Martial arts become gods

Chapter 10 Forging Arms Pavilion

Chapter 10 Forging Arms Pavilion

Today, Mo Xian decided to narrow down the scope of the search.After all, he is too young, and his physique is not considered strong, most places will not want him.Therefore, he decided to find a job that he was good at, so that the probability might be higher.

Therefore, the blacksmith shop was his first choice.

As a large city, there are naturally many blacksmith shops in Taichu City, but they are not comparable to the blacksmith shop of Mo Xian's family.What they build are basically weapons, or something related to warriors, and the scale is generally not small.

As a recognized lowly profession, blacksmith is looked down upon by everyone, but it is also a profession with great demand.This seems very contradictory, but it makes sense.

After all, a blacksmith only needs to be physically strong, not a smart mind, and the things he builds don't require great precision.

To put it bluntly, it is pure physical labor, even a strong fool will become a qualified blacksmith after a period of time.

So to become a blacksmith, you must first have well-developed limbs, and this alone, Mo Xian can't meet the standard.

But he himself doesn't think so. He has seven or eight years of blacksmithing experience, and he has already surpassed many veterans. There should be blacksmiths looking for him.

But he seemed to be thinking a little too simply, most of the blacksmiths turned him away when they saw him, and didn't even give him any chance to explain.

And the reasons are surprisingly consistent, that is, Mo Xian may not even be able to hold a hammer for blacksmithing.

Seeing that it was getting dark again, Mo Xian thought that he could only sleep on the street again today.

He wandered aimlessly, and finally stopped at the door of a huge blacksmith shop.

The blacksmith shop is called Blacksmith Pavilion, and the overall shape is like a huge melting pot.There is a little fiery red color in the wall, and there is a faint fiery breath gushing out of it.

Forging Bing Pavilion looks very simple and elegant, and it is the most unique blacksmith shop that Mo Xian has seen so far.

In fact, this is also his first goal today, but he hesitated for a long time and never went in. He subconsciously thought that a blacksmith shop of this size should be rejected faster.

Somehow, he wandered back again.

Now that he's here, Mo Xian decides to go in to try his luck. Anyway, he's used to being rejected, and it's okay to be rejected one more time.

After entering, there is a hall with all kinds of weapons on the weapon racks around the walls.

These weapons are extremely detailed, and the materials used seem to be not bad, even laymen can see their extraordinary.

Although there were quite a few people choosing weapons in the hall, it was not as noisy as other blacksmith shops, but very quiet.

Most of them are well-behaved, and they are only low-pitched inquirers when they have questions.

Seeing Mo Xian coming in, a waiter immediately greeted him enthusiastically, without any intention of neglecting Mo Xian because of his shabby attire.

This alone is unmatched by other blacksmith shops.

Knowing that Mo Xian was looking for an errand, the man frowned, and immediately returned to normal.

They happened to be short of people at this time, but Mo Xian obviously did not meet their requirements.But he didn't want to embarrass Mo Xian too much, so he asked with a smile, "Do you know where this is?"

"The blacksmith's shop!" Mo Xian replied without thinking. Seeing that there seemed to be something going on, he continued: "I don't care about the money, as long as I have food and a place to live."

"Blacksmith shop?" The man was stunned for a moment, and his face immediately became a little weird, but he didn't explain much, thought for a while, and said: "Okay, but I'm not in charge of this matter, I'll take you to the back !” With that said, the buddy led Mo Xian to the back.

Passing through the hall is a courtyard, which is filled with this fiery atmosphere, so it should be the place where Forge Bing Pavilion forges weapons.

The clerk led Mo Xian into the next room, where there were many shirtless people making troubles, besides the serious blacksmith, there were also many apprentices doing odd jobs.

But even the apprentices were all tall and thick, with strong muscles, which formed a sharp contrast with Mo Xian.

The guy went forward and said something to a big bald man, and then left first.

The bald man glanced at Mo Xian, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he grinned, "Haha, boy, I heard you want to find a job here?"

"That's right!" Mo Xian nodded quickly. Although it was very noisy here, this kind of sound was his favorite.

"Have you ever struck iron?" The bald man asked again.

"I've fought, it's been seven or eight years!"

"Tsk tsk, I can't tell, you already have seven or eight years of experience." The bald man was stunned, and then greeted everyone, saying: "Everyone, rest, here is a kid who said he has seven or eight years of experience." Blacksmithing experience."

His voice is very rough, although it is noisy here, everyone can hear it clearly.Then everyone stopped, walked over and looked at Mo Xian curiously.

