Martial arts become gods

Chapter 1207 Forced Training

Chapter 1207 Forced Training
"It's still useful!"

Mo Xian was overjoyed, and immediately walked to the entrance of the cave.

Among them, there are black holes, and only some steps can be vaguely seen.

He picked up a stone at random and threw it in, and soon there was the sound of the stone falling to the ground.

After waiting for a while, seeing nothing abnormal, Mo Xian walked in along the steps.

Strange to say, after he entered, there was a light and cool air on the wall, instantly dispelling the surrounding darkness.

The steps were not too deep, and after Mo Xian walked a few steps, the hole above was closed.

However, he didn't care, and continued to walk, and soon came to the end.

Below the steps is a wide corridor with some iron gates on both sides, which seems to extend to the end of the passage.

Perhaps because of the long time, Mo Xian easily pushed back the loose iron door, and behind it was a not-so-big room.

There is a bed and a futon on the ground, which is very simple.

Mo Xian checked a few more rooms, and the furnishings inside were basically the same.

It seems that this place seems to be used for retreat.

Mo Xian continued to go deeper, and the rooms on both sides remained unchanged.

The distance between the rooms is getting farther and farther. It should be that the rooms in the back are getting bigger and bigger.

Until later, the rooms on both sides disappeared, but the corridor did not end.

Not long after, an iron gate appeared again in front of Mo Xian.

This time, the iron door was not easily opened, and there was obviously some kind of restriction on it.

However, it only took Mo Xian a little effort.

After entering, there is a huge room. There are not many things in the room, but there is a very strange futon in the center.

Mo Xian could clearly feel that this futon had the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind, and if one practiced on it, the effect would be much better.

It seems that the status of those who were able to retreat in this place are not low.

The arrangement order of this place is also very obvious, from low to high, all the way to the largest room in the innermost part.

On the floor of the room, there are some huge traces, which are very mysterious, forming a circle, and the futon is on the circle.

Around the circle, there are seven stone platforms with seven lifelike beasts engraved on them, but Mo Xian couldn't recognize them all.

As if possessing some kind of magical power, Mo Xian unconsciously walked to the center of the formation and sat down on the futon.

His face immediately became serious, and instantly became neither happy nor sad, peaceful and peaceful.

But soon, his complexion suddenly changed.

He found that he couldn't move anymore, and was pressed against the futon by some powerful force.

Immediately afterwards, the seven ferocious beasts around them roared at the same time as if they had come to life.


The terrifying roar echoed in this empty room, shaking Mo Xian's ears a little numb.

Immediately afterwards, above the traces on the ground, a soft light gradually lit up, and then the entire formation was lit up.

Because he didn't know what would happen, Mo couldn't stop struggling, but he still couldn't escape the futon under him.

Soon, beams of light spewed out from the mouths of the seven killers respectively, and merged into the futon.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Xian noticed that a terrifying torrent of energy began to gather in his body.

"Boom!" There was a roar in his body immediately, and blood began to ooze from all the pores on his body.

This energy is so huge that he had to run the Tai Yan Tian Ji Jue immediately and absorb it crazily.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be exploded immediately.

The energy was getting stronger and stronger, and Mo Xian couldn't bear it at all, but he could only be forced to continue practicing.

Fortunately, the lightning imprint quickly absorbed part of the energy and poured it into the three phantom bodies.

Almost in an instant, the second and third phantom bodies were obviously solidified a lot.

Moreover, the fourth phantom body also has a faint phantom.

"Wow, what kind of place is this? There's so much energy." Xiao En also started yelling, taking part of the energy for Mo Xian.

"It seems that this place was used to force people to practice from the beginning." Mo Xian quickly figured out that long-term retreat is not an easy task, and the loneliness and boringness are unbearable for ordinary people.

This formation futon is obviously designed to deal with this situation. When you sit on it, you must start to practice, or you will die.

And perhaps because it hasn't been running for too long, the energy here has reached a level beyond imagination.

If it weren't for the lightning mark and Xiao En's sharing, Mo Xian might not be able to bear it at all.

But even so, Mo Xian's figure was stretched out a circle, and there was a sharp pain in the meridians all over his body, so he could only run the Taiyan Tianji Art faster.

Although painful, he is happy.

After all, this place is definitely a great opportunity for him now.

Perhaps, he can take the opportunity to break through here in one fell swoop.

Judging from the intensity of this energy, it might allow him to break through two realms in a very short period of time.

At that time, he will be an eight-star martial king, and he can almost sweep the ruins.

Moreover, the chances of getting a place in the Ten Thousand Domains War have also increased a lot.

In fact, with his current strength, he should not get the quota, but he must continue to work hard if he wants to get a top name in the Ten Thousand Domains War.

As time passed by, Mo Xian practiced almost uninterruptedly, and even breathing became a luxury.

After several days like this, the fluctuations in Mo Xian's body suddenly became violent.

This is a phenomenon that is about to break through.

Bursts of brilliant light lit up from Mo Xian's body.

At this time, he was like a bottomless pit, frantically absorbing the energy in the futon, so that the futon became dim for an instant.

After another period of time passed like this, Mo Xian's aura suddenly began to rise rapidly, and it was many times stronger than before.

Finally broke through!
But Mo Xian didn't stop, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't, that terrifying torrent of energy was still pouring into his body.

"How can this formation be stopped? You won't have to practice here for the rest of your life!" Mo Xian was speechless for a while, but he had no choice but to continue to practice.

The designer of this formation and futon was really poisonous enough to use this method to force people to practice.

Since he just broke through, Mo Xian can be said to be alive and well, and it is not impossible to continue to practice, but it is necessary to relax.

Unfortunately, he never had this chance.

A few more days passed like this, and the energy Mo Xian refined had reached a terrifying level.

However, he still hasn't made a breakthrough.

This is normal, the further you go, the more difficult it is to break through.

If he wanted to break through to the Eight-Star Martial King Realm now, he had to expend countless efforts before.

What's more, he has just broken through, and it will take a lot of energy to stabilize the realm.

Fortunately, the energy of this formation seems to be inexhaustible, and he is confident that he can break through to the eight-star martial king realm.

Although he was passively cultivating at this time, after the previous rejection, he felt that this was not a bad thing.

(End of this chapter)

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