Martial arts become gods

Chapter 121 The Big Fish and the Giant Python

Chapter 121 The Big Fish and the Giant Python

Mo Xian fell rapidly in the bottomless water, and boulders passed him by.

After the impact of the fall disappeared, Mo Xian stopped diving, but he still didn't wake up, nor did he ascend.

The water was very cold, but it didn't freeze, so it shouldn't be ordinary water.

Soon, the temperature of Mo Xian's body became lower and lower, and a layer of ice flakes formed on his body after a while.

"Wake up!" Xiao En shouted anxiously in Mo Xian's body. It also sensed that Mo Xian's condition was very bad, and it was very likely that he would freeze to death here.

However, no matter how much he shouted, Mo Xian never responded.

"What to do, what to do!" Xiao En was in a hurry.

At this time, an undercurrent suddenly surged over. It was a huge shadow swimming from the other end.

"Yes!" Seeing the shadow, Xiao En moved quietly, and a tree vine flew out of Mo Xian's hand quickly, and then pinned it to the shadow's back.

This is a huge strange fish. Compared to its huge body, a thin tree vine nailed to it doesn't feel much at all.

The big fish swims comfortably in the depths of the water, turning over from time to time and making various movements.

And Mo Xian was also wavering in the water...

Not long after, the big fish finally attached itself to the surface of the water. It sprayed out a huge water column from its back. After a while, it swam towards the darkness in the distance.

Xiao En suddenly shrank the tree vine, and Mo Xian's body was taken and flew onto the back of the big fish.

Not long after, the big fish finally approached the shore, and another tree vine flew out of Mo Xian's hand, and it was firmly nailed to the shore.

Then the vine shrank suddenly, and Mo Xian's body fell to the shore.

At this time, Mo Xian's body was already stiff, his face was pale, and he looked no different from a dead person.

A moment later, a small sapling grew beside Mo Xian, shining brightly in the darkness.

Then, two tree vines were planted deep on the young sapling, and quickly began to beat Mo Xian's body.

"Clap clap..."

Then, there was a strange and ambiguous whipping sound all around.

Under this kind of whipping, Mo Xian's body gradually turned red, which also generated heat, slowly driving away the severe cold on Mo Xian's body.

"Wake up, wake up..." Xiao En kept shouting in Mo Xian's heart, and the tree outside was its incarnation.

In the haze, Mo Xian only felt a sharp pain all over his body, as if something was pulling him.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and saw two vines drawing towards him quickly.

Although he clearly saw Mo Xian opened his eyes, Xiao En was still about to smoke, but he found that he couldn't stop.

"How dare you!" Mo Xian stared at the two vines and shouted loudly.

"Ah, you're awake!" Xiao En pretended to be pleasantly surprised.

"Damn it, are you addicted to smoking!" Mo Xian looked at the red marks on his body, and his complexion suddenly became ugly.

"If it weren't for me, you would have died a long time ago, so praise me!" Xiao En asked for credit.

"Come on, I think if I don't wake up, I might be beaten to death by you!" Mo Xian said angrily, then got up and looked around, "What the hell is this place?"

"I don't know, it's underground. It was a big fish that pulled us up just now." Xiao En said.

Although he didn't know why there were fish in this place, Mo Xian still solemnly said thank you to the surface of the water.

"Stop the ink, hurry up and find an exit, it's too cold here!" Xiao En said angrily.

"Understood, why are you talking so much!" Mo Xian responded, and then took out a moonstone.

This place should be a huge underground lake. The cold water of the lake looks extremely permeable, as if something terrifying is lurking inside, so Mo Xian subconsciously stay away from the surface of the lake.

"Coward! If you want something in this lake, you'll die long ago!" Xiao En muttered.

Ignoring Xiao En's nonsense, Mo Xian looked around carefully, and soon found a dark hole, and there seemed to be a little light in the depths.

Mo Xian rushed in excitedly. The cave was very humid, and the surrounding walls had many folds, which made him feel like he was walking inside the intestines of a huge monster.

Not long after, Mo Xian saw the traces of artificial carving, which made him happy, at least it showed that there was a way out.

The traces of artificial carving became more and more obvious, and the cave wall became smoother and smoother. Some luminous stones began to appear on the cave wall, and they became denser and denser until the darkness was completely eliminated.

Mo Xian took out the map left by the traveler, but found that there was no such area, and it seemed that the traveler did not come here.

Fortunately, although the passage was curved, there was no fork in the road. Not long after, a huge cave appeared in front of Mo Xian.

Inside the cave, there are all kinds of stalactites like sharp swords, which are very strange and spectacular, and should be formed naturally.

"There is something!" Xiao En suddenly said excitedly.

As soon as Mo Xian heard this, he rushed into the cave with the spirit of coming immediately.


At this time, Mo Xian suddenly heard a very gloomy voice. He looked up subconsciously, but found a huge blue python wrapped around a thick stalactite, and was spitting scarlet at him. Snake letter.

"There are snakes!" Xiao En said excitedly.

"I'm not blind!" Mo Xian quickly retreated into the passageway. After all, the giant python seemed to be difficult to deal with, and immediately he asked with some doubts: "Why are you so excited?"

"Snake meat is delicious!" Xiao En said.

"We are also delicious to it!" Mo Xian said angrily.

There are three stars on the snake's forehead, which means that he is a third-level monster. Judging from the color of the stars, he should have the strength of a three-star martial artist. For Mo Xian now, he is still very powerful.

"Hee..." At this time, Mo Xian suddenly heard a faint and strange cry coming from behind him. He didn't know what animal or monster was calling.

"It's that big fish!" Xiao En said, "I've heard it barking in the water before, and that's the sound."

"Chi!" Hearing this cry, the giant conditioning python seemed to become tense, its huge head throbbing restlessly.

Then, it suddenly rushed towards Mo Xian.

Mo Xian's face darkened, and he immediately dodged to the side, almost sticking to the cave entrance!

And the giant python just brushed past him, and the cold and wet touch made Mo Xian's heart beat wildly.

However, the giant python's target didn't seem to be Mo Xian, it passed directly beside Mo Xian, and soon disappeared into the long passage.

"Huh..." Mo Xian heaved a sigh of relief, and walked towards the cave, and soon he found that in the center of the cave, there was a strange flower with winding rhizomes like snakes.

(End of this chapter)

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