Chapter 1351

"Cannon fodder, but there is a leader here, and I will trouble you to attract its attention, so that we can concentrate on killing other monsters." Chu Ba smiled maliciously, and then continued: "Don't worry, You don’t need to attack, you just need to hold back, with your strength, it should be fine, right?”

"Chu Ba, you have figured it out, we are just cooperating, you are not the boss. You are very clear about the danger of the leader, even if we are alone, it is difficult to hold back." The oval-faced beauty said sullenly.

"Then you can't help it if you say that, you can't let them watch from the sidelines, is the cloud fire pearl so good?" Chu Ba spread his hands and said.

"Hehe, it's very simple. If you think you are stronger than me, you can drive us away, and you don't need to give us a single cloud fire pearl." Mo Xian said with a faint smile.

"Oh? You think I don't dare?" Chu Ba turned cold, and said, "If you didn't feel sorry for you, do you think you can still stand here?"

"Please enlighten me!" Mo Xian didn't talk nonsense, and made a gesture of please.

The oval-faced beauty frowned slightly. At first she thought highly of Mo Xian because of his ability to wipe out those outposts.

That's why she was interested in cooperating with Mo Xian, and at the same time helped him win some benefits.

But Mo Xian's actions now are undoubtedly a little too arrogant.

She is very clear about Chu Ba's strength, and there is probably no one who can compete with Mo Xian.

She and Mo Xian didn't know each other well either, so it was very rare to be able to do what she did before.

"Don't you think that you are jumping into the fire pit? Even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your companions. They are willing to follow you, but they are not here to play!" The voice of the oval-faced beauty, at this moment It's all a little cold.


Hearing this, Mo Xian suddenly felt helpless.

But he also knew very well that the oval-faced beauty was not malicious.

"Haha, don't talk nonsense with him, this kid is crazy enough, I want to see where he comes from, spread away!" Chu Ba laughed loudly, and at the same time he smashed the handle of the knife in his hand heavily on the ground, immediately there was a An invisible shock wave mixed with dust swept away.

Everyone also quickly dispersed, this kind of battle, other people will not intervene.

As for Tang Jun and the others, the emotions were a little surging, and it was really irritating that Chu Ba wanted to use them as cheap cannon fodder.

They were well aware of Mo Xian's strength, Chu Ba could only suffer, and everyone would probably be shocked by this.

At that time, it is time for them to feel proud.

The others looked at Mo Xian playfully. After all, Chu Ba's strength was obvious to all, and he had almost reached the point where he could unite with a sword.


Amidst the sharp sound of breaking the wind, Chu Ba's figure was like a rainbow, and he immediately slashed out with a knife.

The dazzling sword light swept across the room, and the ground was torn apart.

"This Chu Ba is really merciless!" Sensing the terrifying power contained in this blow, the fat man smiled mysteriously, making people wonder what he was thinking.

As for the oval-faced beauty, she had a sneer all over her face, obviously still holding a grudge against Mo Xian.

The person involved, Mo Xian, just stood quietly, as if he was not going to hide.

Chu Ba's sword was drawn very quickly, and he was in front of Mo Xian in an instant.

Seeing that Mo Xian was about to be slashed by a knife, he suddenly stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to catch Chu Ba's knife empty-handed.

"Looking for death!" Seeing this, Chu Ba's face turned cold, not to mention flesh and blood, even steel would have to be chopped off by his knife.

Although he didn't try his best, the knife wasn't something that could be stopped easily.

Originally, he didn't intend to kill Mo Xian, but if Mo Xian bumped into him himself, he would naturally not show mercy.

"Ask for trouble!" Seeing this, the oval-faced beauty also shook her head with a gloomy expression, then turned her head away, as if she didn't want to see the bloody scene that was about to occur.


But the ensuing sound of gasping for air made her startled, she looked at Mo Xian subconsciously, and her pupils shrank slightly immediately.

Mo Xian actually blocked Chu Ba's knife with his palm.

The knife was less than three inches away from his face, but he didn't change his face. This kind of courage really made everyone feel ashamed.

And the most important thing is that Mo Xian doesn't even have Yuanli fluctuations in his hands.

"How is this possible!" Everyone couldn't help but exclaim after turning around.

Tang Jun and the others had inscrutable smiles on their faces. They had known for a long time that this would be the result.

But he didn't expect that Mo Xian would choose such a rude way to defuse Chu Ba's attack.

For Chu Ba, it was definitely a great shame that his blade was easily grasped.


After noticing the slight sarcasm on Mo Xian's face, Chu Ba was even more furious. He shouted violently, drew back the knife abruptly, and slashed out again.


The wind of the knife was fierce, like thunder, but it was easily caught by Mo Xian again.


Chu Ba withdrew his saber abruptly, and with a twist of his waist, the long-handled saber slashed out again.

Then, he was easily caught by Mo Xian again.

Chu Ba's complexion suddenly turned crimson purple. It was a bit embarrassing for him to be caught by Mo Xian empty-handed three times for a big swordsman.

He has successfully changed from being a big swordsman to being played.

However, he didn't seem to be reconciled, and he slashed out with the long-handled sword again, and the speed became faster and faster, but Mo Xian easily caught it every time.

Everyone's expressions became more and more strange, and the eyes they looked at Mo Xian and Chu Ba were a little wrong.

If once or twice is a coincidence, then so many times in a row is inevitable.

Being able to achieve this effect means that Mo Xian is more than 01:30 points better than Chu Ba.

"Chu Ba, you're not done yet!" Seeing that Chu Ba didn't stop, the oval-faced beauty couldn't help scolding.

Chu Ba's face froze, and if he continued to pester him, he might become more and more embarrassing, so he simply took advantage of this step to retreat.

He took a breath and said, "Hmph, don't be complacent, if you weren't afraid of seriously hurting you, you thought you could catch my knife."

"Whatever, now, do we have the qualifications to cooperate?" Mo Xian shrugged indifferently and said.

Tang Jun and the others were all smiling, with the attitude of a winner.

The fat man gave Mo Xian a strange look, and at the same time shook the folding fan in his hand.

"If you have the strength, of course." Chu Ba muffled, looking unwilling.

"In that case, let's stop talking nonsense. We should be able to solve this problem before dark." The oval-faced beauty nodded and said.

"Since it's cooperation, there must be a unified command. I'm not interested, but neither can he!" Chu Ba pointed at Mo Xian and said.

"Then let me do it, everyone agrees?" said the oval-faced beauty after a little thought.

Everyone was silent for a while and nodded.

Mo Xian and Chu Ba didn't like each other, and the chubby man was obviously not good at it. No matter who ordered it, the other two would probably be dissatisfied.

It would be the best choice to be directed by that oval-faced beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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