Martial arts become gods

Chapter 1379 Siege

Chapter 1379 Siege
Mo Xian, who used the Sky Silver Thunder Body, can be said to be an unshakable mountain.

Lin Guang stared blankly at Mo Xian, his pupils shrank suddenly, and said, "Impossible, stop pretending, you are probably at the end of your battle now."

Mo Xian smiled faintly, raised his hand, and sent a beam of Yuan Lian blasting towards Lin Guang.

Lin Guang's pupils shrank, and before he could react, he was sent flying backwards.

"Mo Xian won!"

Seeing this, shock appeared on the faces of countless people.

Even a half-step Martial Emperor can't help Mo Xian.

"Ji Guang, what are you looking at, shoot me, this kid is bound to be taken down!" Lin Guang shouted violently, spurting blood.

Before he could finish his words, figures roared out, and the overwhelming appearance was quite spectacular.

Ji Guang hesitated for a moment, but still waved his hand, and his people also rushed out.

"Hey, you guys still have to be shameless. You just joined forces to attack before, but now you are attacking together again?" Chu Ba couldn't help but cursed.

"Hmph, winner and loser, this is not a play." Lin Guang said, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"It's really not a play, are you sure you're ready to pay the price?" Mo Xian shrugged indifferently, as if he didn't care at all.

"Hmph, you still dare to be arrogant, do you really think there is no one in my Wuji sect?" Lin Guang snorted coldly, and then waved his hands slightly.

Behind him, the dense blackness immediately began to activate the energy, and the astonishing fluctuations spread like a tide.

Ji Guang gave an order, and his men immediately began to prepare to attack.

With so many people together, the momentum can be described as extremely astonishing.

The coercion of the huge force pushed out a large area of ​​air almost instantly, forming a near-vacuum zone.

And Lin Guang just suffered some losses, he was still mixing in the crowd, ready to deal a fatal blow to Mo Xian at any time.


In the next instant, countless vigor pierced through the air, blasting towards Mo Xian like a thousand arrows.

Mo Xian snorted coldly in his heart, and walked with mysterious steps, his figure was erratic.

At the same time, a silver arc emerged from his body, a gap was actually torn apart by thousands of attacks.

"These people can't protect you!" Mo Xian yelled sharply, and the energy in his body gushed out, immediately knocking a large number of people back.

"That's not up to you!" Lin Guang's figure suddenly became unreal, and he appeared in another place instantly.

Surrounding him, there are nine Wuji Sect disciples.

Their positions are quite particular, and it is obviously a multi-person attack formation.

Ten people moved in unison, quite mysterious, forming a huge encirclement circle, surrounding Mo Xian.

For a moment, Mo Xian felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and no matter how he moved, there would always be at least four people who could hit him.

"Hmph, this Promise Phantom was originally intended to be saved until the end, but unexpectedly it was used in advance." Lin Guang snorted coldly, and the murderous intent in his eyes was not concealed.

The Phantom of the Promise is a secret technique of the Promise Sect, combining the power of several people, it can erupt extremely powerful power.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to crack, and can trap people to death.

Mo Xian was in the middle of the term, and he obviously felt suppressed to death.

What's more, there are so many people around him staring at him.

Once he leaks a flaw, he will probably suffer a devastating blow immediately.

He frowned, and tried to move, but Lin Guang and the others also started to move, still trapping him firmly.

"Hmph, look at me breaking your formation!" Mo Xian yelled violently, and three stars suddenly rose behind him.

"With this kind of attack, I still want to break the formation, wishful thinking!" Lin Guang sneered, and began to quickly change the marks with his hands.

The hands of the other nine also produced different imprints, and the ten began to operate in a mysterious way.

"Isn't that enough!" The corners of Mo Xian's mouth raised slightly, and the energy in his body was like a torrent, emitting even more terrifying fluctuations as it circulated.

Immediately afterwards, another dazzling star rose behind him.

When the four stars came out together, his whole aura took another qualitative leap.

That kind of majesty actually made the hearts of those who surrounded him tremble.

In the next moment, Mo Xian punched out, and immediately a dazzling light burst out, enough to compete with the sun and the moon.

A large piece of air was bombarded, making a terrible roar.


But Lin Guang and the others retreated immediately, and the entire formation expanded instantly, covering almost everyone in it, including Ji Guang and others.

This change was so sudden that many people were caught off guard, and those who were exposed to Mo Xian's attack were tragic almost immediately.

None of these people understood the mystery of Lin Guang's formation, and none of them belonged to the Wuji sect.


The Nine Star Town Demon Fist fell among the crowd, and a violent Yuanli storm swept away immediately.


Amidst the continuous screams, bodies flew upside down, accompanied by white lights.

After a few breaths, the surroundings returned to normal, but there was no one at the location where Mo Xian hit.

All of them smashed their identity plates at the last moment, and only then were they able to save their lives.

"Lin Guang, what do you mean?" Ji Guang was furious, and the losses were basically his.

"I'm sorry, it's unavoidable. We restrain him from the outside, and you attack from the inside. Don't worry, this time, we will definitely not give him any chance." Lin Guangda said in a loud voice.

"Damn it!" Ji Guang couldn't help cursing in his heart, but Lin Guang said it very easily.

But the people of the Wuji Sect are familiar with the changes of this formation after all, even if they are in it, they will know how to change their body shape.

However, other people were different, they became cannon fodder.

But at this moment, he was helpless. The only way to make up for it was to kill Mo Xian.

"Mo Xian, I want your life!" Ji Guang suddenly raised his head, his cold eyes full of murderous intent.

With a sudden movement of his body, the energy in his body rushed out like a flood, turning into a river hanging in the sky forever.

"Changhe Sunset Slash!"

There was a loud shout, and one of his arms suddenly fell like a long sword.

Following that, the long river in the sky suddenly turned into a hundred-foot-long sword light, cutting down towards Mo Xian's back, with an aura of cutting down the sun.

At the same time, various attacks attacked Mo Xian at the same time.

Outside, Lin Guang and others were restrained by formations, and Mo Xian couldn't dodge this sword.

Almost instantly, Mo Xian was in crisis.


The huge sword light slashed down and landed on Mo Xian's back in an instant.

"Mo Xian was hit!" Seeing this, Nan Yuexin and the others were shocked and couldn't help but take a few steps forward.


Mo Xian's figure fell like a meteorite, smashing into the ground instantly.

There was blood in the air, so Mo Xian couldn't help it.

"Is it finally resolved?" Looking at the big hole in the ground, those who besieged Mo Xian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there were many of them, they were very uneasy when facing Mo Xian.

(End of this chapter)

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