Martial arts become gods

Chapter 1954 Ice Fish

Chapter 1954 Ice Fish
And after such a short time, Mo Xian was taken out a long distance, and along the way, he did not know how many icicles hidden under the water were broken.

Although he has rough skin and thick flesh, but after this mess, he is already staring at gold stars.

After finally stabilizing his figure again, a huge block of ice floating on the water appeared beside Mo Xian.

Without thinking about it, he immediately climbed up, but it was getting colder and colder, and he had to sit down cross-legged and use his energy to resist.

After a while, Mo Xian got used to it a little, and only then did he have the opportunity to observe the surrounding situation.

This underground glacier is very long, and he doesn't know where it leads to. Moreover, he vaguely saw many forked roads along the way just now.

Because he was separated from Yin Qiantong, he is now in a state of disarray, but fortunately, he gave Yin Qiantong the double doll before, which at least allowed her to survive the crisis.

"Mo Xian, at a time like this, you should be even more calm!"

Mo Xian tried his best to calm himself down and carefully consider the current situation.

The ice layer suddenly burst before, and everyone was a little flustered, and it is very likely that Yin Qiantong fell into it.

With Yin Qiantong's strength, he should be able to save his life in the glacier.

So, what he has to do now is to follow the glacier to find Yin Qiantong.

Before long, the glacier flattens and grows wider.

In and out, there are all kinds of strangely shaped solid ice.

Under the uncanny workmanship of nature, these solid ice present various shapes, animals, plants, human beings...

And lifelike, lifelike.

The light refracted from nowhere imprinted some strange colors on the solid ice. The scenery can be said to be quite beautiful, but it is a pity that Mo Xian has no time to take care of it.

After such a period of time, the glacier has turned into a glacial lake, and the block of ice where Mo Xian is is drifting slowly like a lone boat.

At this time, Mo Xian discovered that some ripples suddenly appeared on the originally calm lake surface, as if something was moving under the water surface.

His heart immediately lifted. This kind of place has been frozen for many years, and the ghost knows if there are some prehistoric monsters hidden in it.

Not long after, a few round mouths floated up under the water surface, spitting out a few small bubbles.

It was only then that Mo Xian discovered that the prehistoric creatures that made him nervous were actually a few small fish.

However, these small fish are actually transparent, as if they were carved from crystals, which is quite miraculous.

As if they had noticed Mo Xian's existence, the heads of those small fish emerged from the bottom of the water, as if they were standing in the water, and their numbers were increasing.

These fish are long and narrow, standing in the water like little snakes, swaying slowly with the water waves.

Seeing this weird scene, Mo Xian couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.

Suddenly, a small fish suddenly opened its mouth, causing Mo Xian's pupils to shrink suddenly.

After this kind of fish opened its mouth, it was surprisingly huge, many times bigger than its body.

Moreover, the mouth is full of sharp teeth, making no one dare to doubt its ability to bite.

Immediately afterwards, the fish shot up like an arrow off the string, with a sharp and strange whistling sound from its mouth.


Mo Xian suddenly felt a tingling pain in his ears, and even his mind was in a trance for a moment.

And just as he was in a daze, the strange fish had come to him and bit his neck directly.

Fortunately, Mo Xian stabilized his mind in an instant, and immediately stretched out his hand.


The strange fish bit Mo Xian's arm, making a piercing cracking sound, and the arm also snapped instantly.

Fortunately, his flesh and blood are strong now, and he cracked a lot of the teeth of the strange fish.

This strange fish was also really unique. After being hung on Mo Xian's arm, it became hard instantly, as if it had become a real ice sculpture.

Mo Xian's arm trembled, and the ice sculpture formed by the strange fish fell into the water and melted instantly.

But this is just the beginning, those strange fish standing on the water suddenly opened their mouths wide and let out a series of ear-piercing screams.


Although the sound was not loud, the frequency was extremely high, causing the surrounding solid ice to vibrate accordingly.

"It won't collapse!"

Mo Xian looked around worriedly. Fortunately, what he was worried about didn't happen, but his whole body went numb from the shock, and he was very upset.


He didn't want to be teased by a group of fish, so Dang even snorted coldly, and at the same time unleashed the Dark Demon Howling Spear.

"Clang clang..."

The strange bell rang immediately, and spread along the underground glaciers extending in all directions to a very fast place, appearing ethereal and strange.

The solid ice immediately vibrated more violently, and some ice cones even began to break off and fall into the glacier.

Those strange fish seemed to be unable to withstand the sonic attack of the dark devil's howling gun, and their figures immediately danced wildly in the water, like twisted snakes, making the scalp numb.

"Clap clap..."

Not long after, the strange fish suddenly exploded and turned into water droplets and fell into the glacier.

But more strange fish suddenly shot out, rushing towards Mo Xian one after another.

The overwhelming number of strange fish shot at Mo Xian like raindrops. The temperature of these fish was so low that even the air seemed to be frozen instantly.

As soon as Mo Xian's handprints changed, the majestic energy burst out of his body in an instant, and his body was wrapped in it like a huge ink-colored fire.


After those strange fish came into contact with Mo Xian's Yuan Power, they immediately made a strange sound like a piece of red-hot iron being thrown into the ice water, and were instantly vaporized.

But there were too many strange fish, and they rushed towards Mo Xian like Fei'er catching fire.

Soon, Mo Xian's pupils shrank suddenly.

He discovered that his Yuanli actually began to be slowly frozen.

His origin power is fused with Mo Linghuo, and it is not easy to freeze it. These strange fish obviously contain a very magical power.

The freezing speed of Yuanli was getting faster and faster. Soon after, Mo Xian fell into an ice cave, and a layer of ice began to appear on the surface of his body.

He tried his best to mobilize Yuanli, but for a while, he couldn't do what he wanted.

After a while, his whole body was completely wrapped in a thick layer of solid ice, even the ice cubes under his body couldn't bear the weight, and he was about to sink into the bottom of the water.

In the solid ice, Mo Xian remained motionless, as if he had completely turned into a block of ice.

At this time, those strange fish also stopped attacking and surrounded Mo Xian.


At this moment, Mo Xian's roar suddenly came from the solid ice, and a crack appeared on the ice.

Immediately afterwards, black flames shot out of these cracks.

Then, black fire lotus blossoms began to appear in the air, exuding an extremely scorching aura as they bloomed.

Then the solid ice began to melt, and bursts of white mist began to spread, covering the sky above the glacier.

As if the strange fish couldn't bear the scorching heat, they sank into the bottom of the water and disappeared without a trace.

The white mist soon began to condense, turning into water droplets and falling down, gradually revealing Mo Xian's figure.

(End of this chapter)

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