Chapter 156
"What?" Shen Cangtian, who was already in a low mood, was taken aback for a moment, and then followed Shen Wei's pointing to look over, and immediately saw four identical black marks appearing on Mo Xian's palm.

These four imprints are superimposed together, exuding an extremely terrifying fluctuation.

"It's the fourth seal of the fierce spirit. This is the extreme state of the seal of the fierce spirit. It is called the seal of death of the fierce spirit. Its power is not weaker than that of a third-rank martial skill. I never imagined that Mo Xian could do this." Shen Wei Shocked, the flame of hope rekindled in his eyes.


At this moment, the two people on the ring finally collided with each other.
Mo Xian's four fierce spirit seals were superimposed together, and they ruthlessly struck between Zhou Nan's hands, which was the ferocious tiger's head.


Amidst the huge collision sound, an extremely terrifying shock wave swept away, and the temporary arena collapsed in an instant.

The figures of Mo Xian and Zhou Nan also naturally fell to the ground.

But the collision didn't end there, as the two people's energy rubbed against each other, there were bursts of terrifying explosion sounds.

"Damn it, how could this kid be so strong, what kind of martial skill is this!" Zhou Nan's complexion also became ugly at this time, and he clearly realized that the fighting skills he displayed were actually a bit invincible.

However, he naturally wouldn't just admit defeat. He bit the tip of his tongue, and suddenly spurted out a stream of blood, and then his complexion also turned pale.

The drop of blood that was full of his qi and blood melted into the tiger and disappeared immediately, and then the tiger became solidified, emitting a burst of breathtaking red light.


The tiger suddenly roared, expressing the aura of the king of beasts to the fullest, and a huge force leaned towards Mo Xian at this time.

"Hmph, burn the origin! The death seal of the fierce spirit, suppress it!" Mo Xian raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and also gave a loud shout, and then the four fierce spirit seals merged with each other, transforming into a bigger fierce spirit. The spirit seal slammed away fiercely.


Amidst the huge impact, everyone seemed to hear the howling of a fierce tiger.

The terrible explosion sound lasted for several seconds, and the dust flew up for a moment, covering the figures of Mo Xian and the two of them.

After the dust settled, everyone found that a big pit had appeared where the ring was, and one of them was coughing violently, and it was Mo Xian.

And that Zhou Nan was lying in the ruins not far away, blood was constantly overflowing from his mouth, his breath was getting weaker and weaker, obviously he couldn't survive.

Once the death seal of the ominous spirit comes out, there is death but no life. Zhou Nan's fate at this time seems to just confirm this statement.

But Mo Xian didn't seem to be much better, with blood oozing all over his body, looking extremely terrifying.

"I won..." All the members of the Shen family were stunned for a moment, no one would have thought that they would win this competition, that is to say, they would get the four-year use spring of Lingyuanquan. , This is definitely a great thing for the younger generations of the Shen family.

"Mo Xian..." Shen Wei's eyes were filled with tears, she didn't know whether it was because of excitement or distress.

The others fell into silence for a while. I'm afraid no one would have expected that the so-called No. [-] genius in Tengyang Town was actually defeated by a young man with lower strength than him.

In the eyes of everyone looking at Mo Xian, the previous contempt was gone, replaced by a kind of extreme shock.

"My son!" Zhou Kai stood with a face full of shock, as if he couldn't believe it. When he found that his son had passed away, a terrifying light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Boy, I want your life!" When everyone was still immersed in the shock of Mo Xian's victory, Zhou Kai suddenly shouted, and shot towards Mo Xian like lightning.

One of his palms was bent into a claw shape, and the air quickly passed through the fingers, producing a strange screaming sound, which made many people's scalps go numb.

This claw of his is full of power, obviously wanting Mo Xian's life.

"Zhou Kai, how dare you!" Shen Cangtian reacted, shouted, and quickly chased after him.

However, his strength is comparable to Zhou Kai's, and he is already half a beat behind, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch up.

"Mo Xian..." Shen Wei also exclaimed, and rushed out in an instant, but she was beyond her reach.


Facing Zhou Kai's sudden attack, the corners of Mo Xian's mouth couldn't help twitching, but he naturally wouldn't sit still, and with a sudden grip of his right hand, the Remnant Dragon Sword appeared in his hand.

Originally, he didn't want to show the Sword of Cutting Gang, after all, he was not familiar with it, and it was too exhausting, but it seemed that he couldn't help it now.

Staring at Zhou Kai who was rushing towards him, Mo Xian tried his best to calm down. He had to face him now, but a nine-star great martial artist of the same level as Shen Cangtian had absolutely no chance of winning, so he couldn't have the slightest chance of winning. distracted.

But Zhou Kai certainly didn't expect that Mo Xian would keep his hand, and this is Mo Xian's chance!

Zhou Kai was getting closer and closer. Although he hadn't touched it yet, the sharp claw wind had already caused Mo Xian's whole body to ache.

"Sword of Severing Gang!"

In the midst of this flash, the Remnant Dragon Sword in Mo Xian's hand slashed out, and this blow was likely to drain all the energy in his body.


When the Remnant Dragon Sword and the claws collided with each other, there was a sound like gold and iron colliding.

Mo Xian suddenly felt a distance sweeping towards his body along the Remnant Dragon Sword, and then he screamed and flew upside down, spurting several mouthfuls of blood while still in the air.

However, precisely because of this buffer, his damage was not fatal.

And Zhou Kai obviously didn't expect Mo Xian to have such a skill, so he was careless. He wanted to chase after him in an instant, but Shen Cangtian had already stopped him, "Hmph, stop!"

Zhou Kai also knew that he had lost his best chance to kill Mo Xian, and if he did it now, he would not get any benefits.

"Boy, you are so ruthless in your attack, it is a life!" He stared at Mo Xian and growled.

At this time, Shen Wei had already helped Mo Xian up, and fed several healing pills in succession.

Hearing Zhou Kai's words, Shen Wei's face turned red immediately, and she wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mo Xian, "Hehe, your son's life is fate, so is mine? If I don’t do this, I’m afraid I’m the one who will die now, I don’t know when, Senior, will you say that your son is cruel, I think, you should be very happy!”

Mo Xian said weakly, and after finishing speaking, he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

At this time, he was seriously injured, and even speaking was a luxury.

"Mo Xian, stop talking, that old bastard, just let him go, with us here, he won't try to touch you today!" Shen Wei's eyes were filled with crushed eyes, and she carefully told Mo Xian to hold Mo Xian's head in his arms. chest.

(End of this chapter)

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