卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 89 Impression, quietly changing

Chapter 89 Impression, quietly changing
From Qi Ji's point of view, think again, should he be angry?

No matter what kind of purpose he has for marrying you, legally, he is your husband, but you are not only unwilling to fulfill your duties as a wife, but also did something that humiliated him, and he was angry , getting angry, is it a normal reaction?Even if he doesn't love you, it's about a man's face, how could he be indifferent.

The sun shone on her body, and there was a burst of warmth, but the wind was cold. In the midst of warm and cold, her heart was being accused by conscience.

She opened her eyes, looked at the boundless spring in front of her, and thought of the words he just said, full of trust - he was angry with her for hiding it for six years, but this anger disappeared in a flash, and then he chose to let go Low yourself, just want to save this family.

But, should this home be maintained?
Xiaobai's face flashed in his mind:
"Mom, do you still want a divorce?"

"Mom, please don't get a divorce, okay?"

When the child made such a request to her, in fact, she didn't fall asleep, but she didn't know how to respond:

How innocent a child is...

As a mother, should she fulfill her child's longing for a family, or selfishly choose the path she wants to take...


Behind him, Cheng Hang's voice suddenly sounded.

Turning her head, she saw a man in a suit and leather shoes standing upright like a mountain. She frowned slightly:

"When did you follow..."

"As soon as you go out, I'll follow you. There are a few words I want to say to you!"

Cheng Hang stepped forward, walking calmly and full of confidence.

This man is Qi Ji's close friend, he can be regarded as an elite among the elite, if taken alone, he is the number one extraordinary and powerful character.

Let me ask, who doesn't know Cheng Hang when dealing with Qi Ji?

When this man went outside, he was Qi Ji's spokesperson, so many people were eager to curry favor with him.A good relationship with him is equivalent to friendship with Qi Jipan.

But Cheng Hang has always been doing his part as Qi Ji's foil, working hard for him, and facing her, he is even more respectful.


"Seven years ago, Mu Yichun's death was not an accident, but a man-made murder. If you hate your husband because of this incident, you have nothing to complain about!"

Shi Tan was stunned by Cheng Hang's exposed words.


It took her a while to repeat the sentence.

"Yes, this murder case is inextricably linked to Luo Suixin's death."

Cheng Hang's expression looked extremely solemn.

How could Uncle Luo's death be involved in this matter?
She was startled again, only to hear him say quietly:
"Eight years ago, after the Luo family had an accident, Mu Yichun's murder charge could not be cleared at all. At least 20 years in prison, and at most he would live behind bars for the rest of his life. But Mr. promised you that you must help Mu Yichun .Although the ability of the gentleman is extraordinary, there are some things with personal and material evidence. It is unrealistic to falsify when everyone in the country is paying attention to this case.

"To get rid of Mu Yichun's charges, we must find out the real culprit. But judging from the situation at that time, Mu Yichun was the real culprit, and it was difficult for the judge to change his opinion.

"Mr. also doesn't want Mu Yichun's life to be ruined, so I had a secret conversation with Mu Yichun, and the two of them discussed a way, which is to let Mu Yichun admit that he accidentally injured Mr. Luo, and then through various relationships, the husband will jointly act with the court. A play reduced Mu Yichun's sentence to one year. The husband wanted to use this year to observe the real culprit's reaction.

"It's no surprise that during this year's prison life, Mu Yichun was indeed assassinated several times. If Mr. hadn't arranged everything in prison, he would have died countless times.

"Mu Yichun's release from prison, in fact, was a long-term plan to catch big fish for the husband. The only mistake was that you returned to the country suddenly. Because of your return, Mu Yichun suddenly gave up the whole plan and wanted to be with you. Just walk away.

"Mr. was angry and angry that Mu Yichun had a beginning but never an end. This is one of the very important reasons. At the time when Mu Yichun was sentenced lightly, Mr. tried his best. Mr. tried every means to find out the truth of this case. Mu Yichun was halfway If you want to quit, the whole plan will be ruined. It means that you have failed the trust of various law enforcement agencies, played a trick on everyone, and made fun of their careers.

"That day, my husband had a talk with Mu Yichun, and let him understand the consequences of taking you away without any sense of responsibility.

"Afterwards, I sent Mu Yichun to an apartment and sent two other people to guard him. But in the middle of the night, the two people who were guarding him were plotted against. Mu Yichun took the opportunity to escape. In the middle of the night, The racing on the bridge was because someone was chasing him. In the end, when he was driving in the wrong direction, he was crashed into the river...

"Afterwards, Mr. privately investigated and discovered that this was a well-planned murder.

"It's a pity that I couldn't explain it clearly to you. You disappeared. The husband has been blaming himself for a year. He has been looking for you. But after he found it, he was afraid to face you, so he only dared to watch in the dark. .

"Ma'am, you really can't blame sir for this matter, the responsibility is absolutely not on sir!"

Shi Tan stood in a daze for a long time, his heart surged once again.

Yes, the case eight years ago was closed on the surface, but in fact it was not.

That case was absolutely bizarre.

She didn't understand at the beginning, but Yichun kept saying that he didn't kill Luo Suixin, but in the end he admitted that he killed Luo Suixin by mistake. It turned out that all this was planned by him and Qi Ji.

