Chapter 1677

After being free, time seemed to pass very quickly, and seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these seven days, Mo Xian practiced continuously and reached a state of selflessness.

In the past, he kept crossing the realm and fighting with various people of the Martial Emperor Realm, which also gave him a deep understanding of the Martial Emperor Realm.

This kind of actual combat is a powerful catalyst for warriors, and often after high-intensity battles, it will be an opportunity for warriors to break through.

Mo Xian also wanted to seize this opportunity and make a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

However, although he clearly felt the improvement in strength, he still didn't feel the feeling of a breakthrough.

In other words, this opportunity is not enough for him to break through to the Martial Emperor Realm.

This also made him truly understand why some people would say that it is as difficult as heaven to really take that step.

Moreover, almost everyone's way of breaking through to the Martial Emperor Realm is unique and cannot be copied. It is also difficult for him to find experience from others, so he has to explore it by himself.

After finishing his training helplessly, Mo Xian walked out of this secluded secret room.

After staying in a dark room for a long time, the sunlight seemed extremely dazzling.

After getting used to it, Mo Xian stepped out.

The whole gathering place was very quiet, Xiao Wu Nanyuexin and the others were probably also practicing.

While thinking about his recent cultivation experience, Mo Xian walked aimlessly among the gathering points, thinking it was all about relaxing.

The ancient gathering point is full of buildings with a style that is very different from the current one, and Mo Xian basically didn't pay much attention to it before.

And although there have been some changes due to the arrival of a large number of warriors, the antique flavor is still relatively intact.

Strolling among them, Mo Xian suddenly had the feeling of traveling through thousands of years and returning to ancient times.

The heart that was a little bored because of the unsatisfactory cultivation has also become a lot calmer because of this.

"Phew, you can't do it by force." He sighed, shook his head in self-deprecating manner, and simply put aside all kinds of distracting thoughts, and shuttled among the gathering points.

To be honest, he has been here for a long time, but he has never had a chance to appreciate it.

Now this place has almost been rummaged by people, and it is almost impossible to find anything.

But Mo Xian didn't care, anyway, he just came out to get some air.

Along the way, he basically didn't meet anyone, and when he occasionally met, he was in a hurry, and at most he just nodded to each other.

Obviously, everyone is feeling nervous now, and they are completely devoted to intense training. It can be said that they are racing against time. There are almost no such idlers as Mo Xian.

The gathering point is very huge. If you really want to go shopping, you may not be able to go for a few days and nights.

After an unknown amount of time, Mo Xian stopped suddenly, as if he had noticed something.

Seeing that there was no one around, with a thought in his mind, he had a black spear with a hideous shape in his hand.

The body of the gun is about one foot eight, and the blade is very sharp. There are some strange lines on it that can't be seen in depth, which seem to be blood grooves. There are several symmetrical small blades beside the gun blade.

Below it is a ghost claw that looks ghostly and holds upwards, and then there is a straight gun barrel.

The whole gun looks natural, even in small places, there are no traces of grinding and connection.

All the details are also very perfect, no flaws can be found.

If you look carefully, you can find that there seems to be a black light circulating on the whole gun, which is very mysterious.

The first impression of this gun is that it is ferocious, and then it is the kind of lethality that it faintly exudes.

The cold light reflected on the blade of the gun made no one dare to doubt that this gun could easily pierce through flesh and blood.

However, if you take a second look, you will be able to discover that this gun actually has a strange beauty. If you hold it in your hand, I am afraid that the whole person's aura will change greatly.

But at this time, Mo Xian had this kind of change. With a gun in his hand, he was like a god of death, making people afraid to approach him.


Mo Xian waved the body of the gun lightly, and the sound of breaking the wind was extremely rapid, appearing to be powerful.

Moreover, his speed is not fast, but he brought out a series of gun shadows, which is a sign that the weapon itself will only appear after it has reached a certain level of strength.

Any slight move will bring out extremely fierce killing intent.

Moreover, with Mo Xian's current strength, he actually felt that this gun was quite heavy. One could imagine how amazing its weight was.

"It finally took shape!" After regaining his senses, Mo Xian stroked the cold body of the gun lightly, with a look of fascination on his face, which was the subconscious of a blacksmith after seeing a perfect weapon. Performance.

This gun was transformed from the Xuanming Tower after a collection of countless weapons that had been removed from the Dark Demon.

Although it was not made by Mo Xian himself, the shape is similar to his idea in all aspects, so he likes it naturally.

But strictly speaking, this gun is not a spiritual treasure at all.

It doesn't have the kind of complex energy circuit that Lingbao has, but it seems that various materials are forcibly softened together, and finally made into the shape of a gun.

However, Mo Xian had no doubts about the lethality of this gun.

After all, the Dark Demon's weapon is not a material, but a part of the Dark Demon. This gun naturally possesses certain characteristics of the Dark Demon.

"It seems that I accidentally created an amazing weapon!" Mo Xian muttered to himself for a while, he could feel the fluctuations emanating from the gun and his desire to fight.

This gun seems to be born for fighting.

After careful inspection for a while, Mo Xian took out the Ghost Howling Bell and hung it on the gun body.

With a slight shake of the gun body, the Ghost Howling Bell rang.


The ringtone was eerie and ethereal, as if traveling through space and time, coming from the Nine Nether Hells.

Although Mo Xian didn't take the initiative to push it, he still had a kind of shocking power.

Combining the two together was what Mo Xian originally planned.

Although it is said to be two separate individuals, they may also be able to exert a great effect in battle. After all, these two things have a strong deterrent effect on people's hearts.

"I'll call you Dark Demon Howling Gun." After thinking for a while, Mo Xian chose a name in an extremely irresponsible way, directly combining the names of Dark Demon and Ghost Howling Bell.

But although it is simple, it is also appropriate.

Sensing the fighting spirit emanating from the newly formed Ghost Howling Spear, Mo Xian smiled faintly, and immediately disappeared in place.


Amidst the rapid breaking wind, Mo Xian's figure was like lightning. After traveling an unknown distance, he stopped in an extremely open place.

The gathering point is completely invisible here, and the surrounding area is also very open, without any obstacles.

Like other places, there are still some traces of the war left here. The land is full of huge ravines, which cannot disappear after thousands of years.

After taking a deep breath, Mo Xian's face turned cold, and he stomped the handle of the Dark Devil's Howling Spear to the ground heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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