Martial arts become gods

Chapter 1475 Go on an adventure with Little 5's adventure group

Chapter 1475 Go on an adventure with Xiao Wu's adventure group

The breakfast prepared by Wang Yong is very rich, and the ingredients are all things that are of great benefit to warriors, which is obviously meant to please.

In this regard, Mo Xian and the others accepted all orders with peace of mind.

Especially Jia Ren and Jia Yi, who did not forget to talk while eating.

"Wang Yong, I found that you are very good, and you will definitely have a future in the future."

"That's right, going on an adventure with our little five's adventure group this time, the benefits will certainly not be missing from you."

"Hehe, that's, that's..." Wang Yong smiled, thinking that the two brothers changed their faces really quickly. They were playing rascals with them before, but now they immediately became righteous again.

After breakfast, Jia Ren and Jia Yi dawdled on purpose again. If they hadn't spoken quietly, they would really have the ability to drag it off until night.

Wang Yong also has a sense of proportion, he just brought a few of the strongest ones, and the others stayed here to guard.

That day, the foreign building was far away from here, and even if we traveled at full speed, it would take at least a day and a half.

Along the way, everyone deliberately avoided those powerful monsters, and finally entered the barren mountain range at night.

This time, the definition of poverty in Mo Xian's heart was refreshed.

Although there has been no reply after the battle on the ancient battlefield, there will be more or less vitality.

But this mountain range has no life, saying that it is a bird is not shitting is simply flattering this place.

This mountain range can be regarded as endless, but it is all exposed earth and rocks and fractured rock formations.

The air is also very dry, there seems to be no trace of moisture, and the aura of heaven and earth is basically cut off.

Such a place, absolutely no one will care about it.

"The pavilion is in the depths. There were no monsters here before, but for some reason, a few powerful existences suddenly appeared. When we came last time, they were still guarding there." Wang Yong said.

"That would be the best. It's free to guard the gate, so as not to be taken away easily." Jia Ren Jia Yi said indifferently.

"Don't take it lightly. Among those monsters, there is one very powerful one, and it should not be weaker than the strong ones in the Martial Emperor Realm." Wang Yong said, while speaking, he secretly glanced at Mo Xian.

"Hehe, we'll talk about it when the time comes." Mo Xian shrugged noncommittally and said.

"Night is when the monsters are strongest. We will rest here for a while, then set off in the middle of the night, and we should be able to arrive the next morning. This place is not good, but it is relatively safe." Shen Jing looked around, and then said .

"Just do as you say!" Everyone didn't have any opinions, so they found a place at random and did it.

After a day's journey, everyone was a little tired.

However, in this environment, it was night again, and everyone didn't dare to really rest, but only slowly recovered the energy consumed during the day.

After late at night, everyone began to chat casually, discussing some major events that happened in this ancient battlefield.

"Recently, I heard that there is a big dark horse. He keeps challenging the famous masters on the initial list. Now he has not lost a single defeat. From being unknown, he is now almost in the top ten." Wang Yong said.

"I've heard of this guy before. He seems to be called Lu Xun. Yes, he's a ruthless character." Jia Ren and Jia Yi said immediately.

"Well, this guy is ruthless. Anyone he finds will lose at least one arm." Meng Yang said.

"There are a lot of people like this, and many of them are devoted to cultivation, and they usually don't show any signs of leakage at all, just waiting for this reality to become a blockbuster." Mo Xian laughed.

"It is said that Lu Xun was suppressed very badly before, so he went to hide somewhere for five years, and after he came out, he directly participated in the Ten Thousand Domains War." Wang Yong said slowly.

"This guy is a bit distorted in his heart, like a mad dog. I hope we won't meet him in the future." One person interjected.

"We are all little people, and their target is the master on the preliminary list, so how could they find us." Wang Yong said indifferently.

After that, everyone chatted about some recent events and mentioned several characters.

Soon, it was midnight.

Tonight, with a bright moon and few stars, it is very suitable for traveling.

This barren mountain range seems to be covered with a layer of silver, which actually makes this place have a sense of beauty.

However, this place is really too barren, even the air is very thin, and everyone obviously has no intention of appreciating it.

But what everyone didn't expect was that after driving for a while, some faint mist appeared in the air.

It was very thin at the beginning, but became thicker later.

The mist seemed to be poisonous, and everyone soon felt a little dizzy, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

The poison in the mist was colorless and invisible, so they didn't notice it at first.

"Strange, it wasn't there when I came here before!" Wang Yong said with a solemn expression. Among the people he brought, a few relatively weak ones were already pale and sweating profusely.

If it continues, I'm afraid it won't last.

"Stop first!" Shen Jing said solemnly.

Mo Xian didn't feel anything unusual, these strange poisons happened to be Xiao En's best nourishment, so once they entered his body, they were automatically absorbed by Xiao En.

Now his body can be said to be invulnerable to all poisons in disguise.

Everyone tried a lot, but they couldn't get rid of the poison in their bodies.

Moreover, the more skill you use, the faster the poison will spread.

"The most powerful of those monsters is highly poisonous. The mist is probably emitted by it." Wang Yong said.

"In this case, it is very likely that we have been noticed by it." Shen Jing's face darkened, and said: "These fogs are probably also the eyes it uses to control this place."

"Detoxify first!" Mo Xian said calmly. He originally wanted to attack the most powerful existence directly, but now it's probably impossible.

"How to detoxify?" Jia Ren and Jia Yi asked with a bitter face.

"I have a solution." Mo Xian smiled lightly, and then took out the Bingpo Golden Silkworm Mother.

Although he said that he rarely used this thing, it could always play a huge role in critical moments.

Xu Shi hasn't come out for a long time, but as soon as the Bingpo Golden Silkworm Mother came out, she twisted her fat body, raised her head and started breathing greedily.

"Ice Soul Golden Silkworm, no, it's the Ice Soul Golden Silkworm Mother? You actually have such things?" Wang Yong and the others immediately gasped and said in shock.

As far as they know, a sect that has the Ice Soul Golden Silkworm Mother has become a colossal monster by virtue of this thing.

There is no way, after many people are poisoned, they all ask them, and naturally they have to pay some price.

Shen Jing and the others also acted very calm, anyway, Mo Xian always surprises people, they are used to it.

"It's just something I got by accident." Mo Xian shrugged, and then gave the Bingpo Golden Silkworm Mother to Xiao Wu first.

Female voices are naturally afraid of this kind of fleshy insects, but the Bingpo golden silkworm mother is very cute, so Xiao Wu does not reject it.

(End of this chapter)

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