They could tell at a glance that Mo Xian was only about 15 years old. If he had seven or eight years of experience according to what he said, he should have started blacksmithing when he was eight years old.And they themselves were still catching loaches and digging out bird nests at that time.

Therefore, everyone thought that Mo Xian was lying.After all, blacksmithing is a laborious job, and no one can do it at the age of eight.

"Boy, how do you prove it?" Although the bald man didn't believe it, he seemed to want to have fun early.

"How do you want me to prove it?" Mo Xian said.

"En!" The bald man frowned and thought for a while, then turned around and took a hammer from the wall, and said, "As long as you can pick up this hammer and swing it ten times, I will let you stay."

Seeing the hammer, everyone's expressions changed obviously.They obviously understood what the bald man meant, and whispered to each other.

"Hey, the boss is obviously making fun of this kid. Who else can lift this hammer, let alone swing it ten times."

"No problem!" Mo Xian didn't doubt him, and agreed without thinking.

"Good boy, have courage, here..." The bald man smiled heartily, and raised the hammer to Mo Xian.

After Mo Xian took it, his palm immediately sank. This hammer was much heavier than he imagined, much heavier than the heaviest hammer in his home.

"Little brother, if it doesn't work, just give up, don't hurt yourself."

Everyone also noticed the change in Mo Xian's expression, and they all kindly reminded him.Although they came to see the jokes, they were honest and simple people after all, and they didn't have any bad intentions.

"Need not!"

Mo Xian held back his breath, his face turned red instantly, and he picked up the hammer vigorously.

"it is good……"

Everyone couldn't help applauding, and at the same time, they were a little ashamed because of their previous thoughts. After all, they couldn't lift this hammer.

But just picking it up is not enough, you have to swing it ten times.

Mo Xian was trying his best now, so he didn't dare to pause, and immediately started to swing.

"a bit……"



Everyone spontaneously started counting for Mo Xian, and they seemed more excited than Mo Xian himself.

Mo Xian's swing became slower and slower, and his breathing became more and more rapid. Now his arms seemed to be filled with lead, and he had to use all his strength to move even a slight movement.

But he didn't want to give up. This was an opportunity he had struggled to win.

"Seven blows..."

"Eight times..."

When one hit the ninth time, Mo Xian staggered and almost fell, everyone's hearts were raised because of this, if one was not serious, the hammer fell and hit Mo Xian, it may be an irreparable injury.

Fortunately, Mo Xian persevered, and tried his best to make the ninth stroke.

Everyone was quiet now, even the bald man was a little moved.But it seemed that Mo Xian had reached his limit, and they were all curious whether he could hit the tenth swing.


Mo Xian gathered up all his strength, all the muscles in his body tensed, and he slowly raised the hammer.

His speed is very slow, and accompanied by tremors, he looks a little precarious.

"Boss, leave him alone!"

At this time, everyone couldn't bear it anymore. After all, Mo Xian was still a boy of about 15 years old. It was too much to test him with things that they couldn't do.

The bald man was also a little moved, he nodded and said: "Little brother, enough is enough, let it go!"

Although the ten strokes were not finished, he was already very shocked to be able to do this.

But Mo Xian was not ready to give up, he agreed ten times, ten times, no discount.

Under the stunned eyes of everyone, he finally gathered the hammer to the top, and then swung it down heavily.

"Ten blows!"

Everyone also exclaimed, Mo Xian's tenacity really surprised them.But it seemed that Mo Xian had really reached his limit, as soon as the hammer fell, he staggered, and the hammer also fell to the ground.Numerous cracks were smashed into the hard ground, which shows how heavy the hammer is.

"Haha, boy, you're still angry with me!" The bald man laughed and patted Mo Xian's shoulder, thinking that Mo Xian's last swing was just to get angry with him.

"Uncle Bald, I'm not angry with you, but since I agreed, I can't discount it. Even if you break the rules and accept me, I won't feel at ease in the future." Mo Xian explained.

"Oh?" Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded, and lamented that it was really rare for Mo Xian to have such a will at such a young age.

Mo Xian was a little annoyed by everyone's glances and words, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Can I stay? Money doesn't matter, the most important thing is food and accommodation."

"Haha, of course, but we also have our rules here. Although you are born with great strength, you can only start as an apprentice. How about five silver coins a month?" The bald man laughed.

"No problem, it's great!" Mo Xian almost jumped up happily. You know, their family's monthly income is only a few silver coins, but now he can earn five silver coins by himself. He hadn't expected it.

(End of this chapter)

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