But who would want to harm Yichun so much?
Since this was their original plan to lure the snake out of the hole, why did Yichun give her half a word a year later, but wanted to quit all of a sudden, and suddenly wanted to take her away?

She clearly remembered that that day, Yichun hugged her and said, "Tan, let's leave Yaoshi and hide our names, and don't care about those kind and grudges, right and wrong, okay, okay... "

She agreed, because of some naive thoughts, and because she was stimulated by some photos...

The tide of memory is tumbling, and the past is always difficult to face:

"Why are you telling me this?"

When she regained her senses, she stared back and asked.

Cheng Hang patted the railing, caressing the carvings on the railing:

"There are some fates that shouldn't be ruined. Life has been rushing for decades. We don't have much time to waste. You have wasted eight years. If you spend another eight years in such an awkward way, your son should It's the age to fall in love... I really can't stand it..."

His words were full of emotion.

Shi Tan: "..."

This man wanted to tell her: Has Qi Ji cared for her for eight years?
is it possible?
He clearly loves Mi Fangfei, the second daughter of the Mi family.

The photos that carried the deep friendship between them since they were young can be a powerful proof of this fact, and it also made her close the door of her heart, not daring to be greedy for the warmth he gave—

If you never get it, you are not afraid of losing it!
This is a profound truth that life has taught her to understand over the years.

A telescope was handed up by him as if by a magic trick, and he said:
"The scenery here is very beautiful. It's just that my eyes are not very good, and the scenery I see is always blurry, so I like to bring a telescope. The magnification is not very large. Using it, the scenery I see is more profound. Wife, when you look at a person, with the naked eye, what you see is simple beauty and ugliness, but only when you look at it with your heart can you truly discover the good and bad attached to the soul..."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his body and quietly withdrew.

Shi Tan opened his mouth, but he didn't stop him after all, so he asked carefully to understand.

At the right time, the sun was shining brightly, dyeing the sky red.

She stood facing the wind for a long time, and her mind was full of Qi Ji's shadow, which bothered her for no reason. She thought that the time of her wedding and honeymoon had been deeply buried, but now, those memories, like erupting magma, came from the ground. The bottom surged out, sparks flew, and burned her.

Hold the binoculars and put it on the bridge of your nose, but what you see is another exquisite and warm scenery of Mingshan.

Two kinds of appreciation, the taste is quite different.

From a distance, you can only see the fuzzy appearance, but from a close view, you can not only see the incomplete imperfection, but also appreciate the unique and beautiful scenery.

For example, at the foot of the mountain, lovers are hugging and kissing under a strange flower...

For example, there are four generations living under the same roof, having a picnic on a certain lawn...

For example, there is an elderly couple walking in the tea garden...

Isn't that how people get along with each other?
If the relationship is shallow, you only see everything on the surface, or disdain, or fascination, and what you see is often one-sided; when the relationship is deep, all the advantages and disadvantages will be revealed.If you love this person, you will ignore his (her) shortcomings, and his (her) goodness will be infinitely magnified in front of you; if you don't love him, you will only see his (her) shortcomings, the image of a god who used to be , in the end, it's just such a feeling.

The state of mind determines whether the scenery is beautiful or not.

Cheng Hang is also a wise man.

Who is Qi Ji?
The so-called different ways do not conspire with each other.

The employer-employer relationship between the two has not changed for eight years, presumably not only because Qi Ji spends money generously and treats his subordinates kindly, but also because they share a lot of interests.

Shi Tan looked around quietly, and after standing there for an unknown amount of time, a beautiful landscape painting appeared in the binoculars:

A handsome man, with a young child, was walking slowly. The two held hands and chatted as they walked among the shades of green trees, walking briskly and leisurely.

Suddenly, the man stopped and squatted down, but it turned out that the child's shoelaces were loose.

The man sat the toddler on a rock, and tied it up for him earnestly, with a look of concentration, as if this matter was the top priority for him.

She adjusted the focus, and she could clearly see the warmth of the man's eyebrows, while the young boy was blinking his eyes, accepting such a doting - in fact, the child would tie it, but he still wanted to tie it for him.

As for the reason, she could figure it out—he wanted to make up for the time when he should have tied his shoelaces. Everything in the past could never come back, and he could only enjoy the joy of being a father in this way!
After a while, the man stood up, and the child suddenly kissed the man's face, said something, then ran away with a smile...

After the man was stunned, he touched the place where he had been kissed, smiled like a pear blossom, and chased after her.

The toddler was probably a little bit crazy, he accidentally fell to the ground with a thud, the man quickly went up to help him, patted the dirt on him, and without knowing what to say, he picked up the toddler and put it on his shoulders.The giggling laughter of the young child spread out and spread in the open mountains.

She watched this scene quietly, her eyes became moist, and her heart seemed to be softened by something, and she could no longer harden it, nor could she hate it.

This is the simplest interaction between father and son, but for them, it is the first time they have each other.

Is she selfish?

Unable to bear it, she asked herself again.

The precious six years of their father and son were ruined, and Xiaobai lost six years of fatherly love!
(End of this chapter)

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