Chapter 1896
Because he arrived at the Promise Sea, Mo Xian simply went to Kong's house.

After all, after going to the farther north of the Arctic Ice Field this time, I don’t know when I will be able to come back, so it’s a farewell.

Of course, he went alone, after all, the identities of Quan Jidao and others are too sensitive.

Mo Xian didn't explain that he won the first place in the Ten Thousand Domains War, but everyone could feel the huge difference between Mo Xian and before, and there was a moment of shock.

Unfortunately, Kong Ling left the Kong family three months ago.

In addition, the mother-in-law of the Hailing clan also took advantage of the advantages of the Hailing clan to help the Kong family grow a lot and became a powerful assistant for the Kong family.

But this is only temporary, and she has never forgotten her wish to let the Hailing clan go out completely and return to their former peak.

As for Li Luo, who had undergone cruel isolation training since childhood, and was like a blank sheet of paper, he left with Kong Ling.

This time when Mo Xian appeared, his status in the Kong family was greatly improved, basically no one dared to disrespect him.

This is the majesty of a strong person in the Martial Emperor Realm.

Mo Xian politely declined the invitation of the ancestor of the Kong family to go to the closed room to discuss important matters. He still remembers this wonderful ancestor of the Kong family, especially the various entertainment items in the so-called closed room.

The so-called discussion of important matters is nothing more than going through these projects again, and he has no time to mess around with the old and disrespectful ancestors of the Kong family.

Soon, Mo Xian left.

Afterwards, Jiu Hulu took everyone across the Promise Sea to the north of the mainland.

The Promise Sea is extremely vast, even if the speed of the wine gourd is extremely fast, it may take a few days to pass safely.

After crossing the Promise Sea, it was a relatively barren land.

The so-called barrenness means that resources are relatively scarce, and the aura of heaven and earth is thin. Basically, they are all unnamed small domains similar to where Mo Xian was before.

Of course, there are also some medium-sized domains mixed in, occupying some places that are not bad, and dominating them.

Mo Xian looked at the infinite sea below him, the new journey started from here.

Now that he came back here again, he felt a little sad in his heart.

Thinking back when he and Helena were galloping across the boundless sea, a faint smile appeared on Mo Xian's face again.

"Think of that girl again?" Yin Qiantong beside him said calmly, his intuition was surprisingly accurate.

"Uh..." Mo Xian scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "I met her nearby."

"Oh!" Yin Qiantong nodded slightly, looking at the beautiful Wuji Sea under the setting sun, his eyes gradually became disjointed.

Mo Xian didn't talk either, quietly looking at the endless sponge.

For more than a year, the Promise Sea has expanded a lot, and it has become more and more profound and mysterious.

Although he spent a lot of time in the Infinity Sea, his understanding of the Infinity Sea is only superficial. In the deeper depths, there are still more mysteries that humans cannot touch.

The nameless small domain, the city of Absolute Beginning.

Today's Absolute Beginning City is still extremely lively, and there are endless streams of pedestrians on the streets.

Some of them were wearing unique uniforms, with a bright red sun on their chests.

This means that they are students of Taichu Academy.

In the past, the students of the Academy of Absolute Beginning were a status symbol in this city of Absolute Beginning.

No matter where you go, you will attract envious eyes.

Now it has attracted a lot of attention, but they are all pointing fingers.

"Look at these guys from the Taichu Academy, all of them are so arrogant, what's so great, they were beaten by the Seven Star Academy so that they couldn't lift their heads."

"That's right, what kind of virtue, my son was clamoring to go to some Taichu school, I beat him half to death, and I didn't let him go."

"It's the right thing to do. The Academy of Taichu is getting worse and worse. It has completely embarrassed us in the city of Taichu."

"I heard that they still sent people to participate in the Wanyu War. It's simply not enough to be ashamed."

The students of Taichu Academy are all young people, no matter where they heard these gossips, their faces were full of anger for a while.

Now the Taichu School is indeed in decline, but in the heyday of the year, whoever in the city of Taichu had sharpened his head and drilled into it, and whoever was flattering and flattering, but now it is only worse.

"Don't be impulsive. If you have a temper, hurry up and practice. It's time to beat other schools. Naturally, others have nothing to say."

A young man with the appearance of a senior reprimanded those younger students who were full of anger, and at the same time led everyone to walk away quickly.

"Tch, all of them are useless, they dare not fart. Fortunately, my stupid son didn't go."

Seeing this, everyone around suddenly laughed wildly.

They also showed the most humble side in front of the Taichu Academy at the beginning, but now they obviously want to take back some interest first.

What happened at this time was just a microcosm of the decline of Taichu Academy, and similar situations happened every day.

In fact, the Academy of Taichu has indeed declined.

The reason is that Taichu Academy was suppressed by many sect forces.

The reason for this is, of course, because of Mo Xian.

In the past, Mo Xian killed too many people, which means he offended too many people.

He was finally rescued by the man in the blue shirt, but Taichu Academy suffered because of this.

Naturally, those sects would not do anything on the surface, but secretly suppressed Taichu Academy, supported Seven Star Academy and other schools, and even sent foreign aid.

The leaders among them were naturally Xuantianzong, Tianjianzong, and Taishanggong who hunted down and killed Mo Xian the most.

Although Mo Xian hadn't been away for a long time, the endless suppression made Taichu Academy go from bad to worse.

If it wasn't for the support of Taichu Academy and the Tongmeng that Mo Xian had founded, it would have been forced to disband a long time ago.

Soon it will be time for the Taichu Academy to recruit new students again. If it was before, the city of Taichu would have been overwhelmed by people who came here admiringly, but now it is a bit depressed compared to the past.

In the Academy of Taichu, many students also looked sad and walked in a hurry.

Seeing the decline of Taichu Academy, they were extremely unwilling, but they had no other choice.

After all, Xuantianmen, Tianjianzong and Taishanggong are the giants here, and there is no Taichu school that can compete.

"They are all good boys, but we may not even be able to guarantee a place for them to practice with peace of mind."

On a high tower, the vice president quietly looked at those young faces, full of helplessness.

"Hmph, what are they? I told you earlier, don't expect too much from these young people. You just didn't listen, and you even spent all your knowledge to train them. What's the result now?" An old man beside him said angrily.

This person is Zuo Heng, the dean of Taichu Academy, also Zuo Yi's grandfather.

"Could it be that all the resources should be used on your grandson, so what's the point of establishing this school?" the vice president said calmly, although his tone was calm, but he was extremely energetic.

As the vice-principal, it's certainly not that he doesn't know what Zuo Heng has done for so many years.

It's just that the two were friends in the past, so he didn't say much, but Zuo Heng became more and more serious, and now he is even more unscrupulous.

(End of this chapter)

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