Martial arts become gods

Chapter 1606 Magical Crow's Mouth

Chapter 1606 Magical Crow's Mouth

"It's getting closer!" After a while, Su Qiaoqiao who was holding the jade pendant said happily.

"Will Mr. Yun sense it?" Mo Xian asked.

"I don't know, it's hard to say in such a ghostly place, and his condition must be worse than before." Su Qiaoqiao said.

"Yeah!" Mo Xian nodded, and his speed immediately increased a bit.

Not long after, Mo Xian's expression changed, and he made a silent gesture to the girls, and then hid behind a boulder that flew from nowhere.

The crowd didn't ask any more questions, and followed Mo Xian to hide behind the boulder, trying their best to suppress their aura.

Soon, everyone saw a very conspicuous light group not far away, and it was moving fast.

It was clearly a group of warriors, and they used Yuanli to illuminate them unscrupulously.

The only ones who can be so unscrupulous here are the members of the Qing Gang.

It seems that the Green Gang is also hurrying to search for Jun Yun and Su Feng.

"Are they from the Green Gang? These guys are too arrogant!" Everyone whispered in displeasure.

"If they are not arrogant, they will be unreasonable." Mo Xian said indifferently, implying that the Green Gang does have the capital to be arrogant.

"It's better to have a monster and eat them all." Su Qiaoqiao said rather sullenly.

"How can there be such a coincidence, we have encountered a lot of dangers along the way, but it's okay?" Mo Xian said helplessly, thinking that women are naive.

"Tch, they should be taught a lesson for being so blatant." Su Qiaoqiao said stubbornly.

"Hehe..." Mo Xian shook his head helplessly, but in the next moment, his expression suddenly froze.

But in the darkness, a roar suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a huge monster seemed to appear out of thin air, like a hill in the darkness.

"It's Desolate, this is a good show." Su Qiaoqiao was overjoyed, if not for the red sleeves covering her mouth, she would almost have screamed.

"It's possible to meet you, you really are a crow's mouth." Mo Xian suddenly felt a little helpless.

Wilderness is a kind of magical beast that specially appears in very desolate and humid areas.

In the outside world, there was also news of desolate beasts infesting. This kind of monster is not only powerful in attack, but also carries a very strong plague.

Desolate will not leave his territory casually, but sometimes, he will break into human territory.

If there is no strong man guarding it, it will basically be declared dead.

And even if there are strong men guarding it, a very strong plague will break out in that place, and even weaker warriors can't bear it.

For a long time in the future, there will be a dead end.

Mo Xian knew that there was once a city that was invaded by a deer. Although it was jointly suppressed, that city was also abandoned.

Now, this desolate man has been attracted by the Green Gang, which is considered unlucky for them.

"Is this called Crow's Mouth? I'm called Jinkou Yuyan." Su Qiaoqiao said righteously.

"Hehe, I hope that such golden words of yours will not appear on us." Mo Xian said flatly.

And at the moment when they were talking in a low voice, there was already a commotion in the Green Gang.

"Damn it, it's Desolate!"

"Damn it, who said that it can be illuminated unscrupulously, now it's fine."

Hearing the faint sound of cursing, Mo Xian couldn't help but laugh too.

"It deserves it!" The girls of Shenyue Valley couldn't help but applaud. They have been treated terribly by the Qing Gang for a while, and many of their companions have been brutally murdered.

The night was dark and the wind was high. Although everyone couldn't see clearly, it didn't prevent Mo Xian and the others from watching the fire from the other side.

Maybe the Green Gang has the ability to solve this desolation, but it will undoubtedly have to pay a huge price.

In the dark night, the screams of the Green Gang and the roars of the desolate are quite clear.

"It seems that someone is rushing over. It seems that it won't be a good show." Not long after, Mo Xian noticed that there was another light appearing, as if he had sensed the movement here and wanted to come to help.

Although everyone felt a little sorry, it was enough to see that the Qing Gang was in trouble.

I believe that after they suffered a loss this time, they would never dare to be so blatant again.

After all, a monster is a monster, so it doesn't care about your green gang and red gang.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Mo Xian and his party quickly disappeared without a trace.

Not long after, Huang Yu's roar gradually became shriller, and then disappeared, apparently it had been resolved.

But those lights went out too, and never came on again.

"We won't meet Huangji, that thing is too disgusting." Su Qiaoqiao said worriedly.

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sudden loud noise from the front door, but a gigantic creature rushed out from nowhere, and it was Huang Jie.

Everyone's complexion changed immediately. If they had a fight with the desolate man at this time, they would undoubtedly be exposed to the green gang's sight immediately.

Fortunately, the desolate man didn't notice the crowd, he just stopped there temporarily.

Everyone held their breath and did not dare to breathe out.

The barren man moved his body on the spot, and after shaking off a lot of mud and lice, he left contentedly.

Only then did the girls heave a sigh of relief, those frisky lice alone were not what they wanted to deal with.

"I won't return it..." Su Qiaoqiao patted her chest, but before she finished speaking, her mouth was covered by the red sleeve.

"Senior sister, don't open your golden mouth casually, it's amazing." Mo Xian also said, a little bit dumbfounded, and the girls also looked at Su Qiaoqiao vigilantly, for fear that she would say something golden.

The girls also looked around nervously, for fear that the desolate man would reappear.

Although it's just a coincidence, Su Qiaoqiao also has the name of Crow's Mouth, so she can't escape.

"Understood, why are you so nervous? It's just a coincidence. If you don't believe me, I'll say it again and see if it will appear again." Su Qiaoqiao said dissatisfied.

"Don't..." Everyone hurriedly said, this kind of time is not the time to test the truth.

Su Qiaoqiao glared at Mo Xian, but she stopped talking nonsense.

After that, everyone continued to set off. During this period, they were separated from the members of the Green Gang several times.

However, although the Green Gang was not as blatant as before, it did not restrain itself too much, allowing Mo Xian and the others to discover it in advance.

"Looking at their direction, it seems that they are not sure about Jun Yun's position." Hongxiu said.

"Well, this is our chance. Find the two of them and return to the base camp. This mission will be considered complete." Mo Xian nodded, and immediately walked forward with his waist bent.

Not long after, he turned his head and waved, and the girls hurriedly followed cautiously.

This is a rather complicated area in the mist. There are rotten trees and messy stones everywhere. If someone hides in it, they will basically not be found.

And in this kind of place, there are actually two people.

Their eyes were closed, and they sat quietly, as if they were integrated with their surroundings. If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to notice it at all.

At this time, the waist of one of them suddenly lit up with a soft light.

He immediately opened his eyes and picked up a jade pendant around his waist, his pale complexion suddenly became even uglier.

(End of this chapter)

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