Martial arts become gods

Chapter 137 Two Yin Tong

Chapter 137 Two Yin Qiantong

The night in the deep mountains seems to come very quickly. When the first darkness kills the earth, the entire mountain range is quickly darkened.

Tonight, the moon is dark and the wind is high, lonely men and widows seem to be suitable for something to happen.

But Mo Xian knew that nothing could happen.

"I'm going to bed first, but don't do anything weird while I'm asleep." Yin Qiantong yawned, then put on his clothes and went to bed, leaving Mo Xian alone in the dark, messy, What... a strange thing?

The night here is very quiet, occasionally there will be one or two chirping of insects and birds.

The night was getting deeper, but Mo Xian didn't feel sleepy. He took out a book of martial arts from the ring, which was the prize for the first place in the Taichu Academy's assessment.

He had no time to practice before, but now he came to a rare tranquility.

With a moonstone, Mo Xian carefully flipped through it.

The martial skill is called Zhan Gang Sword Jue, a third-grade martial skill, the attack is wide open and closed, full of power, it seems to have completely given up defense.

A third-rank martial skill is already rare, but this Zhan Gang Sword Art is even more powerful when cultivated to the peak, even comparable to a fourth-rank martial skill, so it is even more cherished.

"The Academy of Taichu is indeed very generous. This martial skill can be used in conjunction with the Remnant Dragon Sword I just obtained, and its power will definitely increase a bit!" After looking through the changes, Mo Xian had a general idea in his mind, but The martial skill in his palm also turned into flying ash in an instant.

It seems that in order to avoid exposing martial skills, Taichu Academy can impose a self-destruction prohibition on it.

Fortunately, after seeing the change, Mo Xian already knew it by heart, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to practice.

He closed his eyes and began to practice the Zhan Gang Sword Art in his mind.Unknowingly, he entered a very mysterious state again, a light and shadow seemed to be practicing the sword art of standing upright in front of his eyes, it was extremely clear, and all kinds of details and obscure places were clearly visible.

He knew that it was the lightning mark on his chest that helped him practice the Sword of Severing Gang, which was the same as when he practiced the fierce spirit seal before.

Therefore, some martial arts that are very difficult to cultivate may not be a big problem in his hands.

Just after Mo Xian immersed himself in this feeling for an unknown period of time, he suddenly felt a chill in his throat.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and was covered in cold sweat from fright, but a long sword with cold light was pressing against his bang, the distance was so close that he could even feel the sharpness of the sword tip.

He was sure that he was practicing. He had set up a simple mechanism at the door. Once someone came in, it would definitely make a noise. However, he hadn't noticed any abnormality before.

This is so weird.

After his eyes got used to the darkness, he could clearly see a person standing quietly opposite him. This person was wearing a long black dress, motionless, as if blending into the darkness.

Although it was dark in the middle of the night, this person's eyes were very bright, and it could be said to be very beautiful, shining brightly in the dark.

"Yin Qiantong!" Mo Xian recognized it almost immediately, and suddenly felt that he was not well.He should have expected that this elusive Yin Qiantong would definitely not let them go. In this way, it seemed that he had killed Yin Qiantong who asked for his help.

"Hmph!" Yin Qiantong let out a cold snort, and suddenly withdrew his long sword.

Mo Xian glanced at the bed from the corner of his eyes. Although it was dark, he could tell at a glance that there was no one on the bed. "Where's your sister?"

"What do you mean, since I'm here, of course I won't keep her. Originally, I didn't want to do it myself. But you disappointed me so much that you actually wanted to take her and run away." Yin Qiantong said lightly, revealing in her cold voice A bone-chilling chill.

"He's my sister!" An angry growl came from Mo Xian's mouth.

"I don't have a younger sister. There is only one Yin Qiantong in the world. I have to thank you, otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to kill her!" Yin Qiantong smiled cruelly.

"How could there be such a vicious woman like you in the world!" Mo Xian was like a deflated ball, yes, he really killed Yin Qiantong.

Hearing Mo Xian's words, a strangeness flashed in Yin Qiantong's eyes, it seemed to be anger, or something else.

But this strangeness disappeared quickly, and she still said without any emotion: "Why, I feel distressed. You seem to have forgotten that from the first day you knew me, I was a vicious woman. So, they They all felt that my existence was superfluous, and tried every means to get rid of me, leaving only my younger sister, but unfortunately, they never got what they wanted, and I lived a good life."

Hearing this, Mo Xian's heart twitched for no reason. From Yin Qiantong's words, he seemed to hear an extremely complicated story, and his heart ached for no reason.

"Who are they... referring to?" Although he knew it well, Mo Xian still couldn't recognize it and asked.He didn't believe that such a wise old man could do such a thing.

"It's okay to tell you, my grandfather, my father, anyone who knows my existence, including you now!" Yin Qiantong said, as if she was agitated, her figure trembled a little, and the sword in her hand also produced a kind of Humming, as if it might explode and hurt people at any time.

However, Mo Xian was not so afraid, "No matter what you think, I don't want either of you and your sister to disappear."

"It's ridiculous, I've said enough today, there's no need for you to exist anymore!" Yin Qiantong sneered, but the long sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out.

At this moment, Mo Xian felt relieved. Yin Qiantong had given his life in the first place, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with being taken away by him now.

The imagined pain did not come, but Yin Qiantong's sword fell to the ground with a bang. She looked very painful, holding her head tightly, her whole body shaking violently.

"What's wrong with you?" Mo Xian was startled, and stretched out his hand to support Yin Qiantong.

"Don't come here!" Yin Qiantong shouted, a huge energy suddenly gushed out and hit Mo Xian's body.


Mo Xian only felt a sweetness in his throat, his body flew upside down uncontrollably, hit the stone wall, and then lost consciousness...

When he woke up, the sky was already bright, and there were all kinds of insects and birds singing in his ears, as well as the looming sound of running water not far away, like a beautiful tune.

But Mo Xian didn't have the heart to appreciate these at this time, he quickly jumped up from the ground, then subconsciously looked at the bed, and was immediately stunned.

Yin Qiantong was lying on the bed, seemingly still asleep, with a peaceful face, as if nothing had happened.

But the clear pain in his chest told Mo Xian that what happened last night was true.

If Yin Qiantong was killed, it would be self-evident who was lying on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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