Martial arts become gods

Chapter 163 Wang Yan's Conspiracy

Chapter 163 Wang Yan's Conspiracy

All of this was obviously a good show arranged by Wang Yan.

Otherwise, everything would not be so smooth. As soon as he broke through, Jiang Fei opened the door in the morning, as if he was waiting for this moment, and the law enforcement team happened to be nearby, and appeared immediately.

Wang Yan happened to be in charge of the law enforcement team, so he only needed to make some fuss about Jiang Fei, and he could do it easily.

"This place isn't bad, isn't it? This is the most heavily guarded room in the entire law enforcement team. You should feel honored!" Wang Yan said lightly, with a mocking smile on his face.

"Not bad, quite upscale!" Mo Xian said indifferently.

"Tell me, why did you kill Jiang Fei, what enmity do you have with him, do you know that this is a serious violation of the school's regulations?" Wang Yan's tone changed, and he sternly shouted.

"Hehe, there is no one else here, so you don't have to put on a fake show!" Mo Xian sneered.

"Haha, that's true, this is my place." Wang Yan laughed loudly, and then said: "Yes, I arranged for the person, but he did die in your hands, you know, this will What are the consequences?"

"You think you can fool the academy?" Mo Xian asked with a change of expression.

"That's not something you need to worry about. My Wang family has been operating in Taichu City for so many years, after all, it has some energy." Wang Yan smiled and continued: "Enjoy your last time, this is your offending My end! Haha... let's go..."

He is very happy now, because the problem that has been bothering him is finally about to be solved soon.

"You go out first, I have something to say to him!" Mo Qianrong who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

Wang Yan was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly became gloomy, but he was relieved instantly when he thought that Mo Xian was dying, "Don't take too long!"

After Wang Yan left, Mo Qianrong sighed and said, "Mo Xian, there is no need for us to make trouble like this!"

"What's going on now, I think it's pretty good!" Mo Xian spread his hands and said indifferently.

"Really?" Mo Qianrong froze, and immediately continued: "I reminded you earlier, Wang Yan is not someone you can afford, he wants your life, there are at least a thousand ways."

"You reminded me, but I don't have to listen, and he might not be someone to offend." Mo Xian said.

"You... At this moment, do you still want to maintain your ridiculous dignity?" Mo Qianrong turned pale with anger, and said.

"If you want to see my jokes, then your goal has been achieved, you can go." Mo Xian raised his brows and said calmly.

"It seems that there is no need to continue our conversation, you can do it yourself!" Mo Qianrong sat up from the chair with a bang, her face turned pale.

Looking at Mo Qianrong's slender back, Mo Xian couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "Wang Yan is not such an easy-to-use person, you'd better be careful."

"Hmph, you don't need to remind me!" Mo Qianrong snorted coldly, and rushed out of the door.She originally thought that by now, Mo Xianyin should have seen the reality clearly, and she would have thought that the latter still had that attitude.

After a while, the door opened again, and it was Shen Wei who came in.

She said angrily: "What's going on, the law enforcement team said you killed the senior on purpose?"

"Do you think I'm that kind of person?" Mo Xian smiled wryly.

"Of course I know you're not, but I need evidence, otherwise, even if the vice president favors you, I'm afraid it won't be able to change anything." Shen Wei said quickly, looking very anxious.

"This is obviously Wang Yan's fault." Mo Xian said.

"We all know that Wang Yan did it, but there is no evidence to convince others, and the Wang family's power in the school is not small." Shen Wei said.

"Have you checked the corpse?" Mo Xian said.

"It was checked earlier, and there is nothing abnormal, only the injury left by your punch!" Shen Wei said.

"It seems that Wang Yan's work is indeed flawless, what punishment will I receive?" A wry smile suddenly appeared on Mo Xian's face.

"It's hard to say, but the school has no right to execute you, but what I'm most worried about is..." Shen Wei's voice suddenly stopped abruptly, and after a moment she continued: "Forget it, it's useless to say this now , I will try my best to help you fight for it, but you should also be careful."

"En!" Mo Xian nodded.


A day passed quickly, but a conference room in Taichu Academy was still full of people.The dean, the deputy dean, and many high-level officials of the school were among them. Since she was Mo Xian's direct teacher, Shen Wei was also here.

They gathered here just to discuss matters related to Mo Xian, after all, this is not a trivial matter.

The people in the conference hall were obviously divided into two factions. One faction advocated reducing major issues to minor ones. After all, fists and kicks are speechless, and death is unavoidable during competitions.

The other faction advocates severe punishment, otherwise it will make other students feel cold.

Among those who advocated severe punishment was a man with a very dignified appearance, about five or sixty years old, his name was Wang Lie, and he was the one with the highest status among the Wang family who entered the Taichu Academy.

"Dean, I know that Mo Xian is very talented, and you all have a high opinion of him, but the more he is like this, the more he can't be tolerated, otherwise he will become arrogant and even worse. Have you forgotten the beginning? A lesson?" Wang Lie asked.

Mentioning the lesson from the beginning, everyone's complexion changed a bit.

There is an unknown past in Taichu Academy, and there was a talented person back then who was favored by everyone.

But this person has a very weird temper and doesn't like to be in contact with others. In the end, for some reason, he suddenly went berserk, then beheaded nearly a hundred classmates in a row, and finally escaped.

"Mo Xian and him are one size at a time, there is no comparison at all, and there are many doubts about what happened back then." The vice president retorted, and he has always been brooding about what happened back then.He taught that person by himself, and he didn't believe that the latter would be so insane.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for your words back then, would he have run away so easily, and now you want to protect Mo Xian, I think you are really stupid!" Wang Lie said.

"You..." The vice president's face flushed suddenly, but he was powerless to argue.

"Dean, Elder, I believe that Mo Xian definitely did not do it on purpose. How could a five-star martial artist be easily beaten to death with one punch." Shen Wei also spoke at this time.

"Hmph, you don't have to talk, just listen!" Wang Lie shouted angrily.

"Elder Wang, you don't know how to avenge your personal revenge, I heard that you have a good relationship with the Wang family!" Shen Wei sneered.

"It's nonsense, the old man has been in Taichu Academy for decades, how could he have anything to do with the outside world, but you, I heard that you and that kid Mo Xian are very close, maybe something happened between the two of you Is something wrong?" Wang Lie shouted angrily.

"Okay, there's no need to fight anymore. We can't condone the rivalry. Mo Xian will be exiled to Tietu City for a period of two years." The dean who had been silent all this time finally spoke, and it was considered to have decided Mo Xian's fate.

(End of this chapter)

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