Martial arts become gods

Chapter 1328 The Bold Plan

Chapter 1328 The Bold Plan

However, the monsters here are extremely powerful and violent.

Those monsters that are too powerful may not be able to challenge the current Mo Xian.

Even Jun Yun, Su Feng and the others needed to recruit some people to kill them.

One year is not long, but it is not short.

Some ambitious people have already begun to form their own forces here.

Of course, Mo Xian had no interest in this.

Now he just wants to improve his strength quickly, and then find Yin Qiantong and Xiao Wu.

After Mo Xian killed a monster again, before he had time to wipe off the sweat from his forehead, he searched carefully.

"Not yet!" A moment later, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

Counting this time, it was the fourth time he had gotten nothing.

It seems that the cloud fire beads are much rarer than he imagined before.

Looking up at the sky, Mo Xian let out a long breath.

As night fell, the fires on the surrounding scorched land became more apparent.

The setting of the sun didn't make the scorching heat here a little less, on the contrary it made it worse.

And with the arrival of the night, something seemed to wake up, exuding bursts of extremely terrifying aura.

Mo Xian frowned, and immediately disappeared.

It seemed that the ancient battlefield at night was far more dangerous than during the day.

After choosing a good campsite, Mo Xian leaned against a boulder and looked up at the vast starry sky.

The starry sky in this small world is incomparably pure, as if there is no trace of impurities, those twinkling stars seem to be right in front of your eyes, within easy reach.

Mo Xian's eyes gradually became darker, as if they had lost their focus.

A blurry figure appeared in his line of sight and gradually became clear. It was Yin Qiantong who haunted him so much.

That familiar and delicate face made him tremble inwardly.

Suddenly, that figure split into two, turning into two Yin Qiantong.

A sweet and quiet place, just looking at it is reassuring.

A haughty and cold person who keeps people thousands of miles away and makes people dare not get close.

No matter which one it was, it made Mo Xian's heart twitch.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand, wanting to grab one of them, but the other party turned into nothing.

He immediately wanted to grab the other one, but it also disappeared instantly.

When he looked again, the two of them were already far away from him, as if separated by a gap that could not be crossed.

Mo Xian was startled, everything in front of him suddenly disappeared, and what entered and exited was still the vast sea of ​​mind.

Everything just now was just what he thought in his heart, but his heart was still twitching for a while.

"Ha ha……"

Mo Xian shook his head with a wry smile, and sat cross-legged.

He has a strong intuition that Yin Qiantong must also be in the battlefield for this reason.

However, if they want to meet, I am afraid they will still experience some twists and turns.

After he regained his composure, Mo Xian immediately took out one of the cloud fire beads that he got during the day.

Now he can indeed challenge beyond the realm, but now that there are so many geniuses and monsters gathered, there must be some people who can fight beyond the realm.

And once he meets that kind of real evildoer, then it will appear a little stretched.

And before he came in, he had checked a little bit, and there were quite a few people whose realm was higher than his.

So realm is still his shortcoming, otherwise, no matter how good he gets, the power he can exert will be limited.

If he wanted to go to the end in this Great War of Ten Thousand Domains, he had to put in more effort.

With the operation of Taiyan Tianji Jue, the power of the strong in the cloud and fire beads slowly flowed into Mo Xian's body, and immediately turned into galloping energy.

Even he couldn't bear that kind of impact, and his meridians were throbbing with pain.

However, he ignored this feeling, and was still frantically absorbing the energy of the cloud fire bead.

"What's wrong with this guy today, he's actually working so hard." A small sapling grew from Mo Xian's side, shaking the treetop in a humane way.

This little sapling is naturally Xiaoen.

Seeing that there should be no problem with Mo Xian, it also pushed its huge root system deep into the scorching ground.

Same as above, there are some unique energies in the underground, which are good nutrients for Xiaoen.

When the cloud and fire beads in Mo Xian's hands turned into a pile of ashes, the sky gradually brightened.

After practicing overnight, De Mo Xian's aura became much stronger again.

The energy contained in this cloud fire bead is indeed extremely terrifying.

According to this speed, he should be able to break through in a short time.

"Let's go!" Mo Xian got up and patted the leaves of the small sapling next to him, and then walked forward slowly.

Although this scorched land is barren, there are still many monsters who like this environment.

Time passed quickly and the past few days, Mo Xian's strength has also increased.

He felt that killing one head after another was too slow, and sometimes there might be no harvest for a long time.

Therefore, after discussing with Xiao En for a while, he decided to try his luck in a monster's lair.

It is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing to sneak into the monster's lair alone, and I am afraid that not many people will choose to do so.

This is undoubtedly a very bold plan.

In the early morning of this day, after searching for a while, Mo Xian locked on a monster that was wandering around.

This monster is not strong for him now.

The appearance of Mo Xian immediately attracted the attention of this monster.

There was no need for him to do anything, the monster rushed towards him immediately.

"It's you!" Mo Xian smiled faintly, clenched his fists suddenly, and punched out.

This punch pierced the air, extremely ferocious, and immediately shattered a piece of the hard armor on the monster's chest, exposing the bright red flesh and blood inside.


The monster immediately roared angrily, picked up a boulder at random, and threw it at Mo Xian.

Mo Xian didn't dodge either, he stretched out his hands, took over the huge boulder, and then with a sudden force, he lifted the beast up into the sky, and then suddenly smashed it down.

After counting like this, the monster was almost a little dazed, but after getting up, it still attacked Mo Xian furiously.

"It's really strong!" Mo Xian sighed inwardly, he still hoped that this monster could take him home, but he didn't want to beat it to death all at once.

After several rounds like this, the monster looked at Mo Xian angrily, and then ran away into the distance.

Mo Xian was overjoyed, and immediately chased after him from a distance.

The monster naturally didn't know that he had become Mo Xian's accomplice at this time.

After a while, the monster running desperately in front suddenly stopped, and then collapsed amidst an explosion.

Mo Xian, who was following far behind, his expression darkened, and he rushed up immediately.

"Haha, good luck, there is actually a cloud fire bead!" A man in black pulled out his blood-stained hands from the monster's corpse, and there was a red bead of Hunyuan on it.


Beside him, there are six people, two of them are women.

"Beauty, brother is right, follow us, you will never be treated badly." The man in black laughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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