Martial arts become gods

Chapter 124 Swallowed

Chapter 124 Swallowed

"Damn it, this guy who will take revenge!" Not long after, Mo Xian gave up, and Big Yu's mouth was tightly closed, and he couldn't get out at all.

Moreover, just by looking at the hard teeth, it must not be easy to dig a hole in it.Moreover, it will also offend the big fish, and it may be chewed in half by a crunch.

At this moment, a strong current of water suddenly gushed in from the big fish's mouth, knocking Mo Xian backwards and flying out, and flowed into the big fish's stomach after a while.

"Damn it, I'm really eaten!" Mo Xian couldn't help cursing.

I don't know what hit something, Mo Xian was bumped into a mess, and finally stopped after bumping into something.

Mo Xian looked around. It was a huge space filled with a kind of mucus, which was still wriggling. It was obviously the stomach of a big fish.

Shaking his drowsy head, Mo Xian slowly stood up, thinking that he was about to turn into fish dung, he couldn't help crying.

"This is the stomach of a lower animal. Fortunately, it's not as disgusting as I imagined!" Xiao En, who grew up beside him, shook his treetop curiously and looked around.

"I'll be sick right away, the gastric juice will slowly corrode us!" Mo Xian said angrily.

"It corrupted you, nothing that can corrode me has yet appeared!" Xiao En said triumphantly.

"Didn't you say that we have merged into one?"

"It's merged into one, but if you are corroded, I will come out again!"

Hearing this, Mo Xian's face was dull for a while, and finally a word popped out of his mouth: "Fuck!"

At this time, his mood is probably the only word that can express it.

What did not make Mo Xian curious was that the gastric juice that should have appeared long ago has not appeared for a long time.

"Strange, judging from the speed at which this guy eats that giant python, his digestive function should be terrible." Mo Xian frowned suspiciously. The big fish swallowed it, so he definitely didn't let him eat it. If you don't eat the tourist in your stomach, you must have some ulterior motives.

"Xiao En, see if there is anything strange around you!" Thinking of this, Mo Xian hurriedly said.

"I've seen it a long time ago. There is a black thing on top of your head." Xiao En said.

"Oh!" Mo Xian was taken aback for a moment, then quickly raised his head, and sure enough, he found a rusted and disfigured broken sword tied to Big Yu's girdle.

Not only here, but also in the folds of other places, there are also some various foreign objects.

Soon Mo Xian figured it out, it should be that this big fish would eat everything, and ended up bringing in some indigestible things.

Over time, it accumulated more and more, making it very uncomfortable.

It swallowed Mo Xian, obviously wanting him to help clean it up.

After the communication, Mo Xian immediately acted, asking Xiaoen to help him in some places that he couldn't reach.

With the cooperation of the two, more and more debris was cleaned out, including all kinds of weird things.

But there are also many good things in it. This big fish seems to be unable to digest the low-grade spirit stones. Mo Xian sent out more than a dozen of them in the folds, which can be regarded as an unexpected harvest.

This time he learned to be smart, and had a deep discussion with Xiaoen for a while, and finally decided to divide it equally.

In addition, Mo Xian also found a pitch-black stone slab. Although he didn't know how long it had been in the big fish's stomach, there was still no sign of corrosion. After a little rubbing, it was as good as new.

On the stone slab, there are some weird runes, which look very old, similar to those on the stone door outside.

Thinking that it would not take up space, Mo Xian put the stone slab into the ring.

It wasn't long before the two finally cleaned up.

"Master, you actually treat us as scavengers." Mo Xian sat on his soft stomach and panted heavily. The stomach of this big fish is rough and thick, and many things are integrated into it. It takes a lot of work.

"You're going to get cheap and act good, what about me?" Xiao En muttered.

"You're a foodie, it's hard to say if you'll get out!" Mo Xian said angrily.

At this time, Mo Xian only felt that the stomach wall of the big fish suddenly squirmed, and immediately a strong current rushed down.

"Damn, come again!" Before Mo Xian had time to think about it, he was washed out by the current.

After a whirlwind, Mo Xian suddenly felt that his breathing became easier.

He opened his eyes to find that he was lying on a thick jet of water ejected by the big fish.

"Brother Yu, thank you very much!" Mo Xian said, the water column gradually became smaller, and he also landed on the smooth back of the big fish.

"Squeak!" The big fish yelled, and then began to move at high speed on the water.

The area of ​​this underground lake is very large, and its shape is irregular, and there are many branches. In many places, big fish are forced to squeeze past it.

After an unknown amount of time, the big fish finally landed. It put its head on the shore, as if signaling Mo to stay idle.

Mo Xian jumped onto the ground suspiciously, the big fish nodded to Mo Xian very humanely, then turned around and dived into the bottom.

After Mo Xian took out all the garbage in the ring and threw it away, he began to look around curiously. Since the big fish brought him here, there must be something unusual about it.

"I feel it. There is something to eat, and it's in that direction!" Xiao En popped out of Mo Xian's palm, pointing in one direction.

Mo Xian rushed over without saying a word, and it didn't take long for them to see a stone gate.

He tried to punch a few times, and the fist was so painful from the shock, but Shimen remained motionless.

At this time, Mo Xian noticed that there were many lines on the stone gate, but there was a square depression in the middle, which was about the same size as the fast stone slab he found in the big fish's stomach.

"Could that be the key?" Mo Xian was overjoyed, took out the stone slab and embedded it in. The size was just right, but there was no response.

After Mo Xian tried to change directions a few times, the lines on the stone slab and the stone door merged into one.

Then, a soft light lit up on the stone gate, and the light spread along the runes, finally lighting up all the lines.

Amidst a rumbling sound, the Shimen slowly went up, and what appeared in front of Mo Xian was another passage.

"Damn, it's never over!" Mo Xian cursed, although he didn't want to, he still walked in helplessly.

The light in the passage was very dark, and only the sound of Mo Xian's footsteps echoed in it, which was very eerie.

With Xiao En as a natural signpost, Mo Xian didn't have to worry about getting lost, as he turned left and right along the way.

Finally, a huge underground space appeared in Mo Xian's sight.

In this underground space, there are many large or small pyramids, which look very spectacular.

(End of this chapter)

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