卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 63 Crazy, I've Been Loving You For All Years 1

Chapter 63 Crazy, I've Been Loving You For Ten Years 1
"Xiao An, you put it on first, don't freeze it, now take the child to the hospital to have a look..."

Shi Tan was not more polite, Zhou Yong's clothes were much thicker than hers.

She thanked her, picked up the child and rushed away.

A few steps away, Qi Ji watched silently, and then glanced at Zhou Yong. His clothes were already covering the child's corpse, otherwise...

He twitched the corners of his lips, but he didn't catch up, and he couldn't explain to her more, because the head of the first criminal investigation team had already walked towards him.

Zhou Yong raised the ID in his hand, and stared deeply at the "heroic" man who saved lives in front of him:

"I'm Zhou Yong, the leader of the first criminal investigation team. This case has been taken over by my team. Excuse me, you are the one who came to negotiate with these gangsters!"


Qi Ji nodded.

"Now the gangster is dead and caught, please come back to the bureau with us and accept the routine investigation..."

"No problem, but I need to speak to my lawyer!"

He answered quietly.

The calm look made Zhou Yong take a deep look.


Qi Ji made a phone call and said simply:

"I'm in the Criminal Investigation Brigade. Come here right away."

Zhou Yong looked at the scene.

Zhang Guo went to check and came back to report: "A total of ten people died, and several others were stunned by anesthesia sniper rifles. But no one else was found nearby. In addition, we found another person near the river. The two hostages are actually members of the Qi family. According to reports, the people who rescued them have already evacuated quickly. They told them to come to our direction for help... Head, those people reacted with inspiration and accurate marksmanship, it seems that they are not ordinary people what……"

At the end, Zhang Guo clicked his tongue.

They looked at Qi Ji, thinking the same question in their hearts:
This is an organized rescue operation, who is this person?What kind of characters did they bring?

In the hospital, Xiaobai had a comprehensive examination. The doctor said that Xiaobai had a good foundation. Although the cold water fell, it did not cause any adverse effects on Xiaobai.But just in case, Shi Tan ordered Xiaobai to be hospitalized for one night for observation, fearing that he would have a high fever in the middle of the night.

So the mother and son were temporarily admitted to the emergency ward.

When all the dust fell to the ground, Shi Tan still had lingering fears when he was lying on the bed, hugging his son, not wanting to move, tightly, for fear that the child would be gone in the blink of an eye.

As for Xiaobai, he has already fallen into a deep sleep. After tossing and tossing for so long, adults will feel tired, let alone children.

Zhou Yong was very kind, and sent police officers to help them watch the night. He was afraid that some fish would slip through the net and make a comeback. He didn't ask a word about how she had a son—now is not a good time to ask.

Qi Jilianye was invited to the Criminal Investigation Detachment.

Fang Hua has always known that this man is called Jing Xu. Four years ago, the word "third brother" appeared in Shi Tan's mouth.

Later, Shi Tan introduced him to her once, but he was so cool that he only nodded and didn't want to deal with her at all, so she only met him once in so many years.She is full of curiosity about this man who also loves plastic skin.

In the past, she had no chance to interrogate this man, but today, she finally had such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to find out the details of this man.

Unexpectedly, before she could speak, that Yang Ruixi took the first step and blocked her mouth with a smile:
"Officer Fang, before our lawyer comes, we will remain silent in the face of your questioning."


That is their power.

Only 5 minutes later, Fang Hua was interrogating other people when Xiao Hu suddenly ran in and shouted in surprise:

"Two Hummers with military license plates came outside..."

Before the voice fell, seven armed special forces rushed in with rifles. After seeing the military rank epaulettes on the shoulders of the leader, they all stared wide-eyed, not understanding what happened—— In the middle of the night, their arrival was undoubtedly not for trivial matters.

"Excuse me, who is Team Zhou?"

The leader saluted and asked loudly.

"I am! Which military region are you from?"

Zhou Yong walked up with a scrutinizing look.

"I am the colonel of the special department of the Marine Corps in the southern area A. I was ordered to bring a man named Jing Xu. From this moment on, this person will be under the control of our department. All other arrested persons must be handed over to our department directly. Sent to a court-martial..."

Five minutes later, the two men who had been silent all this time, as well as the four survivors who were captured, were taken away by the colonel. Fang Hua and all the police officers of the criminal investigation team could only watch them leave.

At that time, Zhou Yong stood behind her, touched his chin with a puzzled expression and asked her:

"What are the backgrounds of these two people? They actually alarmed Commander Mo!"

That's exactly what she wanted to know.

Who will tell her who this man named Jing Xu is?
They just arrived at the criminal investigation team, and they arrived immediately behind, which means that they should be nearby just now.

Tsk, someone from the military is actually launching this operation, this person is too awesome...

Another 5 minutes, the criminal police members who had been busy all night were planning to go home, when Xiao Hu ran in again, pointed at the door and screamed again:

"Again... two more Hummers..."

The next moment, soldiers in military uniforms from the four field battalions rushed forward.

"Which one is Team Zhou?"

The leader came in and asked, with a dignified expression.

