messed up by the wind:
"Do you want to know why I kissed you?"

"If you are willing to answer."

"You made me feel like I met a bosom friend. I haven't felt this relaxed for a long time!"

With a sigh, she spoke softly.

Xu Jing's eyes became complicated, and he didn't feel so happy because of it.

"Do you have a girlfriend? Xu Jing?"

She stared softly.

He was silent.

"If you don't have a girlfriend, I want to try to date you..."

He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut off the words:

"Now, you don't have to answer me right away. You can think about it carefully.

"Listen, I don't care how bad you are, I just care about the hope in the future because of you.

"Xu Jing, a day without hope is really not a life for people.

"When I was young, I wanted to grow up, and my only thought at that time was to avenge my parents; when I was studying in the UK, I hoped to be successful in my studies, so that I could become stronger and be able to stand up for my parents. ;In the days of Qi's family, what I hope is to avenge my family revenge, and to live happily with my dear family members; in these years, my only wish is to find my son, but I don't know if my son can survive. Can't be saved, it's almost a hopeless future.

"I'm busy every day, just trying to make myself less of a miss.

"I've been unhappy all along. But you're different. You've given me a renewed desire to look forward...  

"Xu Jing, if you want, I think we can create a different life, I want to re-enter marriage, and you are the one I want to be with..."

Looking at the wind and snow in pairs, their soft voices dissipated in the wind with tenderness and sweetness.

He was silent for a long time.

She smiled: "Think about it, give me an answer tomorrow!"

Closing her down jacket, she turned and walked forward, throwing him aside.

Xu Jing stood there, staring at him, his heart was messy.

This is developing too fast:
He was actually proposed!
All night, Xu Jing hadn't slept well, and he had been struggling, how should Tianliang answer.

If it was according to his most sincere thoughts, he naturally longed for such a result.

The problem is, that's not what he came to Tongcheng to achieve.

He came just to see her again.

It was only after meeting that he realized that just seeing each other would not satisfy his thoughts at all.

If he refuses, he may never have the chance to speak to her again in the future.She will definitely stay away from him.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of a result, and then he fell asleep for some reason.

It was already 07:30 when he woke up, he jumped up and looked outside, wow, after one night, the sky and the earth were already covered in white, with ten centimeters of snow.

He first made a phone call to the hotel service department and asked, "Is the road down the mountain impassable?"

The person from the service department replied: "The mountain is covered by heavy snow. I'm afraid I won't be able to go down the mountain in the morning. Taxis are afraid to drive."

He thanked him, took a shower, and then knocked on Shi Tan's door.

After knocking for a while, no one answered. He was in a hurry. He knew that she couldn't sleep so deeply unless there was a physical problem.

(End of this chapter)

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