Chapter 196

When Mo Xian came in, Chen Jie was already inside, watching carefully, and seemed quite interested.

Seeing Mo Xian come in, he said: "This blood anger looks like a rough person, I didn't expect to be so elegant. The collection here are all antiques!"

Hearing that it was an antique literary play, Mo Xian immediately lost interest. He is not in the mood to play with these things that are useless to improve his strength.

When he was about to go out, Mo Xian saw something like a turtle shell in an inconspicuous place in the corner. It looked very old, and it was obviously often played with, so it was very smooth.

For some reason, the turtle shell gave him a very strange feeling.

He picked it up curiously, and asked, "Uncle Chen, does anyone still collect turtle shells?"

Chen Jie took it, looked at it for a long time, and then said: "This tortoise shell looks a bit old, and there are people who collect everything in the collector's circle. This tortoise shell looks very simple, and the lines on it are also unusual. Say it's worth it."

"Oh?" Mo Xian nodded, took the turtle shell handed over by Chen Jie, and said, "Uncle Chen, give me this thing!"

"Take it if you like it, why don't you tell me!" Chen Jie smiled slightly, and then walked aside, it seemed that he was also very interested in these antiques.

After Mo Xian collected all the turtle shells, he looked around again, and then walked out without interest.

After looting all the things here, the group rushed to the Mana Python Mercenary Group.

The situation was basically the same as that of the Bloodfury Mercenary Group, and soon the treasure house of the Python Mercenary Group was also opened.

There are more things inside than the Blood Rage Mercenary Group. This Coke spoiled everyone, so it was naturally a search.

What's more, Mo Xian discovered a martial skill called Fengleidong in it, which is what he needs most at present.

Mo Xian flipped over roughly, this should be the kind of movement that Mang Python used before.

Mo Xian still had a fresh memory of this strange body technique, and it seemed that Mana Python hadn't cultivated this body technique to the peak.

Soon Mo Xianjian discovered the problem. It turned out that this martial skill was not complete, and many key points were missing.

However, it shouldn't be a problem that the lightning mark can help him perfect his martial arts.

"Uncle Chen, give me this physical martial skill, I don't need other things!" Mo Xian found Chen Jie and said, he could have memorized it, but this martial skill is very mysterious, and I'm afraid it will take a long time to practice it. Check it out.

"Oh, it's actually wind and thunder, you can take it if you want, but the other things should be yours or yours." Chen Jie laughed. He should also know this martial skill, so he didn't show much interest in it, maybe I know it's incomplete.


Not long after, everyone searched out the Mana Python Mercenary Group, and then went back with a full load.

As for the small and medium-sized mercenary groups that teamed up with Bloodfury, they didn't even bother to go, and soon they would come here with their own things.

Sure enough, after returning, many guests from the Canlang Mercenary Group had already come, and they were all mercenary groups who had come to surrender.

Chen Jie is not surprised by this, after all strength is everything here.

At this time, Xiao Lie suddenly ran over, his arm was empty, and he looked rather desolate.

However, he was also optimistic and did not show any depression.

"Uncle Xiao, it looks like it's getting better!" Mo Xian greeted with a smile.

"Hey, what else can it do? It's just an arm, and it's not like it lost its head!" Xiao Lie laughed loudly, then handed Mo Xian a piece of brown paper and said, "Brother Mo Xian, help me find out what this is." thing?"

After Mo Xian finished the result, he took a quick look and found that this was indeed a second-grade forging design drawing.

"This is a forging design drawing, where did it come from?" Mo Xian wondered, this design drawing looks extremely complicated, divided into many small pieces, and there is a finished sketch beside it, which looks like a metal arm.

"Someone found it in the Python Mercenary Group. It looks like a prosthesis, so let me see if it's useful."

"You know, I'm just a rough man, how can I understand it! Aren't you a blacksmith? Since it's a forging design drawing, you must be able to understand it."

Xiao Lie spoke for a long time in one breath, looking very much looking forward to it.

"Let me try it, this thing looks very difficult!" Mo Xian scratched his head, he also knew what Xiao Lie was expecting, so he looked very carefully.

I don't know who designed this design drawing, it is very precise, and there are dozens of components required, just looking at it takes a lot of effort.

But Mo Xian was very interested. After all, the more precise something was, the better it would be for his forging level.

"Everyone go to the side, don't disturb Mo Xian!" Seeing that Mo Xian was completely immersed in it, Xiao Lie hurriedly drove away all the spectators, he didn't want Mo Xian to be disturbed at all.

Unexpectedly, Mo Xian looked at it all afternoon, and during the whole process, his brows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes loosened, looking quite serious.

His strange behavior naturally attracted many people, but they were stopped by Xiao Lie at a distance.

Seeing that the sun was almost setting, everyone's curiosity grew.

"Hey, you said he can see what it is, why is he so serious?"

"I don't know what to look at, but I think that the serious Master Mo Xian is very handsome, and I will serve Master Mo Xian to bed tonight!" A female member covered her chest with her hands, and her breathing was a little short.

"Pull it down, with your honor, your muscles are stronger than a man's. Don't be disgusted with Brother Mo Xian." Everyone laughed immediately.

"You..." The girl member suddenly became unhappy, and the muscles all over her body bulged.

"Hey, let's talk about you guys, don't make any noise!" Seeing that the crowd was getting more and more violent, Xiao Lie hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

Everyone stopped talking and waited quietly.

Chen Cheng was also watching, watching, her face turned red for some reason.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and Mo Xian, who seemed to be frozen, finally recovered at this time, he let out a long breath, and said: "There is something wrong!"

"Is there something wrong?" Xiao Lie, who was staring anxiously, seemed to be a little confused.

"Well, although it seems a bit whimsical, maybe I can build a new arm for you." Mo Xian nodded and said. Although he didn't move in the afternoon, he had all the details in his mind. changed.

"Great!" Xiao Lie suddenly became excited, to have an arm again was a great blessing for him.

"It's just that there are some problems." Mo Xian frowned and said.This is a second-rank forging design, which means that at least a second-rank blacksmith is required to successfully forge it, but he doesn't know if he has the level of a second-rank blacksmith.

"What's the question?" Xiao Lie's heart suddenly raised again.

Of course, Mo Xian would not admit that his skills were limited, and immediately said: "I want dozens of materials, and some of them are very rare. Moreover, I need a special furnace for blacksmiths, and my furnace was lost on the way."

(End of this chapter)

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