"I am! Which military department are you from?"

Zhou Yong felt incredible, what happened today?
The leader saluted: "I am Lieutenant Colonel Chen of the GF Battalion in Area C, and I was ordered to take over the dangerous elements you just arrested at the waste container yard..."

Good guy, how many of them are in high demand?

Zhou Yong rolled his eyes and said, "Lieutenant Colonel Chen, you are late. The Marine Corps in Area A just took someone away. This matter is not under our control now. If you want someone in Area C, please go to the Yao City Command in Area A... "

Lieutenant Colonel Chen's expression changed, and he immediately led his people to evacuate.

Seeing this, Fang Hua revealed a thoughtful look:
Where is this trouble?

She had heard Shi Tan said before that the relationship between District A and District C has always been delicate.This is the site of Area A, and someone from Area C crossed the border, what does this mean?
Tsk, it seems that behind Xiaobai's robbery, there should be a dispute between the two factions...

The interrogation room of the Special Zone in Area A.

Qi Ji was sitting in front of the interrogation table, pulling the corners of his lips coldly, took a glance at the information he had just found, and then looked at it deeply:

"Chang Liang, a sergeant major of the fourth rank, has won military merit twice; Li Hu, a sergeant major of the first rank, has won second-class merit once and third-class merit once, both of them are non-commissioned officers in the FG battalion in C area, The elite soldiers trained by the country, what should you do? It is to defend the country and defend the territory. When did you engage in this kind of murder and arson? Who borrowed your courage? Who borrowed it? You In your eyes, is there any national law?"

He suddenly slapped the document on the desktop, his eyes were extremely harsh:
"If you don't give me a clear explanation today, you will wait to go to a military court and receive the most severe trial...

A total of four gangsters were brought back. To put it bluntly, they were not gangsters, but soldiers in service.There are two interrogators in this interrogation room, and two in the next room.

Shiny gloves were handcuffed on their hands.

The two looked at each other and stood up:

"Report, soldiers take obedience as their bounden duty, we are only ordered to kill British fugitives!"


Qi Ji suddenly slapped the table, his eyes were fierce, he turned his head, gritted his teeth and said, "Is that child a fugitive? You can even kill a child..."

One of them straightened his chest, his face froze slightly, and he called out in a louder voice::

"Report, that child... should be an accident!"


Qi Ji smiled coldly:

"What a surprise!"

This accident almost killed him.

That's right, those people just wanted to create such an accident and completely bury him.

The door of the interrogation room suddenly opened, and an orderly came in, and whispered something in Qi Ji's ear, without further ado, he picked up his own cup of tea, ate it up, and said to the people around him: :

"You take over!"


He walked out, squinted back at the door, and looked at the two soldiers with innocent eyes. Perhaps, they really didn't know what mission they were performing, and it was the people above who wanted to put him to death.

Qi Ji thought for a while, then went straight to the headquarters office, kicked the door and went in, he saw an aggressive man sitting on the office chair, who was on the phone, saw him come in, hung up, and pulled out With a smile, this person's surname is Mo, and his name is Mo Yaozhi. He is his cousin, the military and political crown prince of the Mo family in District A.

"As you expected, people from Area C went to the criminal investigation team overnight to ask for someone. I heard that they took a special document to ask for someone. They wanted to destroy the evidence. Fortunately, we went in time, otherwise, you may be It's going to fall into their hands."

If that were the case, the situation would be complicated.

Qi Ji had already changed out of the bloody clothes, and now he was wearing a white high-necked towel, and the blood on his hands had been washed clean. He sat down and touched his pockets, but they were empty:

"Any cigarettes?"

Mo Yaozhi threw the cigarette and lighter over there.

He took it in his hand, took out a cigarette, and his face did not show the joy of catching the oriole, probably because the breath left by death was too heavy.

Soon, a puff of smoke spit out from his mouth and scattered in the air.

"What's the matter? You look unhappy. Before, you always wanted to catch them, but now that you have caught them, you can force them to cut off their arms as long as you look down... This is a good thing, and it can be regarded as a gift for Shi Tan Out of anger, not happy?"

Mo Yaozhi was wondering what kind of emotions he was having.

For so many years, he has focused on such a thing, and now he has made some progress, but he is not happy.

Yes, tonight, Qi Ji is the big winner. The other party has been looking for an opportunity to make Shi Tan die without a trace, and this time, they found such an opportunity to get rid of the two of them at once, but unfortunately they couldn't. As they wished, he grabbed the fox's tail instead. It was not easy. They endured it for so many years, and finally revealed their secrets.But……

"Suddenly I feel very boring."

He uttered a sentence lightly, and then took a deep puff of the cigarette. The smell of nicotine couldn't relieve the discomfort in his heart.

Forget it, I still don't smoke.

He resolutely stubbed out the cigarette, pressed it firmly into the ashtray, and went out:

"I'll leave the matter here to you. I'll take it back!"

These things are not within the scope of his duties.

Although he used to be a member of this place, but now he is just a businessman, even with a military rank.

Mo Yaozhi followed him out, studying his expression:

(End of this chapter)

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