Martial arts become gods

Chapter 1032 Nine dragon turtles wake up

Chapter 1032 Nine-headed Dragon Turtle Awakens
I don't know what method Helena used, but she actually brought Kong Ling here.

However, now that the nine-headed dragon tortoise is completely waking up, they come here at this time, which is a bit self-inflicted.

At this time, most of the Nine-headed Dragon Kong's body has broken through the ground.

Due to staying in the ground for too long, its hard carapace looks very mottled, and the spikes on it are slightly dull.

It's like a treasure that has been covered in dust for countless years. Although it is dusty, it still feels extremely sharp.

Following the direction of the voice, Mo Xian saw Kong Ling and Helena at a glance.

The two women didn't know what came over, their faces were covered with a little dust, and they looked a little helpless in the gradually collapsing earth.

Mo Xian's face sank even if it sank, most of the people had withdrawn now, and the spirit turtle was floating there alone, but no one cared about it.

The appearance of Kong Ling and Helena at this time really caught him by surprise.

In desperation, he didn't care too much, and directly raised his hand and punched a ferocious head.

His attack obviously couldn't have any effect on the Nine-headed Dragon Turtle, but it succeeded in angering the Nine-Headed Dragon Turtle.

And his purpose is to attract the attention of the nine-headed dragon turtle by himself, so that Kong Ling and Helena have the opportunity to leave.

Kong Ling immediately understood what Mo Xian meant, so she regretted why she came here so recklessly.

In the end, not only did Mo Xian not get any help, but it caused a lot of trouble.

However, this cannot be completely blamed on her, after all, no one would have thought that Kong Tiancheng would end up with a dead end.

At this time, Kong Tiancheng had already escaped from the dangerous area, and looked at the three of Mo Xian from afar.

"Hmph, since I can't get it, I'll just destroy it!" With a gloomy face, he crunched the Yin-Yang Lingjiao in his hand, which had lost all aura.

The "unable to get" in his mouth does not seem to be referring to the spirit turtle, but also alluding to Kong Ling.

"You go first!" Sensing Kong Tiancheng's cold gaze, Mo Xian also seemed to have a stern look on his face, and after a low shout, he continued to shoot towards the turtle.

At this time, there were already five ferocious revelations raging in the sky, almost covering the entire surrounding space.

It was almost impossible for Mo Xian to pass through it.

Seeing that Mo Xian still didn't want to give up, Kong Ling's complexion instantly became ugly.

Helena on the side was more direct, she suddenly sacrificed her big scorpion pincers, and flew out in a hurry.

Kong Ling wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Helena was also bold, and swung the scorpion pincers directly, smashing a huge head.


Amid the sound of the dragon's chant, Helena's scorpion pincers seemed to be blocked by something, unable to move.

Due to the enormous strength, Helena's delicate body trembled slightly, her face flushed instantly.

"That silly girl!"

Mo Xian's face sank, at this moment, he was unable to help Helena.

And he himself has been entangled, dangerous.

"Don't worry about me!" Helen Luna snorted coquettishly, her slender fingers turned slightly white because of too much force.

Hearing this, Mo Xian smiled wryly in his heart.

Even if he wanted to take care of the current situation, there was nothing he could do.

Seeing the difficult Mo Xian and Helena above the sky, Kong Ling's beautiful eyes were full of worry.

After all, all this was caused by her, so she must not just sit idly by.

But with her strength, she is naturally unable to deal with the Nine-headed Dragon Turtle.

What's more, she is in a very bad state now.

Judging from the current situation, the three of Mo Xian have lost their best chance to escape and have fallen into a quagmire.

However, this is exactly according to the wishes of some people.

In the Kong family, although the great elder was not showing any emotion, he was communicating with several people with his eyes, obviously quite happy.

Now, the Lin family has lost two-thirds of their property, even if the Kong family did not get the first place in the competition.

It's nothing more than losing a little face, but in fact, it's still the final winner.

And if Kong Ling died in it, it would be a great thing for them.

They have even more reason to support a new heir.

"Alas..." Kong Yingjie sighed inwardly, but he could only pray secretly.


The roar of the nine-headed dragon turtle became more and more intense, and the eyes became colder and colder.

It was sleeping here so well, but it was awakened by someone. No matter how good-tempered it was, it would probably be furious in an instant.

However, it seems that due to sleeping for too long and just waking up at this time, the nine-headed dragon turtle has not yet exploded with too much strength.

But even so, Mo Xian was still devastated.

In the distance, after everyone reached a relatively safe place, they couldn't help but stop and look back at the place before.

At this time, most of the mighty body of the nine-headed dragon turtle was exposed to the air, and the five ferocious heads danced in the air like five giant dragons.

"Is this the nine-headed dragon tortoise? It's too scary!" Suddenly, there were gasping voices.

At the same time, they faintly began to admire the three of Mo Xian.

If it was them, they would never have the guts to get close to such a terrifying creature.


Amid the loud noise, Mo Xian felt his whole body churn with blood. The frightening thing was that he didn't even know what hit him.

Helena didn't look relaxed either, but she just seemed to be fighting hard and refused to retreat.

In the air, a dangerous aura is getting stronger and stronger, and the aura belonging to the nine-headed dragon turtle is also getting more and more terrifying.

In a short period of time, Mo Xian had already been hit several times.

If it weren't for Vientiane's agility and mystery, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

Moreover, what was even more deadly was that the effect of the Reverse Blood Curse could no longer last for too long.

In a short period of time, it is impossible to continue to use it, otherwise it will cause the whole body's blood to flow backwards.

If the injuries erupt at the same time, it will be difficult for Mo Xian not to die.

"Oh, it's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Is the buttocks of this nine-headed dragon turtle so easy to touch!"

Everyone in the distance sighed softly and couldn't help shaking their heads.

"Hehe, it's best if they're all dead!" Kong Tiancheng smiled, gloating.

His expectation is not impossible, after all, the three of Mo Xian are in a desperate situation.

At this moment, a melodious piano sound suddenly sounded.

Following the sound, everyone saw Kong Ling and sat on the ground casually, with plain white dresses scattered around her.

Feiheqin was suspended in front of her.

Her palm slowly floated on the Feihe Qin, making a series of very ethereal but extremely pleasant piano sounds.

The sound of the zither rippling slowly between the heaven and the earth, not eating fireworks in the world, and it set off Kong Ling like a fairy.

However, there doesn't seem to be any killing intent in the sound of the piano, and there is only peace and tranquility.

For a moment, everyone was caught in it, almost obsessed.

"Hmph, naive woman, do you think that with the Flying Crane Qin, you can stop the nine-headed dragon turtle?" Kong Tiancheng was full of mockery, and whispered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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