Chapter 109

Maybe because he knew it was his fault, no one spoke for a while.

Everyone's face was ashen, as if they were seeing the god of death walking towards them step by step.

In this relatively closed space, coupled with the inexplicable mysterious power that makes people disappear, the atmosphere becomes more and more depressing.

"I suspect that this passage is not going forward, but there is some kind of subtle arc, so subtle that we can't even notice that we are turning slowly, so no matter how we walk, we are going in circles!" After a long silence, Jiang Rou suddenly said.

"Oh, why do you say that?" Mo Xian asked curiously, no matter how you looked at this passage, it was straight.

"I made a mark and found that no matter where we go, we will eventually return to the same place. So, this is the only explanation." Jiang Rou thought for a long time before telling this discovery. After all, it was incredible.

"If it is true as you said, it means that we are not controlled by the mysterious curse power, then there is nothing to be afraid of." Wang Yan paused and continued: "But we need to verify it first!"

"If it is verified, we can go out?" Everyone suddenly saw a glimmer of hope, and they were pleasantly surprised.

"It can be said that if there is no mysterious power, we can dig out even if we dig a hole." Wang Yan laughed.

"How to verify?" Everyone asked curiously.

"It's very simple, just use the second method proposed by Jiang Rou just now. But you have to be a little bit brave, a group of people leave, and a group of people wait in place." Wang Yan said.

"Hmph, to put it lightly, who wants to be the one who left!" Sun Zicong said angrily.

"Actually, it's not that difficult!" Wang Yan took a good-hearted look at Mo Xian, and then said, "It's fine for Mo Xian to go alone, and the others will wait in place. If he comes back from another direction, the result will be It's obvious."

Hearing this, Mo Xian was taken aback, it seemed that Wang Yan was playing tricks again.

"You fart, in this case, you let him go alone, wouldn't you die?" Sun Zicong cursed.

"That's right, let him go to die! Who made him the most suspicious person? I'm afraid no one would like to let him stay with everyone!" Wang Yan said lightly.

Hearing this, Mo Xian sneered in his heart.

This Wang Yan's wishful thinking card is really good, if he didn't come back, he can change another person, but if he came back, I'm afraid the suspicion will be even greater.

No matter what the result is, it seems that it is not good for him.

"Mo Xian, you shouldn't refuse, right?" Wang Yan looked at Mo Xian with a sneer on his face, and said.

"Is there any room for me to refuse?" Without further ado, Mo Xian rushed out towards the end of the passage.

"I'll go with you!" Sun Zicong and the others said one after another.

"Don't move. If anyone moves, I will kill him right now!" Wang Yan shouted.

"Leave me alone, you stay here!" Mo Xian looked back at Wang Yan, and then left without looking back.


Time passed by, and Mo Xian never came back, as if he had been swallowed by the passage.

"It seems that he was unlucky and failed!" Wang Yan said with a grin.However, he was faintly disappointed, after all, he hadn't figured out the secret about Mo Xian.

But it doesn't matter anymore, he believes that with his talent, even if he doesn't have those secrets, he can still reach Dai Feng, it's just a little thanks for the time.

And it seems good to use this opportunity to get rid of Mo Xian.

"Who do you think is unlucky?" At this time, everyone heard Mo Xian's voice suddenly coming from behind, and he actually came back from the other side.

"Oh, how did you come back? Don't those elusive things not appear?" Wang Yan asked sharply.

"Do you want to say why I came back alive? I must be playing tricks in the dark?" Mo Xian directly said what Wang Yan wanted to say.

"It seems that you are not stupid!" Wang Yan said.

"To be honest, I don't know, I walked with my eyes closed!" Mo Xian shrugged and said.There is no excuse for the so-called crime, anyway, he can explain it whatever he wants, Wang Yan has something to say, so he just doesn't explain it.

"It seems that I can only control you first!" Wang Yan said in a tone that could not be opposed, and then walked to Mo Xian's side.

One of his palms was full of Yuanli light, condensed into a strange rune, and then quickly pressed it on Mo Xian's forehead.

The rune quickly disappeared into Mo Xian's forehead, and Mo Xian had no way to resist.

"What did you do to me?" Mo Xian asked angrily.

"It's nothing, you just can't use your power temporarily!" Wang Yan said with a smile: "But don't worry, the effect will be lifted when the time is up!"

Mo Xian tried it, and he found that he didn't have any strength in his body, just like an ordinary person.

"Brother Mo, fight this kid. If this goes on, we will be killed by him sooner or later!" Sun Zicong said.

"There's no need to fight with him here, it's certain death, find a chance to separate from them later!" Mo Xian shook his head and said in a low voice.

"Since it has been confirmed that there is no mysterious force at work, but the unique design here has confused us, then dig a way out." Wang Yan glanced at Mo Xian with a contemptuous look, and then said.

Then, under Wang Yan's order, everyone began to attack the wall!
I don't know what kind of material the wall is made of, it's very hard, but everyone still pushed forward slowly.

Since Mo Xian had no strength, he was happy to sit aside and enjoy the success.

Soon, everyone dug a one-meter-thick wall, but they still haven't dug to the end.

At this time, some rustling sounds suddenly appeared in the passage, as if something was moving here.

"Be careful!" Wang Yan's complexion changed, and he looked around carefully.

But nothing was found.

A sense of uneasiness began to spread, and everyone held their breath. However, after a while, nothing appeared, but the sound was already very close.

"Huh, pretending to be a ghost!" Wang Yan snorted coldly, and suddenly slapped forward with his palm, and the majestic yuan force gushed out immediately.

"Squeak!" There was a strange sound in the air, and then a thick layer of dust-like things appeared on the ground.

"It's Fei Tianzhi!" Jiang Rou exclaimed after only one glance.

Then, everyone's complexion changed instantly.

To be precise, Fei Tian Zhi is not considered a monster, but a kind of magical insect in nature.

Under normal conditions, they can go without eating for decades or even hundreds of years, but they can be said to be eating as fast as lightning, and no grass grows wherever they pass.

A single Flying Zhi is not very aggressive, but if tens of millions of Flying Zhis unite again, I am afraid that even the old city lords will have to avoid their edge.

(End of this chapter)

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