Martial arts become gods

Chapter 1894 A Li's Change

Chapter 1894 A Li's Change

Mo Xian could tell at a glance that Ah Li was now a three-star warrior, and such a speed was already not easy.

You know, he has worked hard for a long time, but he is only a two-star warrior.

However, the three-star warrior obviously couldn't smash the tree that Mo Xian specially picked with one punch.

On the lonely island, A Li didn't know that his every move had fallen into Mo Xian's eyes.

She rested for a while, and dragged the fish several times her size aside.

Then she came to the tree that was several circles bigger than before, and stood quietly, with a touch of heat gradually appearing in her eyes.

On this tree, there are some faint fist marks, which should be left by her in previous attempts.

This kind of tree is full of vitality, and its resilience is extremely amazing. Once it is damaged, it will ooze some strange juice, which can return to normal in a very short period of time.

It is obviously not easy to leave a fist mark on it, and it requires countless efforts.

After a while, Ah Li took out some cloth strips and wrapped them around his fist.

Then, with a coquettish shout, she punched out a fist, which made a slight sound of breaking the wind.


Moments later, the fist hit the tree trunk, making a muffled sound.

The tree trunk shook slightly immediately, but it didn't mean to break at all, and it quickly returned to normal.

Ah Li was not depressed, and continued to punch.

"Bang bang..."

For a moment, there was a clear and rhythmic muffled sound above the sea, which seemed lonely and ethereal.

Mo Xian and Yin Qiantong didn't bother Ah Li, but just watched quietly, with strange expressions on their faces.

Ah Li's age is when he is playful and vulnerable, but Ah Li is unusually persistent.

Not long after, blood oozes from the cloth wrapped in Ah Li's hand.

The flesh and blood of the three-star warrior is still too fragile compared to the hard tree trunk.

Looking at A Li at this time, Mo Xian seemed to see himself in the past.

Back then, he would use iron trees to temper his body every day.

He is also very familiar with that kind of pain, even he was very unbearable at the beginning, and would often wake up in the middle of the night, let alone a little girl who was less than ten years old.

However, Ah Li didn't change his face, and the punch was still steady, and the piercing pain didn't seem to affect her at all.

Not long after, Ah Li had obviously reached his limit, and collapsed like a collapse, holding his hands on the ground so he didn't fall down completely.

Sweat dripped down her smooth forehead, patter...

Her eyes are still full of determination, but occasionally there will be a flash of pain.

On the trunk, A Li smashed some marks, and emerald green juice seeped out, which was obviously mixed with blood.

It won't take long for the trunk to return to its original shape, leaving only faint traces.

A Li tried to raise his head, looking at the traces on the tree trunk, with a hint of longing and worry in his eyes.

She wished she could break the tree with one blow and her master would come back for her.

But she was also afraid that she would break the tree with one punch, and the dream that had been supporting her like that might be about to be shattered.

After more than a year, there was no news, which made her doubt whether that person really existed.

After all, she was just a little girl less than ten years old.

After a faint sigh, Ah Li slowly unfolded the wrapped cloth in his hand.

Her fist was already bloody and bloody, so that the cloth strips were slightly embedded in the flesh and blood. Naturally, the pain became more and more painful when it was removed, and she could only breathe in the pain.

Yin Qiantong gave Mo Xian a reproachful look, then moved and appeared in front of Ah Li.

"Big sister, you are..." Seeing a beautiful young girl suddenly appearing in front of her, Ah Li was startled, but her clear eyes were full of vigilance.

Then, she saw Mo Xian who was looking at her with a smile on her face behind Yin Qiantong.

The grievance in her heart that had been suppressed by hard work instantly took hold of Ah Xin's head, and her eyes were instantly covered with a layer of mist.

She tried her best not to let the tears fall, then solemnly knelt down and called out: "Master!"

"En!" Mo Xian nodded, and just as he was about to let Ah Li get up, Ah Li turned his head and said to Yin Qiantong, "I've seen Master!"

For this title, Mo Xian was probably surprised, but he felt a little secretly happy in his heart, and at the same time, he silently gave full marks to Ah Li's wit.

This title was also unexpected for Yin Qiantong, and she was taken aback for a moment. She is not yet 20 years old, but she has already become a mistress?

However, in Mo Xian's view, this was an acquiescence, and the secret joy in his heart was a little bit more.

Yin Qiantong didn't speak, and Ah Li didn't dare to get up, silently looking at this beautiful teacher who had never seen her before.

After a while, Yin Qiantong came back to his senses, and glared sullenly at Mo Xian who was secretly happy.

Seeing that Ah Li was still kneeling, Yin Qiantong hesitated for a moment, and took out a simple and unpretentious ring from the ring.

Seeing this ring, Mo Xian's eyeballs almost popped out.

On the surface, this ring looks ordinary, but in fact, this ring is a high-grade spiritual treasure, which has at least four means of defense and attack.

Moreover, this spirit treasure does not require much strength from the user, as long as one becomes a real warrior, it can be easily controlled.

This kind of forging method is not simple, at least Mo Xian does not have this ability now.

"This is a meeting gift for you." Yin Qiantong will hand the ring to A Li, which is a tradition when meeting for the first time.

A Li glanced at Mo Xian inquiringly, and after receiving Mo Xian's signal, he borrowed the ring and said obediently, "Thank you, Master."

This mouthful of a teacher's wife made Mo Xian very happy.

Although Yin Qiantong felt it was weird, he did not refute it in the end.

After Ah Li got up, he still couldn't believe it, and looked at Mo Xian without blinking, as if he was afraid that Mo Xian would suddenly disappear again.

A Li didn't feel it because his attention was diverted before.

But at this moment, the pain on the fist suddenly hit her, and she couldn't help but groaned, and frowned slightly.

Yin Qiantong gave Mo Xian a reproachful look again, and clearly regarded Mo Xian as a perverted master.

A Li was young after all, so he shouldn't have undergone such cruel training.

Regarding this, Mo Xian was also very helpless. At the beginning, he did not expect that the little A Li would be extremely resolute.

Although it's only been a little over a year, Ah Li has obviously grown a lot. This kind of perseverance is probably not possessed by many adults.

Yin Qiantong took out a delicate vial from the ring, and carefully applied some of the light green liquid to Ah Li's hand.

Mo Xian on the side watched quietly. Although Yin Qiantong looked cold and a little unkind, he was actually quite kind.

This light green liquid is obviously a rather miraculous healing liquid, but in an instant, Ah Li's bloody fist began to recover quickly, and the pain also quickly disappeared.

Afterwards, Yin Qiantong wiped Ah Li's dirty face with something that Mo Xian didn't know, and then the traces of wind and frost on Ah Li's face miraculously disappeared, and he became like a porcelain doll.

After tidying up a bit, A Li returned to the cute appearance when he first met Mo Xian, which was extremely lovable.

(End of this chapter)

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