Martial arts become gods

Chapter 1276 Vicious pet

Chapter 1276 Vicious pet

This sudden change made all the people in Sifang Pavilion look ashamed.

The young man left ruthlessly, indicating that their backer had completely collapsed.

"Haha, I didn't expect this old man to be worse than a dog." The armless old man staggered back with a haggard face.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that my pet may be hungry, please treat him well!" The young man's voice suddenly sounded from outside the defensive cover, but it was getting farther and farther away.

Hearing this, the faces of all the people in Sifang Pavilion instantly became ugly.


Immediately afterwards, a piercing roar suddenly sounded from the depths of the ground.

What followed was the sound of iron chains breaking.

"No, no..." All the people in the Sifang Pavilion ran away crazily as if they had seen something extremely terrifying.

However, the defensive shield that was originally designed to trap Mo Xian and the others cut off all their vitality.

"Don't open the defensive cover yet!" Mo Xian shouted lowly. Although he didn't know what was under the ground, he could tell from the reaction of everyone that it was absolutely extraordinary.

"Hehe, can I still open the defensive cover now?" The armless old man laughed at himself, and said, "Forget it, anyway, with so many people buried with him, the old man died well."

"It's amazing!" Jia Ren Jia Yi couldn't help cursing when he heard that.

That young man not only cut off Meng Yang's vitality, but also cut off the vitality of everyone here.

"What exactly is that guy's pet? Where did he come from?" Mo Xian sternly shouted, his cold murderous intent seemed to be real.

"I'm afraid you are mistaken, we are the enemy." The armless old man said lightly.

"Then I will destroy you first!" Jia Ren shouted, and rushed out immediately.

He already hated the person who seriously injured Meng Yang.


At this time, there was another roar from the ground, and then the ground suddenly shook wildly, and huge cracks quickly spread to the surroundings, throwing the figures of many people up.

A ferocious giant mouth suddenly emerged from the ground. The dagger-like sharp teeth shone with a frightening coldness in the air, making no one dare to doubt its bite force.

Amid the gusts of wind, saliva splashed out, and after landing, there was a big hole.

Some unlucky people were splashed by this saliva and turned into a puddle of blood without even screaming.

"Too bad, it's reckless, that guy actually kept such a terrifying beast as a pet." Shen Jing's complexion changed suddenly, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Di Xingmang, who has lived in the underground for a long time, has a very violent temperament. Even as an adult, Di Xingmang can rival the Nine Star Martial King in strength.

And this mang, obviously, has been an adult for a long time, and a hideous sarcoid has grown on his forehead. Compared with the ordinary nine-star martial king, he does not know how much stronger.

The place where the land Xingmang appeared happened to be at the foot of the armless old man, as soon as he appeared, he directly swallowed it into his mouth.

"No..." The armless old man let out a stern scream, watching the sharp teeth smash down.

"Crack it!"

Amid the clear sound of bones breaking, blood spattered everywhere.

After chewing a few times, Di Xingmang raised his neck and swallowed the armless old man, ending his life.

"呵呵..." Di Xingmang swallowed the several-meter-long snake letter, and glanced at everyone with cold triangular eyes.

Everyone immediately felt chills all over their bodies, like falling into an ice cave.

"Don't move around, suppress your breath, this guy has been low to the ground for a long time, his eyes are basically just for display, and he catches prey with subtle movements and perception!" Shen Jing whispered, and immediately held his breath.

Seeing Xing Mang appearing here, the people in Sifang Pavilion suddenly turned pale with fright, and jumped like crazy.


During another violent tremor, a huge black shadow suddenly broke through the ground from the other side, stabbing out like a shocking long spear.

"Puff puff……"

Amidst the strange muffled sound, a person was pierced by the black shadow and instantly cut in half.

The strong smell of blood immediately spread in the air.

The black shadow stopped, it was the tail of Di Xingmang, but there was still a person strung on it.

This person is not completely dead, he is screaming and struggling, extremely frightening.

Mo Xian and the others stood in place, their foreheads covered with cold sweat.

Judging from the exposed body shape of the ground mang, this ground mang is at least [-] meters long.

With such a volume, even if it is cut with a knife, I don't know how long it will take.

The only remaining people in the Sifang Pavilion followed the example of Mo Xian and the others, standing still and not daring to move.

That Di Xingmang lost his target, his pupils suddenly shrank into a line, and the cold breath spread out in an instant.

Everyone suddenly felt the pressure increase sharply.

"I'm still young, I don't want to die yet!" A martial artist couldn't take it anymore, and his whole body began to tremble.


This person immediately became the target of the maniac, and a series of afterimages appeared from that ferocious head, which came in an instant.

"Damn it, you're going to die, get out of here!" The people around him were startled immediately, and wanted to escape, but it was too late, and they were instantly swallowed by the earth.


Di Xingmang's body appeared again, with bloodstains on it, and some broken chains embedded in it.

Obviously, the young man used some kind of seal to trap this place.

Before he left, he broke the seal.

With such reckless violence, after being trapped for so long, he will naturally become even crazier.

It was huge in size, and instantly turned the Sifang Pavilion into a mess.

But the defensive mask did not disappear, making Mo Xian and the others seem to be caught in a urn.

There are fewer and fewer people left, and the iron chains on Di Xingmang's body are also getting fewer and fewer, and those huge bloodstains are recovering rapidly.

"It won't work if we continue, we must find a way to deal with this big guy!" Mo Xian whispered.

However, since there were not many people left, his subtle action immediately attracted Di Xingmang's attention.

"Bang bang..."

That place rushed towards Mo Xian immediately, leaving a huge gully along the way, everything was completely shattered.

This immediately caused a series of chain reactions, Mo Xian and the others had to fly away quickly.

However, the more they moved, the faster and more aggressively they pursued, so that they had no way to stop.

"Damn beast!" Mo Xian's face turned cold, and the suppressed vitality in his body immediately swelled up, attracting the attention of Nadi Xingmang.

After punching back with a punch, he immediately turned around and fled.

However, that mang chased very closely.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly shortening.

"That guy is crazy, he acted recklessly and provocatively!" Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

"He wanted to attract the mang of the land and hit the defensive cover." Shen Jing saw through Mo Xian's intention at a glance, but although the idea was good, it would be extremely dangerous to implement it.

If one is not very good, he will end up buried in the belly of a mang.

(End of this chapter)

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