Chapter 1529

"Bang bang..."

Mo Xian was like a lone boat in a storm, his figure was swaying, but he never fell down.

This hurricane is extremely powerful, and he doesn't know where it will take him.

It's not that he is afraid of Lei Ming and Shui Yuan. If he forcibly kills them, it may not be impossible.

But the price will be very high, and the gain is not worth the loss. Anyway, as long as he recovers from his injury, the two of them will have nothing to worry about.

It just so happened that the hurricane broke out again, so he took advantage of it and left gracefully.

And under the hurricane, Mo Xian watched the elixir grow wildly, but he could only drool.

After raging for a while, the hurricane subsided slowly, and Mo Xian was brought to a valley.

This place is like the end of a hurricane. After a hurricane blows here, it immediately becomes much softer, like a spring breeze, lingering in the valley.

The environment of this valley is also quite elegant. There is a small lake in the middle. The water inside is very clear. Many plump fish swim happily in it, and occasionally jump out of the lake to show their figure.

There is a circle of grass by the lake, as if it has been artificially repaired, it is very neat.

On the periphery of the grassland, there are circles of plants arranged in a divergent shape.

"This is a good place!" Xiao En popped up immediately, digging his roots deep into the soil.

Mo Xian took a deep breath, and immediately felt refreshed, and the sequelae caused by forcefully mobilizing his energy seemed to be much better.

But after a while, he coughed violently for a while, spewing out several mouthfuls of blackened blood.

"damn it!"

He raised that arm, couldn't help cursing, and the whole arm was completely black again, that is to say, his previous efforts were almost in vain.

After forcibly suppressing the churning blood pressure, Mo Xian staggered to the edge of the lake, and immediately plunged into it.

The lake water was freezing to the bone, and Mo Xian immediately shivered, and he who was in a daze immediately regained his senses.

The lake water also seemed to contain the ingredients of elixir, and the energy was extremely pure, which was of great help to Mo Xian in suppressing the dark magic energy.

After diving into the bottom of the lake in one breath, Mo Xian swam happily in it like a fish.

The water pressure in this Linghu Lake is extremely strong, but he didn't experience any discomfort, on the contrary, he was as happy as a fish in water.

Although this water is not scorching energy, it also seems to have a certain suppressive effect on the dark magic energy.

After swimming happily in the water for a while, Mo Xian sat cross-legged at the bottom of the lake.

On the other side, Zuo Yi hid behind a mountain with a slightly weaker hurricane.

Seeing that no one was chasing after him, he immediately took out the Lei Lingmu with a burning face.

"Hehe, you guys are so dizzy, but I, Zuoyi, easily pocketed it. Senior Mo Xian, I would like to thank you for making it happen." Zuoyi murmured for a while, then sat cross-legged, made seals with his hands, and Lei Lingmu was placed in the middle, and the refinement actually started.

He obviously didn't intend to share it with Mo Xian, nor did he intend to seek Mo Xian's consent, so he just prepared to enjoy the Thunder Spirit Wood all by himself.

At the bottom of the lake, after Mo Xian practiced quietly for a while, he opened his eyes with a helpless expression on his face.

Although the dark magic energy was temporarily suppressed, it might loosen at any time, and he still needed to find that kind of elixir to deal with the dark magic energy.

However, the internal injury caused by the forceful mobilization of Yuanli before has completely healed.

"It's really troublesome!" He shook his head, then moved his body and rushed out from the bottom of the lake.

Immediately, he found that the breath of the elixir around him was much thinner, as if it had been taken away by someone.

Although Mo Xian was at the bottom of the lake, he was aware of everything around him. No one had ever been here before.

Soon, he discovered the problem.

I saw a juicy dragon fruit like a hound, sniffing carefully among the dense plants, almost touching the ground, who else could it be if it wasn't Xiao En.

Whether the plants here are elixir or not, they all have a hint of elixir, so its keen perception is not very good, and it needs to be searched carefully.

Its harvest is obviously good, otherwise Mo Xian would not have such an intuitive feeling.

Xiao En searched very carefully, and didn't realize that Mo Xian had woken up until a pair of feet appeared in front of his mung beans.

"What!" Xiao En was so frightened that he strung it up from the ground, and then the ten-ton heavy hammer immediately condensed and smashed down.


Amidst the loud noise, the owner of those feet was directly smashed into the ground.

"What the hell are you doing!" A roar resounded immediately, hovering in the valley for a long time.

Only then did Xiao En see that it was Mo Xian who was smashed into the ground with his hammer.

"Sorry, sorry, conditioned reflex, I thought it was some kind of elixir trying to escape." Xiao En immediately said with a guilty conscience.

"Have you ever seen an elixir like this?" Mo Xian got up from the ground in a panic, and said angrily.

"Speaking of this, it's your fault too." Xiao En said with a pair of mung bean eyes.

"What's none of my business?" Mo Xian was startled and asked suspiciously.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for your incompetence, why are my eyes so small? If my eyes are small, I can't see clearly." Xiao En said confidently.

"I..." Mo Xian almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and his dark magic energy almost exploded.

Xiao En has been with him for so long, most of the warriors are not treated as well as him, and it is simply shameless to say such a thing.

However, after so long, he has gotten used to it.

Mo Xian took a few breaths, tried to tell himself not to be as knowledgeable as a tree, and then continued: "I'm too lazy to talk to you, what can I gain?"

"When it comes to harvesting, it's amazing. Look!" Xiao En said, shaking his torso, and the leaves on it immediately rustled.

"What?" Mo Xian was startled, he didn't come to see a tree to make a pose.

"Didn't you notice that I have two extra leaves." Xiao En said excitedly.

"You're amazing..." Mo Xian couldn't help but swear, Xiao En had already eaten up all his gains.

"Look at your unpromising appearance. There are so many elixir here, are you still short of this 01:30 point? And this medicine garden will soon be ours, and the elixir is not inexhaustible." Xiaoen arrived , a look of hating iron but not steel.

"You white-eyed wolf, I really want to burn you as firewood." Mo Xian said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, on this continent, the fire that can burn me to death has not yet appeared." Xiao En said proudly.

"Cut, don't blow the cowhide apart." Mo Xian said angrily, he really didn't believe that Mo Linghuo couldn't kill Xiao En.

"Come on, don't look like a resentful woman, don't say I didn't take care of you, I'll keep all the things that are good for you." Xiao En said.

"You have a conscience!" Mo Xian nodded, and under Xiao En's guidance, he began to collect those fish that slipped through the net.

(End of this chapter)

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